
What is an unknown creature with a similar "brain" in Australia? It turns out that some of its species can be eaten

author:Universal Science Cats

Author: Wen/Yu Zi Period

On the earth, there are many types of organisms, many organisms can be said to be affected by the environment, are gradually evolving, and the discovery of new organisms, the scientific community is often there, but not all living things can be completely determined, after all, organisms are alive, not we say to find it, and according to the "Naturalist" new report pointed out that recently there is a "unknown creature" in Australia, which has triggered a lot of hot discussion among science enthusiasts, what is it, and finally gave the answer. Let's take a look at the situation.

What is an unknown creature with a similar "brain" in Australia? It turns out that some of its species can be eaten

The "unknown creature" was found in the beach of Tasmania in Australia (Australia), and finally the "naturalist" made a public announcement, the "unknown creature" looks very strange, just like the human "brain", and after the discovery, it is thought that the name of Raquel Williams touched the unknown creature, and there was a numbness, is it poisonous? But it was still a little strange, and finally an expert named Simon Grove gave an answer, the creature is not non-toxic, but touching it may cause skin allergies.

What is an unknown creature with a similar "brain" in Australia? It turns out that some of its species can be eaten

When you first see this creature, you may also have an illusion, the appearance is a little strange, what is the creature? Finally, the report points out that the organism is an invasive alien species belonging to Australia, called the sea squirt, which may be widely distributed, but not the local chrysanthemum sea squirt. So it's a normal creature, not a strange creature.

What is an unknown creature with a similar "brain" in Australia? It turns out that some of its species can be eaten

What is a sea squirt?

Sea squirt is a common marine creature, shaped like an eggplant or a flower, this time we see a bit similar to the "human brain", in fact, it is a small change in appearance, the creature generally lives in tropical and subtropical species, and can reproduce all year round, so it has a strong reproductive ability, which is why its distribution is very "extensive". Most sea squirts have one or two distinct reproductive peaks in a year, and sea squirts are hermaphrodites and are considered to be a self-conceived creature.

What is an unknown creature with a similar "brain" in Australia? It turns out that some of its species can be eaten

The type and value of sea squirts

There are many types of sea squirts, and there are not many that can really be eaten, some of which have certain value, such as real sea squirts, handle sea squirts, pot sea squirts, etc. These kinds of sea squirts are collected the most in Japan and South Korea, so the people who eat are also the most, and China has also been breeding sea squirts in recent years, mainly distributed in Dalian, Rongcheng, Long Island and other places, so as everyone says, what creatures are now eating, as long as the oil is fried, put some salt, and then put some peppers to eat, of course, the specific way to eat has not heard, I haven't seen the real thing yet.

Its value is mainly due to the variety of trace elements contained, but it is not high overall.

What is an unknown creature with a similar "brain" in Australia? It turns out that some of its species can be eaten

On the whole, the answer to the "unknown creature" has been clear, australia appears this creature is actually not surprising, surrounded by the sea, the ecological environment is suitable for the growth of sea squirts, so the appearance of normal, this creature is much better to know than other types of organisms, so this also reminds everyone, do not move to see some of their own unknown creatures, are said to be "unknown objects". Including this time, after the release of "Naturalist", it did not take long for everyone to answer it one by one, which is the result of this incident, and everyone may not recognize it at first glance when they see the picture, which is normal.

References: Naturalist, Biodiversity