
Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

author:Li Jianghong

It's sunny! The flowers have bloomed well, the weekend play up ah, Xi'an around the nine counties of the delicious are here, please hurry up and put away Oh!

Lantian County


Green onion flatbread is a traditional flavor food in Shaanxi Province, and won the title of quality food in the exhibition and sale of flavored food in the catering industry in Weinan in March 1982. The cake is bright yellow in color, soft in the skin and fragrant in green onion.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!


Gao Feng steamed bun is a wheat noodle product, which is said to have been created by Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, and was widely circulated on the Lantian White Deer Mound. The steamed bun is overflowing with aroma and chewy, and both young and old like to eat it.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!


Lou Zhu handmade hollow noodles are named after Lantian Lou Zhu Village, and eight out of ten households in the village are engaged in the production of handmade hollow noodles. The noodles are made of fine flour, mixed with salt water and kneaded until they are soft and tough, and then pulled by hand, as fine as a hair, hollow inside. The gluten is tough and tough, the taste is round, it is put in a pot for a long time and cooked for a long time, and it is a gift to relatives in Lantian.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!


Crystal cake Shaanxi famous point, Lantian County food production, with Xi'an Demao gong equal name, enjoys a high reputation among the masses. The finished product is small and chic, the face is all yellow and snow white, the skin is crispy and filling, the fragrance is delicious, the oil is rich but not greasy, the sugar is heavy and sweet, and it has a strong rose aroma and orange cake fragrance. It has won many honorary titles such as national high-quality products and inspection-free products.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!


The color of the soaking oil cake is white and yellow, the fat is crystal clear, like the wings of the light yarn cicada, its taste is fragrant and mellow, the wind is gone, the entrance is melted, the teeth are scattered, the crisp is smooth, and the flavor is long.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!


Nine bowls and nine bowls, as the name suggests, nine bowls of dishes, bowls and bowls are all different. They are: stewed cabbage, stewed tiger skin tofu, stewed radish slices, square meat, sweet rice, strip meat, mustard radish shreds, braised pork diced old tofu, balls stewed kelp. It is the food signature of Lantian.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Hu County

For a long time, the Liangpi of Qinzhen has been circulating in the Guanzhong area as the saying that "the face of the Pot Helmet Qishan in Qianzhou, and the skin of Qinzhen around Chang'an". It is named after Qinzhen, Xi'an Hu County, also known as Qinzhen Liangpi, which is steamed with rice as the main ingredient. It should be one of the most famous snacks in Huxian County.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Toxian soft noodles This is to use a rolling pin to roll out a pre-awakened dough repeatedly, which is considered to be hand rolling noodles. The Guanzhong region of Shaanxi Province, which has rich historical and cultural accumulation, inherits historical folklore and forms a vivid and interesting "Eight Monsters", and the noodles ---- five monsters are like belts: most noodles are thicker and wider, but they are actually slightly thinner than belts. Guanzhong is bold and cool, and loves to eat lasagna and thick noodles.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Mihara County

Mihara knotted noodles are as thin as dragon whiskers. Put into the bowl, the strands of noodles are clustered into clusters, like buds waiting to be placed, shaped like a golden dragon coiled, and named "knotty noodles" because of the shape. Its knife work is delicate and evenly long, the noodles are soft and silky, and the cheeks are tender and mellow, which can be eaten both dry and soupy. When the soup is eaten, it is poured with a refined sour but not strong cheek soup, provoked with chopsticks, and you can see that the noodles are slender, the roots are rooted to the head, the edges are each other, and the meat particles are evenly attached to the noodles, like a monkey on the pole, and there are no broken strips and minced meat left in the bowl. The shape is both seductive and the taste is more satisfying.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Mihara Money Oil Tower Sanyuan Money Oil Tower is also called "Mille-feuille cake". Shaped like wisps of gold wire coiled, layers of towers are stacked on top of each other. Soft and smooth, refreshing and sharp, the production is delicate.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Liquan County

Liquan Noodles Liquan Noodles are a special snack in Liquan County. Liquan noodles can be eaten with soup or dried. Its characteristic eating method is called "泖 (sound: miao, a sound)", that is, the noodles are served in a bowl and repeatedly poured with boiling water. Then add the seasoning, you can eat, the seasoning is more unique, with the finest lard and chili noodles, accompanied by green onions, leek leaves, salt and locally brewed balsamic vinegar.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!


Tofu brain Tofu brain is a traditional flavor food in Qianxian County, known as one of the "three treasures" of the county. Tofu brain soy products. The color is white and clean, fresh and soft, turning but not scattered, folding and continuous, stirring but not crushing, coupled with exquisite seasoning, delicious taste.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Qianxian sour soup noodles Qianxian noodles are made by hand, fine, white, tendon, light, fine and even, plus the soup frying, oil wang, acetic acid when cooking, and tender leeks, cabbage hearts, egg cakes chopped in the soup to do "bleaching", color, aroma and taste are good. After drinking, it is appetizing and appetizing.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

When the Qianxian Pot Helmet was built for the Joint Tomb of Tang Gaozong Li Zhi and Empress Wu Zetian, because of the huge project, the large number of migrant workers, and the difficulty of cooking, the overseers used helmets to burn the steamed buns, hence the name. It has been improved to form a food with a unique flavor. Eight inches in diameter and six points thick, the pot helmet resembles a chrysanthemum, with a layer of inner layers, and is delicious and delicious.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Xingping City

Xingping Zhao Family Mash Shaanxi Xingping Zhao Family Mash began in the Qing Dynasty, and the ancestors have been handed down to this day. The series of products have Yishou brand mash canned and mash juice, using traditional technology under the bending fermentation, coupled with modern science and technology, the product is nutritious, sweet and delicious, soothing muscles and blood, stomach increase, heat and cold, forming the unique flavor of the factory, best-selling in the five northwestern provinces, exported to Taiwan, the United States, Japan and other places, known as "Xingping a must".

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Pucheng County

"Spicy one dish" is one of the eight monsters of Shaanxi, and three things are indispensable, one is chili noodles, the other is diced pickles, and the third is large diced meat. One spicy, two salty and three spices are the root of the eight treasures of spicy seeds.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Eight treasure spicy steamed bun at a glance will make the population overflow, eager to bite a bite to enjoy! In particular, the tempting Eight Treasure Spicy Seeds on the rafter steamed bun clip of Pucheng's characteristic rafters are a perfect match, and this appetizing and appetizing dish is the most distinctive food in Pucheng.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Rafter steamed authentic rafter steamed bun, the workmanship is extremely standardized, there are "one water, two sides, three yeasts, four, five pressure, six kneading, seven steaming, eight up" exquisite, each process has strict requirements and standards. Even if pucheng rafters are not eaten with vegetables and vegetables, they are chewy, comfortable and delicious, and accompanied by eight treasures of spicy seeds as a meal, which is really beautiful and beautiful.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Colliers meat Colliers meat is a famous dish in Pucheng County, Pucheng people love to eat Colliers meat, banquets, often inseparable from this dish. Colliers meat should be wrapped in egg whites, starch, first oiled, and then steamed, red in sauce, crisp but not rotten, slightly salty and fragrant, salty and salty for all ages.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

Spicy noodles used to be "poor people's rice", which is a loose vegetable such as chopped noodles, tofu shreds, and wood ear shreds that are reluctant to be thrown away at home, made into a paste with flour, seasoned with spices such as oily spicy seeds, and eaten with steamed buns, which looks inconspicuous, but gradually becomes a local feature. When eating noodles and spicy seeds, it is mostly used to make steamed buns, and it is one of the simplest side dishes.

Eat and eat raiders around Xi'an! The real old Shaanxi must know the color of the delicacy!

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