
Debut! The popular Japanese brand BRUNO landed at the Golden Autumn Gift Fair

Source: Consumption Daily

Recently, the domestic epidemic situation has gradually stabilized, the 28th Shenzhen International Gift Fair has added two new pavilions, attracting more than 4,000 exhibitors to the Shenzhen Gift Fair on a larger scale of 180,000 square meters, in addition to the traditional strong brands in a large number of gift channels, Xiaobian found that in recent years, the Japanese brand BRUNO (Boruno), which has gained super popularity among young white-collar workers, also made its debut in the Shenzhen Gift Fair.

Debut! The popular Japanese brand BRUNO landed at the Golden Autumn Gift Fair

Xiaobian learned that the original BRUNO multi-functional cooking pot, which was born in 2014, entered China in 2017, because of the distinctive and novel retro design, it can meet the diversified cooking scenes and become popular, becoming a fashion item on the table, and then producing many imitators in China.

Debut! The popular Japanese brand BRUNO landed at the Golden Autumn Gift Fair
Debut! The popular Japanese brand BRUNO landed at the Golden Autumn Gift Fair

Yang Jiao, co-founder of Zhenxin Electric Appliances, said: "In this gift exhibition, BRUNO takes the theme of 'Delicious Temperature', hoping to convey the feeling of fullness, satisfaction and happiness brought around the table and kitchen." Xiaobian saw on the spot that in addition to the joint appearance of classic products, BRUNO's new product series was also exhibited in the form of a home museum, and the high-cold home style color scheme was very unique in the exhibition hall. The cooking of the gourmet bar is live, the aroma covers the entire exhibition area, and the comments of the live broadcast have been scrolling rapidly, and they have also attracted the attention of a large number of exhibitors.

Debut! The popular Japanese brand BRUNO landed at the Golden Autumn Gift Fair
Debut! The popular Japanese brand BRUNO landed at the Golden Autumn Gift Fair

BRUNO's products follow the provision of "changeable" and "interesting" lifestyle, the launch of light food machine, ice cream machine, light cooking pot, pocket electric hot water cup and other items are loved and sought after by modern young people because of their unique design, in Japan's major well-known food magazines, social platforms, bookstores can see bruno figure.

Debut! The popular Japanese brand BRUNO landed at the Golden Autumn Gift Fair

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Debut! The popular Japanese brand BRUNO landed at the Golden Autumn Gift Fair

It has long been a hot topic on social platforms

"Enjoy sharing enjoy life, enjoy the joyful party together, reflect the way of life, BRUNO emphasizes that life is luxurious, fashionable, pleasant, and constantly pursues and creates products that give life beauty and good quality. Shenzhen Gift Fair is the industry's leading and largest trade fair for gifts and household goods, and we hope to take this opportunity to show bruno's strength and development space to the outside world, while seeking like-minded people to lead the younger generation and convey BRUNO's fashionable and interesting lifestyle. Yang Jiao, co-founder of Zhenxin Electric Appliances, said.

Debut! The popular Japanese brand BRUNO landed at the Golden Autumn Gift Fair

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