
Popular science knowledge (4): What is the most effective method of nest insect control? Did you know?

author:Zhuyuan Chen Xinding

To grasp the law of the growth and development of nest insects, of which the victimization of the bee is the most serious, it will affect the uneasiness of the bee colony, but also affect the reproduction, in recent years, the bee is more and more difficult to raise, and the number of insects is also more and more, many people who love beekeeping now feel the feeling of being overwhelmed and powerless, first of all, the most important thing is to do the early detection of the nest insects, and to treat early, first of all, it is necessary to clarify its growth characteristics and growth laws, in the general case, Insects are the habit of coming out at night, and the black light can be designed into two layers inside and outside, which can prevent bees from flying out at night under special circumstances

Nest insects are the larvae of the wax borer and are the main predator of the middle bee, feeding on wax chips and mothting the nest spleen.

1. Serious harm: Bee larvae cannot be capped to produce "white-headed pupae" at the pupal stage, and a large number of bee colonies flee (34%) or a large number of capping pupaes die.

2. Timely prevention and control:

(1) Strengthen bee colony management. Raising strong herds, i.e., keeping the nest spleen full of honey and powder at all times. High-quality queen bees are selected to enhance the genetic advantages in the bee farm and improve the ability of the bee colony to resist pests and diseases.

Timely replacement of new spleens and elimination of old spleens can effectively eliminate the living space of nest insects.

The bee does not like the old spleen, so it is found that the bees in the old spleen will bite, and then do the new spleen after biting off the old spleen, so there is a problem, a large number of beeswax fragments will fall at the bottom of the hive, and the cotton worm's favorite is the beeswax, and the old bee spleen fragments that fall at the bottom of the hive have become the food of the cotton worms, which directly leads to the proliferation of cotton worms, gradually polluting the spleen, endangering the lid spleen, and finally leading to a large number of deaths of the lid spleen pupae.

This may be the biggest problem of the bee, for small bee colonies, the phenomenon of cotton worms is more obvious, and finally there is a lot of white-headed bee pupae phenomenon, and bees for nest worms hidden in the nest spleen and nest worms in the gaps are no way, which makes cotton worms become a major natural enemy of the middle bees.

Second, we must master the most effective method of nest insect control

(1) Raising strong herds

Strong swarms have strong resistance to nesting insects. The basic method of raising a strong herd is to keep the nest spleen full of honey and powder at all times, the division of labor within the bee colony is reasonable, and it must be ensured that there are more bees than the spleen or the spleen of the bee is commensurate. In this way, even if the bee colony suffers from nest insect damage, due to its strong population and large splenum area, the area affected by nest insects is relatively small, and the loss is not obvious, so as not to affect normal beekeeping production.

(2) Select high-quality queen bee

The bee generally changes kings twice a year. Most bee farms breed their own kings and maintain a state of self-propagation and self-cultivation for many years, resulting in the degradation of the caste in the field, and the ability of the queen bee to maintain the potential of the colony, the ability to lay eggs, and the ability of the bee colony to resist diseases and predators decreases. Therefore, conditional bee farms generally introduce a high-quality breeding king every two years to enhance the genetic advantages in the bee farm and improve the ability of the bee colony to resist pests and diseases.

(3) Eliminate the living space of nest insects, cut off their breeding paths, and treat nest insects fiercely

1. Replace the new spleen in time and eliminate the old spleen, which can effectively eliminate the living space of nest insects. The middle bee has the characteristics of liking the new spleen and tired of the old spleen, and the queen bee gives priority to laying eggs on the new spleen; if the nest spleen is too old, the worker bee will bite off the black old nest spleen. Worker bees bite the spleen and wax chips accumulate at the bottom of the box, providing a favorable living space for nest insects. Therefore, in the daily management of the bee farm, the bottom of the hive should be cleaned frequently, wax residue, extra spleen, old nest spleen should be collected, and wax should be melted in time.

2. Kill beehives such as hives, nest eggs and larvae in the nest spleen in time. The hive is baked with an alcohol spray lamp to completely eliminate the nest eggs and larvae that are hidden in the crevices of the hive. At the same time, the extracted usable nest spleen is placed in a cold storage below -7 ° C (the north is generally in the winter night, the nest spleen can be moved out of the outdoor freezing overnight) Freezing for 5-7 hours can also achieve the killing of larvae and eggs hidden in it. In addition, nest honey produced by Chinese bees often hides nest worm eggs and larvae, and the use of freezing method to kill can achieve better results.

3. Timely elimination of the adult worm of the nest worm - wax borer, can also prevent the breeding of nest worms. Nest insects are generally more abundant in summer and autumn. Wax borers often burrow into the hive at night from the cracks in the hive and the nest door and lay eggs on the wax residue. First, repair the dilapidated hives, plug the gaps in the hives, and cover or close the nest doors with straw in the evening to prevent wax borers from climbing into the box at night. Second, beekeepers should often pat the wax borer with flies. Third, taking advantage of the phototropism of the wax borer, after dark, in the room where the beehives are placed, a flashlight illuminates a corner of the wall to attract the wax borers, and one is found to kill one.

(31) How do bees migrate 1-2 kilometers?

Bees have a strong ability to identify the location of their hives, and if they move the hives to any new site within their range, many field workers will still fly to the original hives for a period of time. Therefore, when we carry out a close migration of 1-2 kilometers of bee colonies, we only need to take effective methods so that the bees can quickly identify the new location after migration, and no longer fly back to the original position.

Honeycomb short-distance movement method one: short distance transfer, multiple times. This method, each time you move, only do 2 meters before and after, about 1 meter of day-by-day transfer, continuously for several days, know the transfer to a specific position. This way, reducing the sudden loss of familiar "home orientation" by bees and gradually becoming familiar with new locations, is the safest and most troublesome way.

The hive short-distance movement method two: the bottom of the pot, forced demolition. In this way, the hive is directly moved away to three kilometers away, and then the hive is moved back for about a week and placed in the designated location where it needs to be moved. The advantage of this method is that it is fast and accurate, the time is fast, the purpose is accurate, and the way is fierce.

1. Gradual migration method. If a small number of bee colonies, to carry out the movement within 10-20 meters, you can take the method of gradual migration, moving forward and backward, each movement should not exceed 1 meter, to move the position to the left and right, each time should not exceed 0.5 meters, move the bee colony, it is best to carry out after the bees return to the nest at night. Each time you move, you should wait for the field bee to adapt to the nest position after the move before making the next move.

2. Direct Migration Method. If there are obstacles and other bee colonies between the original site and the new site, or the distance is far, it is not convenient to take the first method, that is, the gradual migration method, before the bees have left the nest in the early morning, the nest door can be blocked or hidden with grass, and then the bee colony can be moved directly to the predetermined new site, and after the bee colony is moved to the new site, the rear screen window can be opened. The bees are eager to get out of the nest and nibble on the grass that is blocked in the nest door, while the grass gradually dries through the sun, the gap between the grass increases, and after some effort the bees can drill out of the nest. By temporarily setting up barriers at the nest gate, the bees are alerted to changes in the nest position and establish the conditioned reflex of re-recognizing the nest and flying. This way there are far fewer bees flying back to their original locations. For a small number of bees flying back to the original site, 1-2 weak colonies can be placed at the original site to collect the returning nest bees, moved into the ventilated dark room at night, closed for 2-3 days, and then moved with this method of plugging grass. It is also possible to place a hive at the original site, empty the nest spleen, and merge the collected nest bees into adjacent bee colonies.

3. Indirect Migration Law. The so-called indirect migration method is to temporarily relocate the bee colony to a place more than 5 kilometers away from the original site and the new site, and then move to the new site for about a month. There is this method for close migration of bee colonies that is most reliable, but more time-consuming and labor-intensive.

4. Overwintering migration method. In the north, the wintering period of the bee colony should be used as much as possible for close migration, and when the bee colony forms a stable wintering group, it can be relocated, but special care should be taken when relocating, and the bee colony should not be scattered, so as not to freeze the bees. After a long overwintering period, the bees have lost their memory of the original hive location, and will re-recognize the nest in the following spring when they come out of the nest.

5. Temporary migration of bee colonies. If it is for flood control, anti-theft, anti-theft and other reasons, when the bee colony needs to be temporarily or at night, the location of each box should be accurately plotted and numbered, and the signs should be done well, so as to avoid bee fighting and killing due to the disorderly arrangement afterwards.

In the daily management of beekeeping, beekeepers often have to face the situation of moving the bee colony, with the change of the external environment and the limited location of the bee farm, especially the fixed beekeeping, due to the lack of consideration for the placement of the bee colony, or there is direct sunlight impact, or some people come and go to disturb the situation, so it is necessary to consider choosing a relatively safe and stable location for the bee colony. Through some of the above methods for moving (migrating) bee colonies, corresponding measures should be taken in light of the actual situation.