
Understanding the habits of nest insects is a necessary prerequisite for doing a good job in prevention and control, so as to take precautions

author:A watchman in a swarm

Nest worms, also known as cotton worms, wax borers, are the larvae of wax borers. In the south of Guangxi, the climate is warm and winterless, and the wax borer is almost active all year round, which is very harmful to the chinese bees, of which the most serious harm is the summer period.

1. There are 3 conditions as a result of being harmed by nest insects

(1) The nest spleen is seriously damaged and cannot be used anymore, and the production of beeswax is reduced as a result.

(2) The pupae that are harmed by nest insects die before feathering, and the cap is bitten open by the bees, showing the shape of a "white-headed pupae", and a large part of the death. The peak of the occurrence is mostly at the beginning of the summer period, resulting in a serious weakening of the summer flock, even if the bee colony does not escape, it is extremely difficult to restore the group after the summer, and there is no hope of honey production in the second half of the year.

(3) The occurrence time is slightly later than that of the "white-headed pupae", the bee pupae has been feathered, the wings have been fully developed, and they can bite open the roof on their own, but they cannot get out of the house. Because the nest worm spit silk sticks the tail end and wing tip of the pupae to the bottom of the room. Even if you use a manual hand to pull out the new bees of the victim, you can't remove the sticky wire from the tip of the wing. The area severely affected is more than 90% of the pupae. The bees do not abandon the victimized new bees for a long time, and they continue to feed and consume the stored honey. To remove this victim bee, the nest must be completely destroyed, which consumes a lot of bee power, and the bee colony cannot be pacified.

Understanding the habits of nest insects is a necessary prerequisite for doing a good job in prevention and control, so as to take precautions

2. How to control nest insects

2.1 Understanding and familiarizing yourself with the life history and habits of wax borers is a necessary prerequisite for doing a good job in prevention and control. There is a certain law of the growth of the wax borer, and there is already a process of development before the nest insect disaster is revealed. Therefore, to prevent and control nest insect hazards, we must take precautions. Once the harm of nest insects occurs, no matter what measures are taken, it is impossible to make up for the loss. So prevention is even more important. Some beekeepers suffer losses because of the emphasis on rectification and over prevention. The prevention of nest insects should be systematically included in the work schedule.

(1) The anti-nest insect characteristics of the bee colony are listed as the conditions for selecting breeding kings, and consciously cultivating anti-nest insect varieties is the method of "drawing salaries from the bottom of the kettle".

(2) Keep the bee colony strong at all times. Strong population resistance to nest insects, good tolerance; The weak group has weak resistance to nest insects and has poor tolerance. It is necessary to strengthen or merge in a timely manner, so as not to let the prevention and control work fall into passivity.

(3) To often keep the bee spleen in the bee colony commensurate, the nest spleen without bee protection can not stay in the nest for a long time, and should be properly stored outside the box or timely waxing.

Understanding the habits of nest insects is a necessary prerequisite for doing a good job in prevention and control, so as to take precautions

(4) The wax-containing substances such as the extra spleen, waste king platform, wax shavings and other waxes removed in the usual work should be collected and concentrated, and should not be discarded or arbitrarily placed for a long time without treatment. These wax-containing substances leave the care of bees and easily attract wax borers to spawn and breed, resulting in a sharp increase in the density of insect populations near the bee farm, laying the bane of future nest insect outbreaks.

(5) Flat bottom wooden beehive, to raise the rear end, so that the bottom plate is tilted forward, so that the bees can clean the wax shavings when they come out of the nest and keep it clean. The hanging bamboo cage should be gradually twisted so that the outlet of the bee is in the lowest position.

(6) Extracting a good spleen and a new spleen that is temporarily unused from the hive, or an old spleen, an old spleen, an extra spleen, wax chips, etc. that are temporarily not waxed, must be smoked with sulfur and sealed in a container that the wax borer cannot drill into. And check regularly, find suspicious signs, and immediately fumigate it again with sulfur. The use of refrigerator freezers to store wax-containing materials can save the trouble of fumigation.

Understanding the habits of nest insects is a necessary prerequisite for doing a good job in prevention and control, so as to take precautions

(7) The wax borer likes to swim day and night, start to move around after dark, sneak into the hive, encounter the nest spleen without bee protection, and go directly to lay eggs. In the case of a proportional bee-spleen, the wax borer female moth is unable to ascend the spleen and lays eggs on the bottom plate of the box. After hatching into larvae, after the bees gather at night, they climb up the nest along the wall of the box and eat beeswax vigorously. Wax borer larvae are selective for the nest spleen and their preferred object is the old spleen. Because the cocoon coat in the old spleen is rich in protein . If the nest door is still guarded by bees after dark, the wax borer female moth cannot enter the hive, so it lays eggs in the windy place of the gap in the outer wall of the box, and after the eggs hatch into larvae, they drill into the upper spleen of the box at night. In view of the characteristics of these activities of the wax borer, the precautions that should be taken in the daily management process are: (1) paste the cracks of the beehive to prevent the wax borer larvae from drilling in. (2) Make more new spleens, replace old spleens, so that wax borer larvae do not get enough protein, growth and development is delayed, and even unable to mature and fertilize. (3) Regular replacement of beehives, especially before the summer period, is the peak period for female wax borer moths to lay eggs. Scrape the replaced beehives with a spatula (rinse with water if necessary, dry them), then burn them with straw and burn them to kill the wax borer eggs and insects in the gaps in the bottom plate of the box. Conditional can use kerosene flame spray lamps or liquefied gas flame spray guns. If the empty hive is insufficient, it can be solved by rotating box by box. If the weather is dry, use boiling water to iron the bottom of the box, one can burn the nest worms, and the other can increase the humidity.

Although a lot of prevention work has been done, the harm of nest insects is still difficult to completely avoid. Once found, it is immediately controlled and treated according to the degree of harm, so as to prevent the loss from expanding and restore normal life to the bee colony as soon as possible.

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#谷丰计划 #


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