
Ancient Teachers' Day

author:Xinfeng Community, Yizhou

September is the season of harvest and the season of return On September 10, 1985, the State Education Commission held a general meeting to celebrate the first Teachers' Day in New China Since then, September 10 every year has become a major event in our lives! Don't forget

Thank you Teacher

While being grateful, do you want to know how the ancient ancients who respected the teacher and the Tao celebrated Teacher's Day? Let's take a look at the things that happened on Teachers' Day in ancient times

Has Teachers' Day always been September 10th?

"Six-six" Teacher's Day

Ancient Teachers' Day

In May 1931, educators Tai Shuangqiu and Cheng Qibao initiated the proposal to make June 6 of each year a Teacher's Day. "Six-six" had a certain impact, but it was not recognized.

"Eight/Twenty-Seven" Teachers' Day

Ancient Teachers' Day

In 1939, the then Ministry of Education decided to make August 27, the birth anniversary of the Chinese educator Confucius, Teachers' Day. Later, experts converted Confucius's birthday to September 28; so teachers' day was also changed to September 28. This Teachers' Day has not been introduced nationwide.

Teachers' Day

Ancient Teachers' Day

In 1951, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions jointly agreed to merge Teachers' Day with the "Five International Labor Day", but for various reasons it was not implemented.

"September 10" Teachers' Day

Ancient Teachers' Day

In 1985, the Eighth Session of the Sixth National People's Congress officially passed the Motion of the State Council on the Establishment of Teachers' Day, and decided that September 10 is China's Teachers' Day.

Why is Teachers' Day set for September 10?

On September 1, the new school year of colleges, middle schools and primary schools across the country began, and schools should have a new atmosphere. At the beginning of the enrollment of new students, they begin to respect teachers and re-teach, which can create a good atmosphere for "teachers teach well and students learn well".

How did the ancient "Teacher's Day" come about?

Teacher's Day in ancient times had a great relationship with Confucius. During the Han and Jin dynasties, on the birthday of Confucius (August 27 of the lunar calendar), the emperor would lead civil and military officials to worship the Confucius Temple and invite teachers to dinner. At that time, although Confucius's Birthday was not established as Teacher's Day, teachers had begun to enjoy welfare benefits such as holidays and meals.

Ancient Teachers' Day

In the Tang and Song dynasties, every time the kingdom of heaven and all states, prefectures, and counties held Confucius birthday festivals, which were very solemn. Guozijian, academies, and prefectures, prefectures, and counties will also select those with outstanding achievements as "siye" and submit them to the imperial court, and these "advanced educators" can be rewarded with a maximum of 500 taels of silver.

In the Qing Dynasty, the scale and scope of Confucius's birth ceremony became more and more grand, and the most outstanding teachers were awarded the title of Eight Pins on this day. Many famous scholars of the Qing Dynasty, such as Yan Yuan, Ruan Yuan, and Hui Shiqi, were promoted at that time.

What were the ancient teachers called?

"Teacher" originally referred to an elderly senior scholar or person who taught academics. For example, in the "Chronicle of Mencius XunQing": "When Qi Xiang was king, Xun Qing was the most teacher. Later, people also referred to people who taught students as "teachers." In fact, in addition to "teacher", there are many ancient titles for teachers, such as mr., master, master, master, xixi, professor, teaching assistant, doctor, etc. So, do some of the common names in modern society mean the same thing as in ancient times?

Ancient Teachers' Day

Doctor: The word doctor was used in ancient times. Doctorate was an official name in ancient times (today's doctor usually refers to someone who owns or is studying for a doctorate). During the Qin and Han dynasties, the doctor was in charge of books and texts and was familiar with historical affairs. Later, he became an academic professional or proficient in an art, and engaged in teaching and apprenticeship. For example, in the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yunjiao once named Fang Xiaoru a "doctor of literature" and so on.

Professor: Today the term professor is a title in the higher education system, but in ancient Taixue it was a doctor of lectures. Both the Han and Tang dynasties in China had doctoral degrees, the central and local schools of the Song Dynasty began to have professors, and the Yuan Dynasty's various roads, prefectures, and governments also had professors in Confucianism, as well as in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Teaching assistant: Today's teaching assistant has the meaning of assistant teacher. In ancient times, however, teaching assistants referred to teachers who taught in the Guozijian. In the second year of the Western Jin Dynasty, Xianning established the National Zixue and began to set up teaching assistants. Since then, except for a few dynasties, there have been teaching assistants in the Guozi Prison, called Guozi assistant teacher, Taixue assistant teacher, four assistant teaching assistant, Guangwen assistant teacher, etc.

Ancient "teachers" also had to take exams?

Before the Western Han Dynasty, teachers were mostly recommended and did not need to practice examinations. But by the time of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a "qualification examination" for teachers in China—to become a doctor of Taixue, you had to pass an exam that was presided over too often (somewhat similar to the exam hosted by the Ministry of Education today).

Moreover, the individual teaching experience and age of teachers have corresponding regulations, requiring more than 50 students who have taught and are not less than 50 years old.

Ancient Teachers' Day

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, China formed a complete system of official learning. Official schools, equivalent to today's public schools, have both primary schools and universities; there are both comprehensive schools and junior colleges. Of course, the teaching management and requirements are more standardized and stricter, and there is a set of perfect assessment methods for teachers' professional qualifications and teaching ability. Among them, the number of lectures is one of the important criteria for assessment and grading. 

The Song Dynasty was an era when private schools began to rise and prosper, and private academies were popular, but the imperial court also paid close attention to official learning, and to become a "public teacher" also had to take the exam. The "instructor examination" system implemented in the eighth year of Song Xining (1076 AD) is probably the most difficult to pass the education supervisor and teacher qualification examination in the history of Chinese education. Due to the strict examination, the number of professors in the state and county of the country has decreased significantly.

Do you know these things about the ancient Teachers' Day here?

Teachers' Day wishes to all hard-working teachers