
Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

author:Dong Xiao Song

Do you know what are the celebrities and great people born in Hubei, let's take a look!

Shi Fengxiang, 1893~1966, Ming Zhixue, Zi Fengxiang, Xiaochang County, Hubei Province, Xiaochang County, Talc Chongren, textile educator, textile technology expert and textile industrialist. Devoted to the development and revitalization of the national textile industry, he successively served as the manager of Daxing Spinning Factory, Xi'an Dahua Spinning Factory, Guangyuan Dahua Spinning Factory, and the general manager of Yudahua three companies, focusing on improving production technology, improving product quality, broadening marketing channels, emphasizing business methods, and being quite effective in operation and management, and made contributions to the development of the inland textile industry during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression; founded Taiwan Daqin Textile Factory, Taiwan Chinese Fiber Company, and pioneered the production of viscose, cotton and polyester in Taiwan.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Zhang Yaoxiang (1893-1964), a native of Hankou, Hubei Province, was a psychologist who was one of the earliest scholars in China to spread Western psychology and the founder of the Chinese Psychological Society. In 1922, Zhang Yaoxiang founded China's first psychology magazine, Psychology, and served as editor-in-chief. In 1928, it was included in the Who's Who in the World in the United States.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Dai Fanglan (1893.05.04 – 1973.01.03) was a Chinese poet from Jiangling, Hubei Province. Famous mycologist and plant pathologist, academician of Academia Sinica, academician of The Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has made outstanding contributions to fungal taxonomy, fungal morphology, fungal genetics and plant pathology. He established a genetic-centered fungal classification system, established the Chinese plant pathology scientific research system, and played a pioneering and foundational role in the formation and development of modern mycology and plant pathology in China.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Fan Songzhi (1894-1930), formerly known as Fan Huiyan, a native of Hefeng County, Hubei Province, was born poor, was oppressed by landlords, but was not afraid of rape, determined to revolution, the official government tried to make use of it, but was strictly rejected; in 1927, he joined the Communist Party of China at Heming Academy, was sent by the organization, joined the Wuyangguan Peasant Self-Defense Army, served as a squadron leader, made great contributions to the smooth absorption of the "divine soldiers" of the Red Army, and in the spring of 1929 took Ding Nanshan to the meeting with two knives to stay in the driving division, bravely killed the rebel leaders, and persuaded the "anti-water" officers and soldiers to return; in March of the same year He longjiaqi zhiyong was promoted to battalion commander of the Red Fourth Regiment; five of his brothers joined the Red Army one after another and were known as the "Five Tigers of the Fan Family"; in the winter of 1930, on the way back to Xiang'e with the Red Second Army, he died heroically at the age of 36 in order to cover the military headquarters.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Xue Yu (1894-1988), a native of Xiangyang, Hubei Province, was a medicinal chemist and pharmacy educator. He graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Qilu University in 1925 as a lecturer at Tsinghua University, and joined the Jiusan Society and the Democratic League in 1946. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1984 and wrote "Practical Organic Medicinal Chemistry", "General Chemistry Qualitative Analysis and Practical Risk Course", "Medical Organic Chemistry", "History of Chinese Pharmacy", etc.; he has made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of Chinese pharmacy, and is one of the founders of Pharmaceutical Education in China.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Zhang Jingyu (1895-1975), plant morphologist and educator, was elected as an academician (member of the Faculty) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955. Originally from Wujin, Jiangsu (present-day Changzhou), he was born in Guanghua, Hubei Province. Pioneer of plant morphology and plant systematics in China. The papers published between 1926 and 1938 are the earliest literature on plant morphology, developmental anatomy, physiological anatomy and experimental morphology in China. In 1934, he wrote an article introducing the freehand slicing method of plants, which promoted the teaching and scientific research of botany at that time. Years of dedication to learning and teaching work, cultivated a group of talents in different fields of botany, and promoted the development of modern botany in China.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Gui Zhiting, born in Shashi Town, Jiangling County, Hubei Province (now Shashi City), is one of the founders of the field of geomagnetism and ionospheric research in China. In the two hemispheres with American scientists, the phenomenon of "extended F-layer" was observed, recorded and reported at almost the same time, which was valued by the international geophysical community. Gui Has been engaged in physics education all his life and has contributed to the construction of the Department of Physics of Wuhan University and the creation of the Ionospheric Research Laboratory of Wuhan University. His publications include "Geomagnetism and Ionospheric Radio Wave Propagation". Wuhan University has a "Gui Zhiting Scholarship".

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Yun Daiying (12 August 1895 – 29 April 1931), originally from Wujin, Jiangsu Province, was born in Wuchang, Hubei Province. Yun Daiying was a Chinese proletarian revolutionary, one of the leaders of the early youth movement of the Communist Party of China, and a political instructor at the Fourth Phase of the Whampoa Military Academy. Yun Daiying actively participated in revolutionary activities when he was a student, and was one of the main leaders of the May Fourth Movement in Wuhan, founding the Liqun Book Society in 1920 and later the Coexistence Society to spread new ideas, new culture and Marxism. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1921, became a professor at Shanghai University in 1926, and in August of the same year was elected as an alternate member of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Socialist Youth League and director of the Propaganda Department, founding and editing The Chinese Youth, which cultivated and influenced an entire generation of young people. His posthumous works were compiled into the "Collection of English of the Yun Dynasty" and so on. On April 29, 1931, Yun Daiying was killed in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, at the age of 36.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Chen Tanqiu (January 1896 – September 27, 1943), courtesy name Cheng, zi yunxian, was a proletarian revolutionary from Huanggang County, Hubei Province (now Huangzhou District, Huanggang City, Hubei Province). In 1920, together with Dong Biwu, Liu Bochui and 7 others, he founded the Wuhan Communist Group and organized the Marxist Theory Research Society. In 1921, he founded the Hubei People's News Agency and served as its president. In July, Chen Tanqiu and Dong Biwu participated in the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China and established the Communist Party of China. After returning to Wuhan, he successively served as the main responsible person of the Wuhan Prefectural Committee, the Wuchang Prefectural Committee and the Hubei Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China, and in February 1923, he launched and led the student organizations of various trade unions in Wuhan to support the strike struggle of the Beijing-Hankou railway workers. He was killed in Xinjiang on September 27, 1943, and died at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Liu Zhan'en (1896-1938), a newcomer to Yang, Hubei Province, was an educator, patriot and social activist. After the fall of Nanjing in December 1937, Liu Zhan'en led the organization of the International Friendship Society, on behalf of the government, liaise with diplomatic personnel stationed in Shanghai, and publicize China's anti-Japanese ideas to friendly governments and peoples, in order to win the sympathy and support of international friends for China's War of Resistance. The photographs of the Nanjing Massacre that shocked the world were taken by Western missionaries stranded in Nanjing who risked their lives and handed them over to Liu Zhan'en for preservation and attempted to be released to the world. On April 7, 1938, when Liu Zhan'en and his family were out in a car, they were assassinated by Japanese agents.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

Tao Shuzeng, formerly known as Yi sheng, was born on March 9, 1896 in Huanggang County, Hubei Province (his residence is now divided into Xinzhou County, Wuhan), and was a civil engineering expert. Long-term commitment to water conservancy, river port and transportation engineering construction. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he organized and participated in the construction of the Yunnan-Burma Highway, the China-India Highway, and the Kunming Airport; after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he presided over the Huayuankou Dam Restoration Project; after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he made outstanding achievements in flood prevention and water conservancy construction on the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The theory of water control summed up in the practice of long-term water conservancy construction has made remarkable achievements. In the work of water conservancy education, a large number of scientific and technological talents have been trained.

Born in Hubei celebrities and great people, which ones do you know

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