
Kim Kardashian West looked elegant in her debut

author:Laity only says you don't know

Hello everyone A woman in pink jumpsuits stands on stage and Kim Kardashian hosts "Saturday Night Live." Reality TV star and beauty mogul Kardashian West debuted this weekend on the highly anticipated "Saturday Night Live" — she brought in many celebrity friends, including music guest Halsey.

Kim Kardashian West looked elegant in her debut

In addition to mandatory cameos by other members of the Kardashian-Jenna Empire, the episode includes surprise appearances by some major TV stars, comedians, and professional athletes. The "SNL" writing team apparently didn't flinch in digging up material on Kardashian West's dramatic life and career, from the recent divorce of an alumnus of "Walking with the Kardashian Sisters" from rapper Kanye West to sex tapes that made her famous in one fell swoop. Public sight.

Kim Kardashian West looked elegant in her debut

"I know, and I'm surprised to see me here," the billionaire influencer quipped at the beginning of the opening monologue.

"When they asked me, I thought, 'Do you want me to host?' Why? I haven't had a movie premiere in a long time. I mean, actually, I only had one movie show and no one told me it was even premiered," "It must have been forgotten by my mom." ”

According to NBC, this is a sample of the highlights of the episode, which has received higher ratings than the others except for one of the last six TV shows of the previous season.

Monologue mocks the other Kardashian sisters, Kanye West... and O.J. Simpson

With the help of the series's Team of Emmy-nominated screenwriters, Kardashian West was unwavering in her opening monologue, which filmed her world-famous other family, including West, who divorced earlier this year.

Kim Kardashian West looked elegant in her debut

Kardashian West proudly declared that the cheers and cheers of the audience came and went. "I married the best rapper of all time," and "not only that: he was the richest black man in America, a brilliant genius who gave me four amazing children. So when I divorced him, you had to know that it boiled down to one thing: his personality. In true "SNL" fashion, the sketch comedy show didn't miss ridiculing former NFL star O.J. Kardashian West's defense attorney father, who represented Simpson in the 1995 conspiracy trial.

Kim Kardashian West looked elegant in her debut

Kardashian West said: "My father was and still has such an impact and inspiration on me, and I believe he has allowed me to truly broaden my perception of racial injustice. ”

"It was because of him that I met my first black man. Want to stab anyone in the dark? I know it's a little strange to remember the first negro you met, but O.J. did leave a mark — either a few, or none at all. I still don't know. ”

Kardashian West also managed to squeeze in her exactly-looking siblings ("I have a lot more reference photos than my sisters showed them plastic surgeons") and her mother's predecessor, Caitlyn Jenner, who lost to California Gov. Gavin Newsom in last month's recall election. She joked. "I know we have differences as a nation, but I want America to unite, which is why I'm here to announce that I'm running for ... I'm just kidding, "I'm not running for president. We cannot have three failed politicians in one family. ”

Kim Kardashian West looked elegant in her debut

Played by Kardashian West as a single woman looking for love, the sketch's many suitors lineup includes the real "Bachelorette" Mass Namelon, "SNL" legend Chris Locke, NBA heavyweight Blake Griffin, "Gossip Girl" alumnus Chase Crawford, "Grey's Anatomy" actor Jesse Williams, professional wrestler-turned-movie star John Senna, comedian Amy Schumer... and the ordinary Joe Zecker (played by current "SNL" actor Kyle Mooney). Kardashian West said. "Wow, in front of me is the best person I've ever seen in my life,"

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