
History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

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History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

So, what kind of maps were left in Ancient China and the world?

What was "Tutu" in ancient China?

Historically, there have been many "national maps", and there have been different versions in different periods of the dynasties, of which three maps have the greatest impact: one is the "Map of Jiuding", which is the legendary first national map, and the concept of "Great China" was born; the second is the "Qin Map", which is the first national map in the true sense, and thus the territory of "Great China" began to take shape; the third is the "Ten Maps", which is the first national mapping map in Chinese history, and the territory of "Great China" has since become accurate...

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

The ancients have long begun to map mapping activities, one of the ancestors of Chinese humanities, The Yandi (that is, the legendary Shennong Clan) has surveyed and mapped the mountains and rivers in the territory, "the terrain of the beginning, the four seas, the mountains and rivers near and far, the mountains and rivers are hidden, 900,000 miles from east to west, and 830,000 miles from north to south." Another Ancestor of Chinese Humanities, the Yellow Emperor, also drew a map of the whole country, measured the whole country, and "made Baoding three elephants of heaven and earth people". The "Map of Jiuding" symbolizes Xia Yu's unification of Kyushu, and the concept of "Great China" was born, which is regarded as the earliest "national map" of China. According to the Huainanzi Topographical Training, "Yu Nai made Taizhang step from the east pole to the west pole, 233,500 miles and seventy-five steps; so that the vertical sea from the North Pole to the South Pole, 233,500 miles and seventy-five steps." It can be seen from this that Xia Yu used the "step measurement" method when surveying and mapping. Jiuding was the treasure of the Xia Dynasty, and it lasted for the Shang Zhou Dynasty until the qin and died. It is said that "Ding fell under Pengcheng in Surabaya" (Pengcheng is now Xuzhou, Jiangsu), Ding is gone, but the appended "Map of Jiuding" is still there, and the influence on the drawing of the national map of later Generations in China is very far-reaching, and all the dynasties and dynasties have not broken through the concept of "Kyushu" - "Map of Jiuding" is also known as "Mountain and Sea Map", and its text is the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" that still exists today. The cartography community believes that the Classic of Mountains and Seas should be an important result of scientific surveying and mapping of pre-Qin maps.

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, wars were frequent, and maps became an indispensable tool for military activities. The "Pipe • Map Chapter" not only incisively expounds the importance of maps, but also shows that the content of maps at that time and the representation methods of terrain and features have improved compared with the previous ones. At that time, in order to build cities, build water conservancy, dig canals, irrigation canals, etc., people began to study how to better "draw" drawings, which also promoted the development of measurement technology and mathematical methods, and "drawing" drawings began to be based on on on-the-ground measurement. The Zhou Yi Arithmetic Sutra records: "Whoever studies how to go with the ruler as the ruler for this map, takes the ruler as the inch, and divides the inch." Eight feet and one inch of the square are used for one thousand miles; now four feet and five minutes of the square are used, divided into two thousand miles", and the "Warring States Policy " Zhao Ce" records that "the subjects use the pattern of the world under the heavens and the earth, the land of the princes, five times more than Qin", indicating that the maps at that time not only clarified the law of proportional reduction, but also mainly used the silk (silk fabric) to make maps, forming an oriental feature of ancient Chinese maps.

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

The Warring States Policy • Yan Ce has an account of "poor figures and daggers", indicating that the map of the Qin Dynasty politically symbolized national territory and sovereignty. According to the "Records of History", Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, overthrew the Qin Dynasty, and Xiao He first entered Xianyang to "collect the books of the Qin Emperor Yushi Law Order". "Therefore, the king of Han knows the number of ersai in the world, the number of hukou, the strengths and weaknesses, and the people who are suffering, so how can they get Qin books." It can be seen that the Qin and Han dynasties attached great importance to the map and used it as a tool for rule. At this time, the variety of maps gradually increased, and according to their contents, there were various special maps similar to administrative division maps, military formation maps, and extraterritorial geographical maps. After Qin Shi Huang destroyed the Six Kingdoms and unified Kyushu, a "map of China" in the true sense appeared, and the territory of "GreatEr China" was formed from then on, which is the "Qin Map".

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

Before Qin Shi Huang unified the Six Kingdoms, the Qin State already had a higher level of mapping. In 1986, a set of Qin tomb maps were found in the archaeology of No. 1 Qin Tomb in Dangchuan Township, Tianshui North Province, Gansu Province, this set of maps totaled seven kinds, drawn on both sides of four wooden boards, collectively known as the "Fangmatan Qin Tomb Map", of which three topographic maps, depicting mountains, rivers, ditches, passes, roads, boundaries, etc., and marked with place names of various places; two administrative region maps, one map of property areas and one forest distribution map, the mileage between various places is marked, showing the higher level of map production of the Qin Kingdom. Therefore, after Qin Shi Huang unified China, he began to compile the "Map of Qin", but this map could not be preserved in the end. After Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, invaded the Qin capital Xianyang, it is said that this "Qin Map", as well as Qin laws and books, were taken away by Xiao He. At that time, in order to collect the "Map of Qin" and a batch of Qin archival documents, Xiao He specially built an "archive", which is called "Shiqu Pavilion" in history. It is reasonable to say that such a precious map archive should be very safe to place in such a place, but when the Western Han Dynasty fell, it was destroyed by the new dynasty established by Wang Mang. However, the speculation of modern academic circles has brought a glimmer of hope to the existence of the "Qin Map", according to the "History of Qin Shi Huang Benji", Qin Shi Huang is most likely buried with the "Qin Map" after his death. Qin Shi Huang built a mausoleum "through three springs, under copper and to the rafters ... With mercury as a hundred rivers and seas, organic instilling, upper astronomy, lower geography", "upper astronomy, lower geography", thus speculating that the burial items in the tomb of Qin Shi Huang may have a map model of Qin territory, of course, the current tomb of Qin Shi Huang has not been excavated, and the mystery will be left to the future. However, it can be said that the "Qin Map" had a great influence on the drawing of the national map in later generations, and the territory of China in the Han Dynasty and subsequent dynasties was changed on the territory of the "Qin Map". The national map of the Western Han Dynasty was called "Map of Public Opinion", when Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, on the basis of the territory of the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Wudi of han opened up the three directions of southwest, northwest and northeast, opened up the "Hexi Corridor", with the "Silk Road", the western boundary reached Lake Balkhash, and it is estimated that the territory of China at this time exceeded 10 million square kilometers for the first time.

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

In December 1973, an ancient map excavated from the No. 3 Han Tomb in Mawangdui, Changsha, Hunan Province (the oldest surviving map work in China) reflects the glorious achievements of Chinese cartography 2100 years ago. These maps do not indicate the name, scale and legend, two of which are called topographic maps, garrison maps, topographic maps are 96 cm long and wide, mountains, rivers, roads, settlements are all used in a unified legend, mountain ranges use horizontal mountain lines and additional halo lines to indicate the extent and direction of the mountain, such as the famous Jiuling Mountain also added fish scale-like cliff symbols. The upper reaches of the river are thick and the lower reaches are thin, curved naturally, vividly and accurately depicting the contours of the water system composed of more than 30 tributaries, of which 9 are named. There are more than 80 settlements in the figure, and the symbols are divided into two levels: 8 at the county level are represented by boxes, and 74 at the township level are represented by circles, and the names are noted in the box; more than 20 roads are represented by solid lines, distinguishing between solid lines and dotted lines; the water system in the central part of the topographic map and the geographical location of the county-level residential areas are similar to the outline of the modern 1:170,000 scale topographic map; in addition to the general rivers, mountains, roads and settlements as the geographical base map, the red, black square box or triangle symbol is used to highlight the layout of the garrison. It reflects the level of craftsmanship of Chinese color ink painting maps at that time. The map of the Western Han Dynasty unearthed by Mawangdui is a rare discovery in the history of world maps, and in connection with the Qin Dynasty, the opening of the early Han Dynasty, the addition of counties, and the grand scale of many projects, the rendering of such a beautiful map is in line with the social background and historical conditions of the time.

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

During the Western Jin Dynasty of China, cartographers proposed the "Six Bodies of Cartography", which greatly improved the accuracy of the map, and compiled the "Yugong Area Map" and the "Topographic Abbot Map". The former has the nature of a map of historical evolution, while the latter is an experimental sample of the plot, that is, the full map of China with eighty horses is reduced to an abbot's wall chart. In the Tang Dynasty, this situation changed---- the publication of the first national mapping map in Chinese history, "Ten Dao Map", which became the beginning of the national basic map mapping of Chinese maps, which was the first in the world at that time, marking the beginning of the "Greater China" territory towards precision. On the map, China's territory exceeded 12 million square kilometers for the first time. The Tang Dynasty stipulated that every five years, a map must be submitted to the staff, and then the national "Ten Dao Map" must be compiled, and the so-called "Ten Dao" is the natural boundary. In the first year of Emperor Taizong's reign, the whole country was divided into ten major regions, and after Tang Xuanzong came to power, it increased to fifteen provinces. The Ten Maps, drawn in this context, are drawn and compiled according to the maps submitted by the states on a regular basis, and serve as the basis for the central government to implement various decrees. There are three versions of the Ten Maps, all of which are multi-volume. According to the New Tang Dynasty Yiwen Zhi, there are thirteen volumes of "Ten DaoTu of the Four Years of Chang'an", ten volumes of "Ten DaoTu of the Three Years of Kaiyuan", and li Jifu's ten-volume "Ten DaoTu". The first two versions of the Ten Maps generally include mountains and rivers, hukou, taxes, administrative boundaries, the total number of prefectures and counties, the number of civil and military officials, salaries, and the territories of various states and counties, but they have been lost, and even the painters cannot check it. In the Tang and Song dynasties, maps were widely used in all aspects of land and administrative management, diplomacy and military activities, and the official "drawing" of maps was very popular, but most of them were copied and did not have much scientific achievements. However, the Tang Dynasty's "Guanzhong Longyou and Shannan Kyushu Map" created a unique style, setting a precedent for the frontier dangerous map. The "drawing" figure uses the traditional technique of Zhu and Mo drawing to indicate the historical evolution of the map content. Another masterpiece, "Huayi Tu of Hai Nei", has been transmitted for 500 years, and although the original map of Guang Sanzhang and Three Zhangzhang and Three Feet in Length has not been handed down, there are still preserved in the Forest of Steles in Xi'an that there are still Yu traces of the Shangshi in 1136 and the stone carvings of the "Huayi Tu", and the inscription on the stele is engraved with the words "Contained in the Tang Jia Wei Gong Tu, all hundreds of countries, now taken from its authors", it can be seen that the "Hua Yi Tu" originated from Jia Tu. These two stone carved maps of the Forest of Steles in Xi'an are not only preserved maps that reflect Pei Xiu's plans since the beginning, but also reflect that the Song Dynasty has been able to accurately map and map the Yangtze River and the Yellow River water system, and has a rich geographical knowledge of the frontier neighbors; and the two maps are carved on the front and back sides of the same stone block, upside down and upside down, and can be used for rubbing. Later, excellent map works continued to emerge, such as the Song Dynasty's Tax Anli compiled the "Geographical Finger Palm Map"; the Yuan Dynasty's 10-year travel and research compiled the "Map of You" with a length and width of seven feet, which became a model for the maps of the Ming and Qing Dynasties; the Ming Dynasty added and adapted the "Painting" based on the "Map of You" into the "Map of Guangyu", which was supplemented and printed seven times from 1541 to 1579, and reprinted once in 1799, and most of the maps from Ming Jiajing to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty were related to the "Map of Guangyu", the famous Chen Zushou's "Map of Guangyu". The "Map of the Xianhuang Dynasty" and Gu Zuyu's "Minutes of Reading the History of Fang Public Opinion" were compiled on the basis of the "Guangyu Map"; the level of traditional Chinese surveying and mapping in the Ming Dynasty reached its peak, and the "Guangyu Map" drawn by Ming Luohongxian pushed the traditional level of Chinese map drawing to a new realm, and the original "Great Map of China" drawn by the Ming Dynasty is still well preserved.

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

In the late Ming Dynasty, Western surveying and mapping technology began to be introduced to China. The "Map of Greater China" drawn during the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty ---- the "Imperial Public Opinion Overview Map" used latitude and longitude and triangulation to "draw" the map, which is the best and most accurate map of the whole country in China's history, on which China's territory exceeds 13 million square kilometers.

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

What was the "Tutu" in ancient times of the world?

Although human beings have a very early understanding of the earth, the world is centered on China (the East) and the Mediterranean Sea (the West) to "draw" pictures. In 1524, the world map of Europe did not yet have the Pacific and East Asian countries, and in the world map before the Song Dynasty, Most of China was desert, and the outline of the global sea and land on the world map was mainly formed after the discovery of maritime geography and the cultural exchange between the East and the West. The spread of the ancient Chinese compass, gunpowder and printing in Europe, coupled with the invention of telescopes and latitude and longitude surveys in Europe, promoted the "Renaissance" and nautical exploration in Europe, and promoted the mapping of European topographic maps and the printing of nautical charts. At the same time, Chinese navigators have also traveled far and wide, reaching Countries in South Asia, East Africa, and even North America. Between 1405 and 1431, Zheng He sailed seven times in the South And Indian Oceans, as far as the Arab Red Sea and Somalia, leaving a famous navigation map, "Zibao Shipyard Sailing from Longjiang Pass to foreign countries", which records more than 500 place names passed by Zheng He's last voyage, which is still preserved in the "Wu bi zhi" compiled by Mao Yuanyi.

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

At the end of the 13th century, the Italian Marco Polo introduced China and Asia to Europe in the form of a travelogue, and the Catalan Chart published in 1375 reflected his material. In the 15th century, V.daGama made a detour through Africa to India, and C. Colombo sailed around the Atlantic Ocean to find the "New World" of the Americas. In 1582, the Italian missionary M. Ricci came to China with the wave of Western colonization, he went to Macau less than a year ago in Latin and Spanish to write the article "Wonders of the Chinese Kingdom", attached a map of China and sent it back to Europe, and then measured some latitude and longitude in China, after 1600, due to the support and cooperation of Scholars such as Li Zhizao and Xu Guangqi, Matteo Ricci compiled the world map of the West and the East into the "Kunyu Wanguo Map", which was compiled and printed 12 times in China from 1584 to 1608. "Kunyu Wanguo Quantu" introduced the newly discovered regional concepts such as oceans and continents at that time, as well as geographical translations of the Mediterranean, Rome, Cuba, Canada and other geographical translations to Chinese readers, and also applied the terms antarctic, Arctic, equator and other terms used on Zhang Heng's armillary sphere to maps, and Matteo Ricci played a good role in promoting the exchange of knowledge of the map of the Eastern and Western worlds.

History 100 Questions (47) "Painting" The Map shows you - how the ancients "painted" the map (4)

In order to "draw" the ancient map, people have designed nearly a hundred kinds of map projections for the whole map of the world, of which the Mercator projection has fundamentally changed the face of the world map, because it adapts to the needs of navigation, and is the most widely used. At the end of the 19th century, the international one-millionth of the world map adopted the scheme of dividing by longitude and latitude, and thus established a unified projection and tile system for world maps and regional topographic maps. Since then, the level of "drawing" pictures by the ancients has been raised to a new level.