
Yao has the drum of desire, and Shun has the wood of slander

author:Theoretical landscape of northern Xinjiang

Everyone who reads history knows that in the "Spring and Autumn of the Lü Dynasty", it is said: "Yao has the drum of desire, and Shun has the wood of slander." "Drums" and "slanderous wood" are all about gathering public opinion. When Chen Sheng and Wu Guang revolted, people wrote "Chen Sheng Wang" in cinnabar on the bun and stuffed it into the belly of the fish, and also let people learn that the fox was called "Da Chu Xing, Chen Sheng Wang". This shows that the ancients knew how to play the role of public opinion.

——Xi Jinping's speech at the 12th collective study of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee on January 25, 2019


From the "Self-Knowledge" section of Lü Buwei's "Lü Shi Chunqiu And Bugou Treatise NO. 4".

Original text: Yao has the drum of desire, Shun has the wood of slander, Tang has the man of the priest, and the king of Wu has the commandment of caution, and he is afraid that he cannot know himself.


Táo: Drums.

Yao had drums for those who wanted to be consulted, Shun had wooden stakes for writing critical opinions, Tang had officials in charge of correcting their mistakes, and King Wu had drums for those who admonished the monarch, and even so, they were still worried that they would not be able to understand their mistakes.


The party's press and public opinion work is an important task of the party and an important matter for governing the country and ensuring the security of the country. Both history and reality tell us that the power of public opinion must not be underestimated, "If public opinion is correctly guided, it will unite people's hearts, gather forces, and promote the development of the cause; if public opinion is wrongly guided, it will shake people's hearts, disintegrate fighting spirit, and endanger the cause of the party and the people." Therefore, giving full play to the role of cohesion in news and public opinion work and guarding the party's news and public opinion position is an important mission and task of the propaganda and ideological front.

The laws of "Yao has the drum of desire, Shun has the wood of slander", "the drum of desire", and "the wood of slander" also have strong reference significance today. At present, against the background of the profound adjustment of the media pattern and the very complicated ecology of public opinion, only by proceeding from the overall situation of the party's work, can the propaganda and ideological front grasp the party's news and public opinion work from the overall situation, consciously think under the overall situation, act under the overall situation, attach great importance to ideology, accurate and effective in work, and guide the vast number of news and public opinion workers to be the disseminators of the party's policy propositions, the recorders of the times, the promoters of social progress, and the watchmen of fairness and justice, so that the party's voice can always occupy the high ground of public opinion and ensure that it is dominated by pluralism and neutrality. Gather the mainstream among the voices of the crowd, promote the party's theory, line, principles and policies to penetrate more deeply into the hearts of the people, and draw the largest concentric circles.