
Anti-cancer fighter! Miha exercises for more than an hour a day, training as much as the players

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Anti-cancer fighter! Miha exercises for more than an hour a day, training as much as the players

Bologna boss Mihajlovic has recovered greatly, and he is now training almost as much as a player.

Yesterday, Rodrigo Palacio returned to the Bologna training base for training, and Palacio was one of the last players to return from South America, with Danilo and Baldesson set to return next Monday. But there's even better news for Bologna, which is that their manager Mihajlovic is also getting better and better.

The club said Miha was now training almost as much as a player, and from May 6, the 51-year-old coach would spend more than an hour running on the pitch every morning and doing exercises such as sit-ups to recover.

Miha was diagnosed with leukemia last June and subsequently underwent chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation, but during this time he always insisted on leading the team, and if he could not be present in person, he would also meet with the team through video calls, formulate tactics, and supervise the training of players. Miha was also at high risk during the pandemic, but now it looks like his body has recovered a lot.

(Goblin Killer)

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