
The new journey should always keep in mind that "playing iron must be hard by itself"

author:China Industry Network

Source: Theory Network

Original title: The new journey should always keep in mind that "striking iron must be hard by itself"

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his important speech at the meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China: On the new journey, we must bear in mind the truth that iron must be its own, enhance the political consciousness that the comprehensive and strict management of the party is always on the road, take the party's political construction as the command, continue to promote the new great project of party building in the new era, continuously tighten the party's organizational system, focus on building a high-quality cadre team with both political integrity and ability, and unswervingly promote the construction of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle. Resolutely eliminate all factors that undermine the party's advanced nature and purity, eliminate all viruses that erode the healthy body of the party, ensure that the party does not change its quality, color, and taste, and ensure that the party will always become a strong core of leadership in the historical process of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era! ”

Looking back at the party's glorious history of the past hundred years, the reason why we have won one great victory after another in revolutionary war, state building, and reform and development, and the reason why we have achieved great achievements that have attracted the attention of the world and made other countries envious, is because our party has unswervingly kept in mind the truth that "to strike iron, we must be tough ourselves," have always persisted in maintaining our advanced nature from strengthening party building, ensured the health of the "body" from the "sharp sword" of high morale and anti-corruption, and drawn indestructible forward momentum from the great national spirit. These precious ideological, theoretical, and spiritual wealth are not only the "magic weapon" for us to overcome all difficulties and obstacles in the past hundred years, but also the "scientific guide" for us to go to the new centennial journey, and it is also a "powerful weapon" for us to build a "not bad body of King Kong".

Keeping firmly in mind that "to strike iron, we must be hard ourselves," and we must always persist in always maintaining our advanced nature from strengthening party building. The advanced nature of the Party stems from its political firmness, organizational solidity, and the ideological purity of the contingent of Party members. The century-old party has endured ups and downs, has not changed its original intention, and is still prosperous, and it is precisely because our party has continuously strengthened ideological and political education. Whether it is the rectification movement in the Yan'an period, the "three stresses" education in the new period, the education on maintaining the advanced nature of Communist Party members, or the education on the mass line, the "three strict and three realistic" special education, the "two studies and one doing" study education, the education on the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping firmly in mind the mission," the party history study education, and the "four histories" propaganda and education carried out since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, they all regard the building of a solid foundation for the work of party organizations, the enhancement of the ideological consciousness of the contingent of party members, and the improvement of the level of service to the people as the starting point and the end point, with the great improvement of ideology. The great change in work style and the great improvement in service have enabled the world's largest party to always shine with a dazzling and dazzling light, and has always maintained the original essence of serving the people wholeheartedly. On the journey of the new century, no matter how far we go and when we develop, we must unswervingly and comprehensively strengthen the building of the party's advanced nature and purity, persistently grasp the ideological education, quality training, and ability improvement of party members and cadres, ensure that the CPC will always become a strong leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, ensure that more than 95 million party members will always become the "backbone" and "leader" who will lead hundreds of millions of Chinese people to build a socialist modern power, and ensure that the world's largest ruling party will always be solidified. Energetic and vibrant.

Keeping in mind that "striking iron must be hard by itself", we must always insist on ensuring the health of the "body" from the "sword" of anti-corruption. At the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong pointed out that the Chinese revolution is about to usher in a comprehensive victory, and in the face of victory, there may be undesirable emotions such as pride, pause, and greed for pleasure in the party. Subsequently, in the "three antis" campaign, which mainly focused on anti-corruption, anti-waste, and anti-bureaucracy, the cases of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan, which were investigated and handled, were severely punished, which wrote a strong and colorful stroke in the history of anti-corruption and clean government in New China. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, proceeding from the overall situation of the development of the cause of the Party and the country, has held high the "sharp sword" of anti-corruption, persisted in combining prevention with punishment, persisted in combining "fighting tigers" with "swatting flies", unswervingly opposed the "four winds" to punish corruption, investigated and handled one major and important case after another, investigated and dealt with a large number of corrupt elements, formed a good atmosphere of clean cadres, clean government, and clear politics within the party, promoted the practical innovation of political ecological construction, and created a "green water and green mountain" of political ecology. In exchange for "Haiyan River clear, Lang Lang Qiankun". On the journey of the new century, we must unswervingly hold high the "sharp sword" of anti-corruption, wave the "iron fist" of punishment without being soft, and unswervingly promote the building of a sound party style and a clean and honest government and the anti-corruption struggle with an attitude of "zero tolerance" and "seamless gaps." Only by unremittingly "checking the foci of the disease" and "removing the root cause of the disease" can we make the "body" of the party always healthy, can the ruling position of the CPC never waver, and can we make the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics advance forever!

Keeping in mind that "striking iron must be hard by itself," we must always persist in drawing indestructible forward momentum from the great national spirit. Looking back on the past hundred years, the waves are magnificent, that is, a history of bloody battles in the mighty mountains and rivers, a history of passionate national construction, and a history of reform and opening up with each passing day. In the course of great history, the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, the spirit of Jinggangshan, the spirit of the Long March, the spirit of Nanniwan, the spirit of Yan'an, the spirit of the War of Resistance, and the spirit of Xibaipo in the revolutionary period have been formed; the spirit of beidahuang, the spirit of Hongqiqu, the spirit of Daqing, the spirit of Lei Feng, and the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite" in the period of socialist construction; the spirit of flood resistance, the spirit of earthquake relief, the spirit of special zones, the spirit of the Olympics, the spirit of manned space flight, the spirit of fighting the epidemic, the spirit of poverty alleviation, and the spirit of great party building in the new period of reform and opening up. Lasting and renewed, whether in the past, present or future, it is the "source of thought" and "forward engine" of our country, nation and people's cohesion, cohesion and soul casting. If people do not have spirit, they will not stand, and if the country does not have spirit, it will not be strong. Only when we can stand firm and steady spiritually can a nation stand firm in the torrent of history and stand at the head of the tide. Over the past hundred years, it is precisely because of the guidance, encouragement, and encouragement of the great national spirit that we have always stubbornly struggled in the face of danger, persevered in the face of difficulties, bravely forged ahead in the face of adverse currents, and were not afraid of shattering our bones and bones, and Taishan did not bend down at the top of the mountain, and did not bow our heads in the terrifying waves, and we have won one great victory after another in the development of the revolutionary war, national construction, and the development of the cause in the new era. Facts have eloquently proved that as long as the spirit is immortal and the monument will always remain, the wise and correct Communist Party of China will certainly be able to lead the people of all nationalities throughout the country to chop the waves and forge ahead, the heroic and tenacious Chinese people will certainly be able to overcome all difficulties and obstacles on the road ahead, "demons, ghosts, and ghosts," and the bright prospects for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will certainly be just around the corner and the dawn will surely be ahead. Today, we are at a new starting point in the second centenary journey, where the challenges we face will remain unprecedented and the storms we face will remain unprecedented. In the face of the great changes in the world that have not occurred in a hundred years, we must take the historical responsibility of "the rise and fall of the world, the responsibility of the people" and "the success of the achievements must have me", with rock-solid confidence, the momentum of only seizing the day, the courage to overcome the "roadblocks", "Loushan Pass", and "Lazikou" on the road ahead, and in order to create a more prosperous tomorrow for the motherland and a happier tomorrow for the people, we must base ourselves on our own posts, do solid work, create good results, and make new contributions.

(Author: Dong Wancheng, member of the Party Group of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Shouguang City, Shandong Province, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the organ)

Editor-in-Charge: Wang Su