
This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

author:Smell the entertainment sister

At the beginning of the new China, all parts of the country were devastated by the long-term war, and all the messes were waiting for the state to clean up. Faced with this situation, our older generation of literary and art workers have made many films that praise new things. The "Gods and Ghosts" that we want to introduce to you today is an excellent representative of it.

This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

If you are interested in dancing gods, if you love folk culture, then you must not miss this movie. Here you can see religious ceremonies with a strong local atmosphere, and you can see the wishes and ignorance of good men and women. Some fans say that this "Gods and Ghosts" is more profound than "Middle Evil" and more terrifying than "Tabad".

The plot of the film, which was filmed in 1950, is not complicated, in a scenic mountain village, the daughter-in-law of the farmer Kang You is pregnant in October and finally gives birth, but because it is the old law of childbirth, the daughter-in-law and son are seriously ill. In order to get rid of the disease, Kang You found many witch gods, but the diseases of his wife and children still did not get better.

This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

At the same time, Shen Han's son was also seriously ill, and Shen Gang knew best whether what he was doing was a swindle. Not only did he not engage in the feudal superstition, but he honestly sent his son to the hospital. The government workers, aware of the ugly behavior of the gods, exposed them in full view of the public, and spread the idea of advocating science in the mountain villages.

This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

In this film, the creators adopt a transposed creative approach. He profoundly exposed and criticized the ugliness of the feudal forces. The most valuable thing about this film is the detailed record of the indigenous folk superstitions. It has left valuable video materials for today's folklore research.

This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

Whether we movie audiences watch "The Shining" or watch "Midnight Bell", while enjoying the thriller perception, we also know in our hearts that everything in front of us is fictional. And the horror of this "Gods and Ghosts" lies in its reality, the peasant Kangyou is just one of the thousands of good men and women in the old society, there are countless honest and simple people like him, looking for the wizard's clever tongue, stepping into the abyss of death. This darkness from reality is ten thousand times more frightening than the most genius horror movies.

This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

In the second year of the founding of New China, it is very necessary to shoot such an anti-feudal and anti-superstitious popular science film. Because at that time, there were about three hundred kinds of religious doors in the country, and there were more than thirty million believers at their peak. In the constant poison of feudal superstition, many appalling human tragedies have occurred.

This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

These leaders of the Taoist Sect not only mentally seriously corroded the mental health of the broad masses of the people, but also colluded with the Japanese and puppet regimes and betrayed the interests of the motherland. For example, the infamous Kaidomon organization, the Ancheon Taoist Association, acted as a vanguard for the Japanese invaders. Under the guise of traditional Chinese culture, the Japanese fascists' evil deeds of aggression against China were justified. Every conscientious Chinese felt great indignation at this act.

This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

In order to control the extremely rampant feudal forces at that time, in the early days of the founding of the country, the government issued the "Order on Strictly Banning Reactionary Sect Doors", which was the pawn of the state in implementing this decision. Blossom and bear fruit among the masses of the people. It has made great contributions to the elimination of the reactionary Hui daomen represented by the Consistent Dao, the Tongshan Society, and the Taiji Gate.

This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

It is worth mentioning that Chen Zhijian and Guan Zongxiang, who starred in the film, are well-known actors working in the Beijing Film Studio, a pair of old friends and old partners who are famous all over the world, and have excellent performances in "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" and "Little Soldier Zhang Ga". Although when filming the gods and ghosts, the acting skills of the two of them were not as pure as later, but they were still remarkable. In particular, the shenhan played by Mr. Chen Zhijian is even more into the wood, which makes people look at the root of the tooth and itch.

This film, made 70 years ago, is not a horror film, but it is more frightening than a horror movie

Time passes, like a white colt passing through the gap, and in the blink of an eye, decades have passed in a hurry. The film that caused a sensation in the past has now been lost in the long river of time. There is not even a rating on Douban. It's like a pearl hidden in the dust waiting to be discovered.