
Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition Tactics Recommended

author:88088 King

Taoyuan Team

Liu Bei: Temporary avoidance + trap

Guan Yu: Sheng Qi + Arsonal Rangers

Zhang Fei: Falling Phoenix + Sweep

Shu Gun Team

Zhuge Liang: Break + Cup Snake

Zhao Yun: Broken formation + lying salary

Zhang Fei: Sheng Qi + Sweep (Falling Phoenix)

Meat Gun Team

Liu Bei: Bai Yi + Eight Doors

Zhao Yun: Broken Formation + Lying Salary (Direction)

Ma Chao Shu gun

Ma Chao: Column + Sweep [s2 on the tiger]

The Strongest Five Tiger Guns:

Guan Yu: Falling Phoenix/Columnist/Sweep (Performed by Bai Meidu)

Zhang Fei: Sheng Qi + Euphorbia

Shu Bow Team

Huang Zhong: White horse + ten thousand arrows

Zhuge Liang's crossbow

Zhuge Liang: Defeat the enemy + break it

Fazheng: Four Sides + Shibetsu

Xu Shu: Wudang + Eight Doors

Shu State Janissaries (Shield)

Liu Bei: Sheng Qi + Trap

Zhang Fei: Breaking the line + sweeping

Huang Zhong: What you want + no shame

Shu Guo Zhi Ha! There are many variants, probably evolved from the above ideas,

【Wei Guo】


Ride the Tiger Wei Dun

Xu Huang: Qing Yong + riding a tiger

Cao Cao: Vine armor soldier + scraping bone

Dianwei: Charm + Sharp Arrow Array

Tiger Shield

Xu Chu: No humiliation + tyranny

Dianwei: Sharp Arrow Array + Charm

Cao Cao: Scraping bones + vine armor soldiers

Great Wei Ride

Cheng Yu: White eyebrow + cup snake

Cao Cao: Tiger and Leopard Riding + Temporary Avoidance (Eight Doors)

Xiahou Huan: Jedi/Wenwu + Thousand Miles/Lip Gun (B Technique: Provocation)

Little Wei rides

Guo Jia: Tiger and Leopard Riding + Temporary Avoidance (Eight Doors)

Remarks: Of course, there are also various Variants of the State of Wei, and the ideas are similar

【Wu Guo】


Beep Team

Zhou Yu: Break + Cup Snake / Falling Thunder / Sit Guard / Scrape Bone

Lu Xun: Burning Sky + Wind Suke / (Ji Strategy/ Shibetsu)

Lu Meng: Skyfall / Chance + White Horse / Wudang

Mutant Beep Team

Yellow Cover: Skyfall / Chance + White Horse / Wudang

Wu Bow Team

Sun Quan: Lying salary + one ride

Gan Ning: Avoidance + Ten Thousand Arrows/Qing Yong

Tai Shi Ci: Folding punch + bending bow / soldier none

Wu Bow variant

Cheng Pu/Huang Gai: Shou Er/Thousand Miles + White Horse/Charm


Demon Star Team

Yu Ji: Shibetsu + Cup Snake / Shen Sha / Four Sides / (s2 Shang Wu)

Zhang Jiao: Fuji Armor Soldier + Blade Array/Enemy

Zuo Ci: Scraping bone to cure poison + temporary avoidance

Lü Buqun bow

Lü Bu: Violent + one ride

Gongsun Zhan: Bing Feng + Folding Charge

Yuan Shao/Wen Ugly: Falling Phoenix + Riding a Tiger

Group Shield

Dong Zhuo: Divine Messenger + Jedi Strikes Back

Vulture Bone: Blade Formation + Enemy

Tian Feng: Cup snake + temporary avoidance

Swarm bows

Yuan Shao: Wenwu + Ten Thousand Arrows

Gongsun Zhan: Falling Phoenix/Bent Bow + Column Soldier

Zhu Juan: Break + Cup Snake (Fa Lose, or Tool Man)

Civilian Bird Bow

Yuan Shao: Tu Ji (Luo Feng) + Imperial Enemy

Zhang Ren: Bent bow + column

Zhu Juan: Sitting Guard/Wind Sound + Temporary Avoidance/Wind Help/Demon Magic

【Pop Team】


Hua (Guo) Shalu

Xiahou Yuan: Bing Feng + Folding Chong

Guo Jia/Hua Tuo: White Horse/Wudang + Scraping Bone

Touch the porcelain team

Xiahou Huan: Reckless/Ziyu + Posthumous

(1 Soldier) Guo Huai: Elder + Tiger and Leopard Riding (Li Dian: Imperial Enemy + Tiger and Leopard Riding)

(1 soldier) Guo Jia: Sheng Qi + temporarily avoid

Taishi Team

Li Ru: Eight doors + tiger and leopard riding

Huaxiong: Riding a tiger + fending

【Full Red and Purple Card Team】


Wu Yue Mengshi (Bow)

Han Dang: A tactic (instantaneous > prepares for one turn) > B tactics

Jiang Qin: Ibid

Pan Zhang/Xu Sheng: Ibid

Group guns

Zhang embroidery

Hu Che'er

Zhang Liang/Huang Pusong

A Tactic (Instantaneous > Prepare for One Turn) > B Tactics

There are many ideas, four stars over-play Spartan, or it is OK

—————— helpful to everyone, I hope you will top it

The above is purely a personal summary of the point of view, tried a lot of tactical points and resources, but also referred to a lot of big guy ideas, to help everyone on the top, do not spray

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