
Marvel's new "Mobias: Doctor Of the Night": A lot of key Easter eggs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

author:American drama Rotten Tomatoes

After several postponements, "Mobias: Doctor Night", starring Jared Leto, finally released the latest movie trailer and announced a simultaneous global release from January 26, 2022 (Wed). After "Venom 2", fans are quite curious about how the Sony Marvel Universe will develop next, and from the latest release of the movie trailer of "Mobias: Doctor Night", it seems to reveal that the relevant connections with Spider-Man, Venom and the MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe appear at the same time.

Marvel's new "Mobias: Doctor Of the Night": A lot of key Easter eggs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

"Mobias: Doctor Night" is based on the story of The Dark Anti-Hero in Marvel Comics, Dr. Mobias the Vampire. He is a scientist with a rare blood disorder and is desperate to find a way to fight the disease before he dies. He discovers a dangerous treatment related to vampires and tries it out with his own body

Marvel's new "Mobias: Doctor Of the Night": A lot of key Easter eggs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Although he was miraculously healed, he also gained strength and speed beyond mortals, and more like a bat-like echo positioning ability, being able to fly in the air, and an inexplicable desire for blood... A series of strange events occurred one after another, and the police gradually locked on Mobias to pursue him.

Marvel's new "Mobias: Doctor Of the Night": A lot of key Easter eggs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

The film was filmed before the outbreak of the epidemic, but the release plan was still delayed many times due to the epidemic, and finally made the anti-hero character movie "Venom 2", which is also the Marvel Hero Universe of Sony Pictures, be released first. As the official release date approaches, "Mobias" exposes the latest movie trailer, in addition to letting us see more content from this new anti-hero movie, it also reveals a number of related connections with SSU Sony Pictures Spider-Man Universe, MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe and "The Amazing Spider-Man".

According to the discussion of foreign media, in this latest trailer, one of the buildings in the sunset sky scene was surprised to see the LOGO of "Norman Osborne". Although the appearance of the building is not the same as that of previous film and television works, the LOGO design is completely consistent with the 2014 movie "The Amazing Spider-Man 2", does it imply that "Mobias" is related to the Extraordinary Spider-Man series to some extent?

Marvel's new "Mobias: Doctor Of the Night": A lot of key Easter eggs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

The surprise Easter egg is not only that, the "Vulture", who appeared in the MCU movie "Spider-Man: Homecoming", also appears in the trailer; and at the end of the trailer, Mobias suddenly jokingly jumps out at the little bastard who attacks him:

"I am Venom."

Of course, these simultaneous connections have fans once again fallen into confusion.

Marvel's new "Mobias: Doctor Of the Night": A lot of key Easter eggs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

"Who the hell are you?" "I, yes, venom. Just kidding."

In fact, as early as the prelude trailer released at the beginning of this year, you can see the connection between the "Mobias" and the "Spider-Man" trilogy.

Marvel's new "Mobias: Doctor Of the Night": A lot of key Easter eggs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Many of the empty shots in this trailer constantly hint that the geographical background of "Mobias" is set in New York, USA, but in fact, there are scenes representing San Francisco, and the stories of many previous "Spider-Man" movies also took place in San Francisco, and many of the keys are to imply that "Mobias" is definitely connected to other Spider-Man-related movies, but before the release of the movie, we are not sure in what way they will be connected.

From the interview with the movie tidbits released by Sony Pictures, I learned how Jared Leto, who starred in "Mobias", had feelings about this trailer:

"I'm excited to have the opportunity to do something that will completely change the audience' minds." This is a character who challenges the limits of his body, and Mobis will transform from an extremely fragile body shape into the shape of a beast." "I'm excited to see where we're going, like a spider's web connecting the possibilities."

Mobias will be released simultaneously worldwide from January 26, 2022.