
The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media

Source: Western Theater WeChat public account

The wind is full of sails, and see how this force strides into the new era

-- A certain regiment in the Western Theater conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party

□ Qu bo, Jiang Yuanyuan, and Wang Yafei

When the good news of the victory of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the election of a new central leading body at the First Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee came, the vast number of officers and men of a certain regiment in the western theater rejoiced and were inspired by the masses, and quickly set off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party.

The officers and men of the regiment unanimously stated that they should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, never forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, immerse themselves in hard work, forge ahead, and make due contributions to the realization of the strategic goals and tasks proposed by the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Convene the Thematic Standing Committee

Deeply rooted in the roots of faith

The party committee of the regiment regards the study and implementation of the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party as the top priority and the primary political task at present, and encourages the vast number of officers and men to consciously transform the theoretical achievements of studying the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party into practical actions to accelerate the transformation and construction. After the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was convened, the regiment made meticulous plans and organized cadres of political organs, political chiefs of battalion companies, and political theory professional instructors to study how to study and implement the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, and deployed measures to study and implement ideas. Zhang Xiaoping, head of the regiment, and Mao Shuaibi, political commissar, took the lead in studying one step ahead and learning one level deeper, organized party group discussions and experience exchanges, and promptly followed up media platforms such as Xinhua News Agency, People's Network, and mobile phone clients, so as to drive officers and men to study in depth and create a strong learning atmosphere.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Theoretical tutorials

In view of the fact that the camps are scattered, the regiment organized a propaganda group with the standing committee of the party committee and outstanding political teachers of the "four sessions" as the main body, and went deep into the grass-roots level to give lectures in different directions and at different levels to help officers and men fully understand and grasp the spirit of the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party. Cooperate with the mass practice activities of "studying the ideology of strengthening the army, telling the story of strengthening the army, and doing a good job in strengthening the military," and guide officers and men to turn their faith and conviction into an inexhaustible motive force for fulfilling the mission and task of strengthening border defense.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

The featured webpage went live

Party committee branches take the lead in studying and understanding the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, adhere to mechanisms such as analysis and research, assessment and acceptance, promotion of exchanges, and summary and evaluation; distinguish between three stages of advance study, follow-up study, and concentrated study, formulate measures to study and implement the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, and grasp the implementation of the system. Political organs persist in grasping guidance by category, making demands at different levels, and strengthening supervision and inspection at different levels, so as to promote officers and men to comprehensively study and grasp the key points; they take advantage of opportunities such as supervision and inspection to conduct item-by-item inspections and evaluations according to the key points of study and implementation.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Make learning cards

They made full use of the network platform to assist learning, simultaneously opened up a special column of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party on the political work network of the regiment, sorted out the learning hotspots that officers and soldiers were concerned about, organized study interviews and online discussions, exchanged and displayed the learning experience of officers and soldiers, and continuously deepened the study and understanding of the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party. All grass-roots units have also carried out various forms of mass discussion activities such as dialogue between officers and soldiers, positive and negative debates, and online exchanges in accordance with local conditions, so that officers and men at the grass-roots level can come to the forefront to tell stories and grow their words, and to generate ideological resonance and enhance ideological awareness in mutual exchanges.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Produce thematic panels

The regiment's series of measures to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party have rapidly fermented the learning momentum of officers and men, and the figures of officers and men studying the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party can be seen everywhere in the camp area.

Firmly follow along

What the party flag points to, the military flag points to. From party committee organs to grass-roots companies, from three-foot machines to new recruit training grounds, the vast number of officers and men held heated discussions after studying the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party and the communiqué of the First Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee and relevant news reports. In connection with the practice of strengthening the army, everyone said one after another that we must turn our support for the party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission, and President Xi Jinping into a trip to serve the country, uphold the party's absolute leadership over the people's army, and faithfully fulfill the sacred mission entrusted by the party and the people.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Conduct thematic discussions

"A country, a political party, the core of leadership is of vital importance, related to the direction of the banner road, related to the future and destiny of the nation." During the collective study, the party committee of the regiment unanimously held that in the new journey of strengthening the country and the army, in the critical period of national rejuvenation, it is necessary to unswervingly adhere to the party's absolute leadership over the people's army and resolutely safeguard President Xi's core position and authority.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Talk about the new changes in your hometown

"Is it too far away from the fight to answer the phone?" "Can the three-foot machine realize the dream of a strong army?" After the end of the duty, the female soldiers of the Model Telephone Service Company discussed the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party. They unanimously held that there was no spectator seat on the journey of strengthening the army, that every officer and soldier was a contestant, and that only by doing their duty and making concerted efforts in their respective posts could they jointly play the concerto of rejuvenating the army.

He Jun, the fourth-level sergeant major of the service support battalion, listed a series of happy things in the study and discussion, which aroused strong resonance among comrades-in-arms: "soldiers are given priority according to law" can be seen everywhere in travel, buying a house to enjoy provident fund loans, and family members coming to the team have military vehicles to pick up and drop off... Facing the imminent transfer of jobs, he contacted the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and said happily: "President Xi Jinping proposed to establish a management and guarantee institution for retired soldiers, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of military personnel and military dependents, and make military personnel a respected profession in the whole society." He firmly believes that the active and retired security of military personnel in the future will be better and better.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Relive the oath of membership

"We can't give up our dreams because of the complexity of reality, and we can't give up our pursuit because our ideals are far away." This sentence in the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China made Chen Yu, a soldier of the First Battalion and five companies, invigorate his spirits. After the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he and his younger brother Chen Zhou met together to join the army gloriously, and when they were new soldiers, the two worked hard and became training pacesetters. After 5 years, the brothers Chen Yu and Chen Zhou became the drivers of the company, accumulating more than 200,000 kilometers of safe driving. The new era has opened a new journey, and now they are full of confidence, saying that they will work hard, train hard, temper their driving skills, and contribute to the development and construction of the team with safe and reliable driving guarantees!

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Conduct knowledge contests

The spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party spread equally quickly among the new soldiers, and Qin Shiyuan, a class of recruits in the second company, wrote on the inspirational wall of the company: As a soldier, I am determined to always listen to the party, follow the party, and never stop on the road of strengthening the army that belongs to me. As a college student who enlisted in the army, I will lay a good military foundation, give full play to my personal strengths, and strive to turn myself into a grassroots steel nail and firmly anchor itself in the steel and iron bones of the troops.

Strengthen the unity of knowledge and action

The deepest belief in theory is practice. "All work must adhere to the standard of combat effectiveness and focus on being able to fight and win wars." The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China has pointed out the goals and put forward the requirements for us. Zhang Xiaoping, regimental commander of the regiment, said that they insisted on guiding officers and men to turn the political enthusiasm radiated from studying and implementing the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party into a strong motive force for training troops and preparing for war, constantly enhancing the sense of mission and responsibility of officers and men, practicing the weapons and equipment in their hands with a war-facing mentality, a battle-facing posture, and a state of actual combat, and striving to win well and undertaking the mission and tasks entrusted by the party and the people in the new era.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Train hard

In the "three machines", the female soldiers of the model telephone service company carried out a competition in theory assessment, rapid memorization, listening to typing, dialect listening, listening to the pronunciation, Chinese character entry and 3,000 meters physical fitness assessment and other 7 items, in addition to the theoretical and physical assessment of 2 items, the other 5 items are assessed using the all-army telephone competition assessment system. In accordance with the requirements of the goal of being able to fight and win wars, they set up examination subjects from difficulty and strictness, and set off a wave of training for adapting to actual combat throughout the company.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Conduct competitions

In the field communications battalion company, in combination with their functions and tasks, they invited many outstanding experts and professors to give guidance and lectures, and the officers and men actively discussed with experts and professors the issue of exchanging communications professions. Rong Liang, deputy commander of the second battalion, said happily: "'Sending education to the door' has injected strong thrust into the training of professional backbone forces in the battalion company, and effectively solved the practical problem of the shortage of professional talents in the grass-roots battalion company."

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Organize expert coaching

In order to test the ability of officers and men to communicate under dangerous and difficult circumstances, the regiment organized a communications detachment to carry out a full-course confrontation exercise with the newly formed blue detachment. Officers and men use various types of radio stations and terminals to nervously organize communication networks, all kinds of combat instructions and battlefield information shuttle back and forth in the network, and radio waves such as signal reconnaissance and forced interference are constantly attacking. At the scene of the exercise, the author saw that the commander of the communications detachment calmly responded to various sudden guidance and adjustment situations, resisted the whole process, and resolved one difficult problem after another.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Organize pull drills

Proud of the journey. Inspired by the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the officers and men of the regiment were enthusiastic about training and preparing for war. Liu Longjun, a platoon commander of the three battalions and one company who walked down from the training ground, said: "The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China is the charge number, and I am extremely proud that I can catch up with this new era, and I will devote myself to the great cause of the era of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army with a higher fighting spirit!" ”

Cohesion, the new era they vowed to go out

□Sun Long, Chen Jiaying, Deng Zixuan

Recently, the bright and warm sunshine shone in the sky, and also reflected the bright red party flag, and amid the loud slogans, the officers and men of a certain regiment of a certain regiment in the western theater held a grand ceremony to go out in a contest.

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

The warriors solemnly signed battle banners

"This is the first comprehensive competition since the establishment of our regiment, and it is a major activity to test and evaluate the effectiveness of everyone's training, which is of extraordinary significance; it is also the victory and closing of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, and the officers and men have deeply studied the spirit of the congress, implemented the important instructions of the chairman, and presented the rare opportunity and glorious mission of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party with practical actions. Everyone should persist in extending the spirit to the training ground, use the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party to stimulate their enthusiasm for training and preparing for war, constantly break through themselves, and strive for greater glory. Company commander Zhang Junbo first mobilized the recruits.

Military flag hunting, war drums urging. "We must keep our mission in mind and shoulder heavy burdens, continuously transform the learning achievements of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party into the ability to win wars, go all out, hold the conviction and determination to win, and devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the competition..." Under the leadership of Corporal Shang Luntong, all the participants in the competition jointly shouted a sonorous oath in the face of the bright party flag, and their impassioned speeches and determination to dare to fight and win won the warm applause of the officers and men of the whole company.

The spring breeze of the victory of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China is summoning up the vigor and vigor of all the officers and men of the company, especially the party-member cadres, who raised their right hands and solemnly swore an oath: "I voluntarily join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's regulations, fulfill the obligations of party members, and implement the party's decisions..." The voice was sonorous and powerful, and the atmosphere was solemn and solemn. "The moment I raised my right hand to take the oath, I felt the greatness of the party, and I felt the sacredness of a party member. I am very proud of the series of brilliant achievements made in the construction of the party and the state army since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and I will certainly work well, dedicate myself silently, and fulfill the sacred promises made to the organization! Yang Mingmiao, a volunteer who has just joined the party organization, said proudly.

The soul of the party casts the heart of the army, and the grand meeting strengthens the morale of the soldiers. "Everyone studying and implementing the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party must not only firmly grasp it ideologically, but also keep up with it in action, roll up their sleeves and work hard!" All personnel on the expedition must bear in mind three sentences: First, they attach great importance to such an honor in their military careers, and they must cherish this contest with all their might; second, they must have firm confidence and the spirit of overcoming all difficulties and bravely forging ahead; third, they must always strive for the first place and study through the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, and the key is to maintain a charging posture on the road of fine martial arts, practice their skills, and escort the party and the country's strategic development opportunity period. Comrade Sun Long, the instructor, cheered up all the expedition personnel and put forward three requirements.

The wind-swept red flag is picturesque, and the grand event has a new chapter in the inspirational spectrum. Finally, all officers and men solemnly signed their names on a bright red battle banner, which also directly expressed their heroic ambition to study and practice the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party and dare to declare war on difficulties and challenges. "Learn from the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and strive to be the top soldier of communications." It has been learned that since the company launched the study of the party's nineteenth spirit, it has created a strong atmosphere of comparison, learning, catching up, helping, and surpassing; it has always closely followed the characteristics of officers and men and the needs of the situation of the troops' tasks; it has used mobile phone and tablet clients, newspapers, magazines, political work networks, and other media platforms to organize officers and men to study in depth the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party; in its work, it has always adhered to the idea of combining theory with practice, and carried out a speech contest on "five years of forging ahead," a "one-sentence sentence from President Xi Jinping, a soldier's pulpit," and a "big discussion on hot and difficult points." A series of activities such as the study of the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party and the "Cast Loyalty in Posts" Post Evaluation Competition, especially the mobilization and expedition activities with a strong "military flavor" and full of combat atmosphere, have made officers and men strongly influenced by their ears and eyes, consciously extended the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party to the training ground, stimulated enthusiasm for training and preparation, and presented gifts to the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

On the road of the strong army, the mission is urged, and the grand event is full of pride and gifts. After the marching ceremony, the officers and men of the whole company were agitated under the rendering of the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress, and their morale was high, and they said one after another in the great discussion activities: "In this period of opportunity in the new era, we must not forget our original intentions to practice internal skills, bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities and set up a tide, strictly educate ourselves, practice hard to win the battle, strengthen our own abilities and qualities, resolutely walk in the forefront, bravely stand at the head of the tide, become the vanguard of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army, and closely follow the pace of reform to make new and greater contributions to strengthening the army at our posts." ”

Time is ordinary, but it is not ordinary because it carries a magnificent cause. In stark contrast to the gradually cooling temperatures, the heat of officers and men training and preparing for war is continuing to soar in their duty posts deep in the mountains. For the sake of the Zhengzheng oath under the party banner and the supreme glory of the "first regiment" in the war zone, their blood boiled and their passion burst out, and under the inspiration of the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, they set out from here!

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Company commanders mobilized officers and men to use military training and preparation for war to implement the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey
The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

The representatives of the contest expressed their determination

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey
The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Revisit the oath of joining the party and strengthen the sense of exemplary leadership

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

The instructor made a request to the personnel of the Comparative Force Expedition

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

Officers and soldiers signed their names sacredly on the banners

The wind is full of sails, and see how this unit strides into a new era and a new journey

At the mobilization meeting, the officers and men were full of pride and confidence