
He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

author:Fly together in history
He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

General Qian Jun

Qian Jun was born in 1905 to a very poor peasant family in Guangshan County, Henan Province. Qian Jun's family was too poor, and When Qian Jun was only 5 years old, he became a cow herder, suffered from the exploitation and oppression of the landlords, did not have enough to eat, clothing and warmth, and lived a miserable life.

Once, when Xiao Qianjun was herding cattle, a neighbor told him that there was an accident at home, and he rushed home to learn that his sister was used as a child for the mother-in-law and was thrown into the river and drowned. Knowing that the little sister was drowned alive, Xiao Qianjun was furious and rushed to the crown, and he grabbed an axe and rushed to the temple of the sending lady to cut the statue of the sending lady into a mess.

Xiao Qianjun was in a big disaster, and his behavior annoyed the villagers, and they surrounded Qian Jun's family in an airtight area, asking Qian Jun's father to rebuild the statue of the lady who sent the son. The family was destitute, and Qian Jun's father had to scrape together the money to build a portrait of his son and mother in order to save the people, which made the already extremely difficult family even worse.

Seeing this, Qian Jun had to leave home to learn the craft of making a living, and after a few years, Qian Jun learned to paint paint, strike iron, nail palms, mule horses and other crafts. Qian Jun has always been obsessed with the death of his little sister, and he longs to learn a kung fu to avenge her, and then clean up all the landlords in the world so that the poor will no longer be bullied. I heard that there was a Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Henan, and the monks in it were all highly skilled, so Qian Jun, who was 13 years old at the time, came to the Shaolin Temple to learn kung fu as a miscellaneous servant.

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

Shaolin Temple

Winter practice sanjiu, summer practice sanfu, Qian Jun can bear hardships, in the Shaolin Temple as a miscellaneous service in addition to practicing kung fu day and night, this practice is 5 years. Kung Fu pays off, 5 years of hard training has allowed Qian Jun to practice a kung fu: a high wall can jump over, a large stone can be smashed into a thin mess with one punch, and 50 ordinary people can't get close to his body at all... After completing his studies, Qian Jun left the Shaolin Temple and returned to his hometown, where he became the pillar of the family, took up the burden of life, and rushed for the livelihood of the family.

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

In 1926, at the age of 21, Qian Jun joined the Communist Party of China and formally embarked on the revolutionary road, gradually realizing his old dream of cleaning up the landlords and keeping the poor from being bullied. He led the peasant self-defense army to launch a rebellion in the Guangshan Yin district and collected many landlords who had committed the most heinous crimes. Soon after, the guerrilla group he led was incorporated into the 31st Division of the 11th Army of the Red 4th Front, and Qian Jun was appointed as the captain of the pistol team in the Eyu-Anhui Special Administrative Region.

Qian Jun's ability is very outstanding, and he has done a big thing within a few months of becoming the captain of the pistol team. On April 16, 1930, Qian Jun was eating breakfast when he suddenly heard a deafening roar, so he put down his rice bowl and called the pistol team members to run out to see what happened. Seeing a fighter plane swinging and landing on a grassy beach, a pilot emerged from it, and Qian Jun ordered him to be captured alive and protected the plane. After some interrogation, it was learned that the pilot's name was Long Wenguang, a Kuomintang pilot, who was forced to descend here due to the foggy weather and the exhaustion of the fighter's fuel.

Soon the enemy knew the news, ordered people to blow up the plane, Qian Jun was not so easy to deal with, he led the pistol team to fight with the enemy to repel the enemy's attack, successfully saved the plane. This plane is the first aircraft captured in the history of our army, named "Lenin", it is the "great hero" of our army, made great contributions to the victory of our army in the revolution, and now it is displayed in the China Aviation Museum.

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

The J-20 and Lenin are in the same frame

In 1933, Qian Jun led a pistol team to raid the old lair of the landlord's armed Red Gun Society, which was vulnerable and scattered, and they climbed the wall in a vain attempt to escape. Qian Jun, who was hiding in the pond outside the wall, had long been prepared, he jumped on the wall to wait for work, the enemy climbed up one, he grabbed one and threw one outside, threw a dozen in one breath, some screamed on the spot, and some were thrown into the pond and struggled. Under the leadership of Qian Jun, the pistol team solved the landlord's armed forces in less than an hour.

Qian Jun made frequent meritorious contributions and rose in higher positions, successively serving as instructor, company commander, deputy battalion commander, battalion commander, political commissar, regimental commander, division chief of staff, and chief of reconnaissance section. Qian Jun experienced the most difficult years of our army, participated in the anti-encirclement and suppression and counter-siege operations in the Eyu-Anhui and Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet regions, and participated in the arduous 25,000-mile long march. During the Long March, he served as the commander of the cavalry regiment of the Red Fourth Front, led his troops through the large meadow three times, and was infected with heavy wind and cold while turning over the snowy mountains, and his life was almost killed by the disease.

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

There was another more legendary time, when Qian Jun was the political commissar of the 33rd Regiment of the Red Fourth Front, in a battle the bullet passed through his left abdomen, the blood flowed, Qian Jun passed out, he was unconscious for a day and a night, even the pulse could not be felt, the comrades-in-arms could not feel that he had breathing, they all thought he was sacrificed, so they planned to let him be buried, and put him in a coffin without a coffin in the evening. The next morning people heard a faint sound in the coffin, and when they opened the door panel that used it as the coffin lid, they were surprised to find Qian Jun blinking, so they carried him out of the coffin. In this way, Qian Jun escaped from death, and soon recovered as before.

Qian Jun has a strong physique and strong willpower beyond ordinary people, on the battlefield he is not afraid of death, he is a pioneer, in the rain of bullets and bullets, he fought bloodily, dozens of wounds, 15 times, only the chest and abdomen of the gun hole has as many as 11, is one of the few senior generals in our army first-class Class A cripple. The old hero has a lot of achievements and scars, and every time he is shot and injured, he can return to the battlefield to kill the enemy, which is admirable!

In August 1938, when Qian Jun was the commander of the second regiment of the fourth detachment of the Shandong Column, in the battle to defend the provincial party committee organs in Tengxian County, in order to be able to regain two radios, Qian Jun led a company into the enemy position to kill the four sides, Qian Jun took the lead, he took a big knife in his hand and slashed left and right, under his infection, the soldiers saw death as if they were killing red eyes, the enemy fell one by one, was frightened, and finally our army successfully snatched back the radio. Qian Jun's entry into the enemy's position was like entering a no-man's land, just like Changshan Zhao Zilong was reincarnated, and the true gods were also!

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

Bright Sword monk

In 1939, Qian Jun once again achieved great results, annihilating more than 170 invading enemies at Linqu Wujing, and fiercely attacking the arrogance of the Japanese Kou, this battle was hailed as "the most exemplary victorious battle in the two years of shandong's War of Resistance", and Qian Jun's contribution was indispensable!

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

From the left in the back row: Qian Jun, chief of staff of the First Brigade, Wu Ruilin, commander of the Second Regiment, and Wang Fang, chief of the security section

During the Liberation War, Qian Jun participated in the battles of Weixian County, Laiwu, Jinan, and Huaihai, and made outstanding military achievements. After the founding of New China, Qian Jun served as the commander of the Jiaodong Military Region. In 1955, Qian Jun was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and Chairman Mao once jokingly called Xu Shiyou and Qian Jun "improper monks to be generals."

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

General Qian Jun and his wife

Qian Jun bravely killed the enemy on the battlefield, but in his daily life he was very humble, he never boasted about how good his kung fu was, when people asked him and Xu Shiyou who was better in kung fu, he smiled and replied that he was not as good as General Xu Shiyou, he entered the Shaolin Temple late, he was Xu Shiyou's disciple, how could the master and brother be better than the master brother?

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

Left Xu Shiyou, right Qian Jun

Lieutenant General Qian Jun has a body of kung fu, especially the iron sand palm is like thunder, 20 cm thick stone can be broken with a palm, at the age of 61, Qian Jun single-handedly lifted up his old comrade-in-arms Tao Yong, and after retirement, Qian Jun wrote a book of "Cinnabar Palm Exercises" to summarize the kung fu he learned into this book.

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

In 1990, the old general Qian Jun died of illness at the age of 85, and his life was the life of Rong Ma and the life of outstanding military achievements, and posterity has a poem praising: "Rong Ma has been a model for his life, selflessly dedicated to the world's admiration." ”

He was a legendary founding general and a first-class class A cripple with 11 gun holes on his chest and abdomen

In the middle is Qian Jun