
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

author:Midnight Gallery
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

Chris Evans was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of a dentist and a dancer mother. Like many stars, Chris Evans' acting career began with school plays and community theaters, but his rapid rise to fame was somewhat unusual.

  Born in Boston in June 1981, Chris moved with his family to suburban Sudbury at the age of 11, where his talent was encouraged by his drama teachers when he attended Lincoln-Sudbury Area High School. With experience in school plays and regional theater performances, he moved to New York to attend the Lee Strasberg School of Drama. At the suggestion of a friend, he interned at a casting company and made friends with several agents, and soon he began to audition for film and television dramas.

  In 2000, Chris debuted on the screen in the CBS drama series "Outlaw", and then appeared in episodes such as "The Virgin Killer", "The Newcomers" and "College Storm"; in 2001, he starred in his screen debut "Inappropriate for Children", followed by the youth comedy "Super Perfect Score", which continued the first hilarious plot. Chris then ushered in a breakthrough in his acting career, starring in the thriller "A Ray of Life", which, despite his natural and unpretentious performances, did not achieve box office success or win praise from most critics; the 20th Century Fox's "Fantastic Four" was equally disappointing, but Chris's unrestrained performance almost stole the limelight of other stars. In 2007, he again played Thunderbolt Fire in the sequel Fantastic Four: Silver Devil Appears, and as an engineer in Danny Ball's sci-fi film Countdown to the Sun.

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

Robert Downey Jr. is an American actor. At the age of 7 he played a role in his father's film Greaser's Palace, at the age of 8 his father handed him his first cannabis cigarette, and at the age of 10 his family lived in London, where he attended Chelsea's famous Perry House School to study classical ballet. From 1976 onwards, he attended three Stagedoor Manor Performance Summer Camps, learning acting, dancing, vocal music, etc., and throughout his teenage years, he and his family members abused marijuana and cocaine.

  In 1977, his parents divorced, and he lived with his mother in New York, while his sister lived in California with his father. In 1981, he traveled to Los Angeles to reunite with his father, continued his studies at Santa Monica High School and joined the high school drama troupe, learning tap dancing for the role of Oklahoma in the musical.

  In 1982, after attaching harsh conditions to him, his father agreed to his request to drop out of school, and he was able to drop out of school before graduating from high school, and went to New York to join his sister to develop an acting career, to support himself, working as a restaurant waiter, shoe store employee and live art performer, while performing plays in theaters, and was eventually discovered by scouts and brought back to Hollywood in Los Angeles to seek development. In 1984, during the filming of the film Firstborn, he fell in love with Sarah Jessica Parker and began a 7-year relationship. In 1985, he became close friends with Anthony Michael Hall during the filming of the movie Weird Science, and with his help participated in Saturday Night Live for a year.

  In 1986, he made his first leading role in the film "The Pick-Up Artist"; in 1987, he became famous for his outstanding role as julian Wells, an addict in the movie "Less than Zero", which won the attention of film critics.

  In 1991, he broke up with Sarah Jessica Parker and defeated famous filmmakers Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams and Billy Christo to get the role of Chaplin. In 1992, just 42 days after dating, he married model, actor, and singer Deborah Falconer.

  In 1993, he received his first Oscar nomination, and his son Indio was born on September 7 of the same year. Since 1996, due to the beginning of the use of strong drugs, the East Window Incident, formal separation from his wife, because of drug possession, speeding under the influence of drugs to break into people's houses, illegally carrying gun, many times arrested and tried in court, the court forced to rehabilitate and sentenced to probation. However, due to repeated violations of the probation bail regulations (i.e. repeated evasion of poison and urine tests), he was finally imprisoned twice to serve a total of 16 months. During this period, on January 23, 1998, he was involved in a fight with other prisoners, suffered facial injuries, and was released from prison for treatment. From 1999 to August 2000, he served his sentence at the State Penitentiary in Corkland, California. In November 2000, after serving his second sentence and being released from prison, he was arrested and ordered to rehabilitate himself twice during his participation in the American drama "Ally Mcbeal". From 2000 to 2003, he participated in the court-designated drug rehabilitation treatment program, which was finally successfully rehabilitated in 2003.

  In 2000, he participated in the American drama Ally Mcbeal, and after 10 episodes, he achieved great success, driving the ratings of the show to a sharp increase, and won the Golden Globe Award for his role in the play. In 2001, he renewed the 8-episode "Ally Mcbeal", which included his original song "Snakes" in the soundtrack, the first time he disclosed his music to the public.

In April 2003, while filming the film Gothika in Canada, he became acquainted with the film producer Susan Levin. On November 6, 2003, a minute before Susan's 30th birthday, he explained why he proposed in this way, saying: I figured I kind of wanted to get her while she was still in her 20s.

  On November 23, 2004, he signed a contract with Sony to release his debut music album "The Futurist", occupying the first place in the sales of new artist albums on the North American Billboard charts. He was formally divorced from Deborah Falconer that same year. On August 27, 2005, he married Susan Levin at Amagantet on Long Island, New York, and officially consummated his marriage. Wedding guests include Keanu Reeves, Sting and Billy Joel. Billy Joel sang "Just the way you are" for the newlyweds.

  In September 2006, he won the most important role of his career, "Iron Man", and in 2008, the film "Iron Man" was a big hit, returning to the peak of his career, and in the same year, he was nominated for major awards for his perfect performance in the film Tropical Thunder. On December 7, 2009, he left his footnote and signature outside grauman's Chinese Theater. On Christmas Day of the same year, the starring film "Sherlock Holmes" was released, setting a new record for the Christmas premiere box office. In February 2010, he and his wife, Susan Levin Downey, formed a personal production company, Team Downey.

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

In 2004, Chris auditioned for the character Robbie Hunter in Gathering and Discord but failed, but he was unexpectedly given the opportunity to play Kim Hyde in the same series. He then moved to Sydney and joined the crew. Chris also participated in The Dancing with the Stars, a star reality show on Australia's Seven television station. He left the crew of "Gathering and Dispersing" on July 3, 2007.

  In 2008, Chris starred in the small-budget thriller Cash! As the male number two, and then in the 2009 sci-fi blockbuster "Star Trek" as the male protagonist Kirk's father George, now Chris's new film starring Mira Jovovich and Timothy Olivet starring in the thriller "A Perfect Escape", Chris also has a younger brother Liam Hemsworth, an older brother Luke Hemsworth.

  In Thor, Chris Hemsworth plays Thor as the male lead, while Natalie Portman plays Thor's lover.

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

Benedict Cumberbatch (born 19 July 1976 in London, England) is a British actor and producer. In 2000, Benedict starred in the TV series "Heartbeat" and began his acting career. In 2004, he played Stephen Hawking in the TV film Hawking's Tale, which won the Best Actor Award at the Monte Carlo International Television Festival and was nominated for best actor at the BRITISH Academy of Film and Television Arts Television Awards. In 2010, he began to appear in the TV series "Sherlock", for the series, won the Emmy Award, the Golden Satellite Award and other best actor awards, and was nominated for the Golden Globe Award and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Television Award for Best Actor twice. In 2011, he won the Olivier Award for Best Actor for his stage play The Spirit and Flesh of Frankenstein and began dubbing and motion capture for the Hobbit series. In 2012, he starred in the movie "Star Trek: Dark And Far Away" and the TV series "The End of the Queue". In 2013, he participated in the film "Twelve Years of Slavery", which won the Academy Award for Best Picture; he also set up a production company to produce the first short film "The Hand up"; in the same year, Benedict won the British Academy of Film and Television Arts British Artist of the Year Award, and became the cover of the October issue of Time Magazine's international edition. In 2014, Benedict starred in the film "Imitation Game" and the voice-overs of "Penguins of Madagascar" and "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" were released in North America at the end of the year. In addition, he was named to Time Magazine's annual "World's Most Influential People" list, ranking first in the artist category.

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

Tom Hiddleston starred in Chekov's Ivanov at the Donmar Theatre in 2008, when he invited him to audition for the protagonist of Thor — an invitation that nearly every six-foot-tall, English-speaking actor received, but after moving into the final round, Hiddleston took it seriously. He worked hard for six weeks on muscular work and was productive, but eventually Chris Hemsworth got the role. At this time, Branagh explained to him in a serious tone: Some people are born with some things. Jack Nicholson plays disrespectfully and effortlessly, while Anthony Hopkins is born with a seriousness and authority. Idris Elba (who plays Heimdall in the film, many have questioned having a black actor play the god), and the sense of vigilance in him is also innate. As for Hiddleston, what he could not erase was a temperament of cunning and wisdom, and the Most famous screen image of the Eaton and Cambridge graduate was the high-society British youth in "Irrelevant" and "The Islands". In Thor, he ends up playing Thor's younger brother, a symbol of courage and wisdom, respectively. After filming the film, Hiddleston joined Spielberg's "War Horse", and made a cameo appearance in Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris", and also collaborated with Rachel Vichy on Terrance Davis's new work "Blue Deep Sea".

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

Tom Holland (born 1 June 1996 in Surrey, England) is a British actor.

  Tom Holland learned to dance as a child and became known in 2008 for starring billy, the protagonist of the musical Out of My World. In 2012, he won the 2012 National Critics Guild Award for Most Breakthrough Actor for his performance in the film "Tsunami Miracle".

  On June 24, 2015, Tom Holland confirmed to play Peter Parker in 2017's Spider-Man and Captain America 3: Civil War, the third spider-man on the big screen after Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield.

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

Paul Batani was born into an acting family, his father and mother were actors, his grandmother and grandfather were also engaged in music or art, and his career in acting became a matter of course. Although Betani is not very good in appearance, he is very malleable and can adapt to a variety of types of characters, and among the characters he has played, there are both neurotic bandits and polite scientists, ranging from the troubadour of Hanger Lang Dang to the rigorous and wise naval doctor, all of which have left a very deep impression on the audience.

  16-year-old Bethany suddenly dropped out of school and left home to london alone. It all started with his 8-year-old brother Matthew, who died in an accident, and the grief-stricken Bethany has been unable to forgive his father deep down. However, after a year of "cleaning", Betani was finally able to understand the sadness buried deep in his heart by the old father, and how small and powerless human beings appeared in the face of the irreversible natural laws of life, old age, illness and death.

  Bethany, who decided to "inherit his father's business", returned to school at the age of 19 to study at the London School of Drama, which was once regarded by Pierce Brosnan as a "theatre paradise". After participating in several theatrical performances, his acting talent was initially recognized. Bethany found that acting was a good way to make money, and the gap in the stage play would also run in the TV series. However, Betani, who has a lot of spare money in his hands, cannot avoid making the mistake that young people make - addicted to drugs. He was filming the series David Copperfield, and Betteny, who had smoked drugs, would go crazy, smashing his hotel room, and causing a mess on the plane... An accident woke him up from this "misguided" encounter, when a friend of Bettany came to visit him and fainted due to a recurrence of diabetes. Bethany didn't dare call an ambulance because his room was full of drugs, and he had to inject insulin for his friends himself... Since then, he has never touched drugs again.

  1997's "Unbearable Lightness in Life" was Betney's screen debut, however, if it weren't for the fact that his young man's mouth was too smelly, he would have broken into the eyes of fans two years earlier - when he was invited to meet a well-known producer in Los Angeles, the conversation between the two began in a friendly atmosphere, but when they talked about Hollywood, Betteny expressed his feelings unreservedly: "Those movies are like a bunch of disgusting shit..." Later, the topic turned to U.S. foreign policy. Once again, Betteny shows "candor" when uncomfortable. Finally, the producer couldn't bear it: "Since you hate the city so much, why don't you go back?" Betteni felt it was the most constructive of the conversation and flew back to London the next day. So, when Bettenie tried it out for Braveheart (1995), he was highly recommended by Mel Gibson, but he didn't get away with it because the producer got in the way.

  In 2000, Paul Betney finally got a barely "protagonist" appearance, and in King Rogue, he and Malcolm McDowell played a psychotic killer in different periods. And Bettenie was really familiar with the Mainstream of the United States, it was the following year's "Legend of the Knight", but he himself did not think much of the role: "As long as you are willing to bare-ass, be beaten into a pig's head, and then know how to use a local British accent to swear, the audience will forgive you for how stupid you are at home the rest of the time..." People were still confused about the name "Paul Betney" at that time, but when it was mentioned that it was the yellow hair that shook the ass in "Legend of the Knight", they would immediately show a look of sudden realization.

  Since then, Betteny has had a real hitch in Hollywood, first becoming a spiritual friend that Russell Crowe can rely on in Ron Howard's A Beautiful Mind (2001), becoming a 17-year-old virgin in Russ von Trier's independent film Dogtown (2003), and pretending to be a fallen priest in Revenge Hour (2003). In January 2003, Betteny received the greatest gift that "A Beautiful Mind" had given him: marrying Jennifer Connelly, who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress— both of whom were unrealistic romantics, and after a year and a half of correspondence, they entered the auditorium.

  Since King Rogue, Betteni has become a model of "bad", as long as he nods, the role of Ralph Fiennes in "Red Dragon" (2002) should belong to him, but Betteni feels that life is short and should not be wasted on "repeating himself". Although Betteni's bad appearance is obvious to all, unfortunately, because Hollywood movies really lack "bad" roles with standards, he can only be forced to temporarily abandon "bad" and change from "good". When Wimbledon and Raging Seas threw him an olive branch at the same time, Betteny chose the latter because of his old friend Russell Crowe and his admiration for director Peter Will, but was treated by Wimbledon director Richard Longklein who voluntarily moved the shooting time – a disguised affirmation of Betteny's soaring star status.

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

James McAvoy won the Newcomer Award at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards, known as the "British Oscars", for his role in stevens in the 2005 hit series Shameless, which was the result of the audience vote, and the previous nameless man who could not remember his name was finally recognized by most people, and the "half sheep man" stood in the middle of the stage to receive encouragement. However, this award makes James, who has been debuting for ten years, a little embarrassed, according to his age, he is no longer a newcomer, and the god of fate admits that he has potential after ten years of going around, as if he is whispering "old friend, you are very promising" in his ear, which is undoubtedly a big joke with James. "I don't really want to win this award, as far as I know, the people who win the newcomer award don't have any good results, it's a curse." James was still so polite when he said this, and such open-mindedness and humor were more likely to make people like him. After that, James seems to be more precious to his goatee, trying to maintain his mature male image to change his fortunes and escape his so-called "newcomer award curse".

  In 2007, he finally surprised many audiences with "Becoming Jane Austen", and he starred in another film, "Atonement", which won the Golden Globe Award for Best Picture, and the praise came and he had a large number of fans around the world. It also got more performance opportunities. However, the bitterness of this is afraid that only he can understand.

  James McAvoy was a bitter child from an unhappy family, and after his parents divorced at the age of seven, he and his sister were fostered in their grandmother's house. When he was lonely, he would play his beloved guitar and sing old nursery rhymes to his sister, and although James's childhood lacked considerable parental love than children of the same age, his grandmother gave him another way of loving. The grandmother's education of their brothers and sisters was strict and conservative, educating the brothers and sisters to be kind and virtuous with kindness and kindness that the young parents did not have. She taught the children to behave well, not to leak food crumbs at the corners of their mouths, not to dip their fingers into the soup, to treat shy people kindly, to treat strangers gently, and to treat ridiculous people kindly, all of which subtly affected James's speech and demeanor. It was because of having such a grandmother that as a child, James had dreamed of becoming a missionary in the future.

  Prior to starring in The Chronicles of Narnia, James had starred in the hit series Duke Leto Attridi in The Dune Castle, a very missionary character. Dune Castle shows the glorious side of human nature with a new worldview, and this popular series is based on Frank Herbert's original book of the same name that shocked the literary world, and it is a remake of the 1980 David Lynch film "Dune Castle", and adapted by the American game manufacturer into the world's first real-time strategy game, which can be said to be an enduring classic for more than two decades. However, after James McAvoy starred in the series, his image began to become clear, and his gentle and gentlemanly temperament was unanimously praised by British audiences.

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

Born in Germany, Michael Fassbinder grew up in Ireland and now lives in London. He has starred in the TV series "Company of Brothers" and the British drama "Witch", and played the Spartan warrior Stelios in "300 Dead Soldiers" in 2007, and his handsome and uninhibited long hair style makes Fassbinder still eye-catching among the hordes of macho men. He was also selected by French director François Ou Jong to play the heroine's lover in his first English film, Angel. "300" and "Angel", two very different styles of films, appeared at the Berlin Film Festival that year. Fassbinder also starred with Dominique Purcell of Prison Break in Joe Schumacher's vampire film Town Creek, a brief cameo in Woody Allen's Kassandra's Dream, and a desperate IRA member Bobby Sands in the directorial debut of British visual artist Steve McQueen, Hunger, to lose a lot of weight, which was a good match for Christian Bale in "The Mechanic". The film was the opening film of the "One Kind of Attention" section of the 61st Cannes Film Festival in 2008 and won the Golden Camera Award at this year's Cannes.

  Unformed and solidly acted, Fassbinder became the actor that many directors most wanted to work with, as well as the most popular Irish male star after Colin Farrell, Jonathan Les Mayers and others. His 2008 films include the British films Lake Eden and PlaneWood. In 2009, Fassbinder performed brilliantly in Quentin Tarantino's "Shameless Bastards", and gradually gained a star status in Hollywood.

  Michael's love of the film stemmed in large part from the influence of his mother, Adele. Adele is a die-hard film fan, especially fond of '70s American films; her favorite actor is John Keizer (the godfather who plays Fredo). Coincidentally, one of Adele's favorite directors is the German master Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Michael joked in an interview that "I think the similarity of my father's last name to the German director (Fassbender and Fassbinder) was one of the reasons that prompted my mother to decide to marry him that year, and he may have said a little "white lie" in order to pursue her, such as telling my mother that she was a relative of the director..."

  From his father, Fassbinder inherited the seriousness and seriousness of his work, "If I take an 85-point test paper home, he will definitely ask me why I lost the other 15 points; when I was a child, it made me feel very bad, and I think I would never be able to satisfy him... But now, it's very helpful for my work. "Michael says that his rigorous and disciplined side as a German is mainly reflected in his work, where he is used to taking every role seriously and being well prepared; in other aspects of life, his Irish personality dominates." The German side makes me want to keep everything organized, but the Irish side makes me always have the urge to sabotage. ”

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you

Australian film actor "Sexiest Man" Hugh Jackman became the epitome of film superstars and handsome men with the movie "X-Men". Hugh Jackman was named "The World's Sexiest Man" in the selection of people, a best-selling magazine in the United States; from 2000 to 2004, Hugh Jackman was selected as one of People magazine's "Fifty Most Beautiful People in the World."

  Born in Sydney in 1968, Hugh Jackman is the youngest of five children. He graduated from the University of Technology Sydney with a degree in Journalism and later studied comedy at the Western Australian Academy for Performing Arts. After finishing his studies in 1994, he was given a role as a prison psychologist in the TV series "Corrie". In 1998, the famous play "Sunset Boulevard" made Hugh Jackman popular all over the country, and won numerous awards, with the title of "Best Opera Actor in Australia". Especially at that time, the heroine's resignation almost made the stage performance unable to continue, and Hugh Jackman still stuck to his post until a new heroine was selected to take over. It also made the director later take him to London, England to develop, in 1999 launched the famous American opera "Oklahoma", Hugh Jackman became popular in the United Kingdom and was nominated for the British "Oliver Award" Best Opera Actor of the Year.

  The Golden Wolf in X-Men has gary Grant's charming temperament. Jackman auditioned with fellow actor Anna Paquin, who also had to be approved by Fox executive Rupert Modoc, who was worried about giving the role to someone who was completely unknown in the United States, joked that he wasn't even the second candidate on the director's list. X-Men caused a big splash in the summer of 2000 and propelled Jackman to the top of the superstar. He said modestly: This movie is very well made. It's more important that fans accept it. In addition to his X-Men series, Hugh Jackman starred in the magical van Helsing (2004), woody Allen-directed comedy Scoop (2006), he played With Christian Bellault in Christopher Nolan's Deadly Magic (2006), Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain of Love (2006), rachel Weisz in Darren Aronofsky's Fountain of Love (2006), and The Voyager (2008). In the incarnation of a mysterious man... In 2008, Hugh Jackman and fellow countryman Nicole Kidman joined forces on Australia. Later, he became the host of the Oscars and jumped and jumped at the Kodak Theater, and the scenery was endless. In 2009, he changed back to the invincible "Wolverine", releasing his male charm to the fullest.

Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you
Take stock of the male gods in Marvel and see if any of them are handsome to you