
The answer to the summary question is generated

author:Xinjiang Huatu
The answer to the summary question is generated

In the scientific and technological literature reading questions, abstract writing as a common examination question, often because it involves the whole answer, the summary material and detailed grasp of the requirements are relatively high, is a difficult topic for many candidates to grasp. What kind of process does the answer formation of the summary question go through, and the following is a question, combined with the answer idea of the summary question, and the operation demonstration.

Summarize the steps to answer

1. Refine the information elements in the text

Second, layering, induction and integration

Third, form the main points, polish the text

Take the second half of 2015 public institutions joint examination comprehensive application ability C science and technology literature reading abstract question as an example, demonstrate the steps.

Distill each paragraph (or unit of information) to the effect

In the human gut, countless bacteria can help us break down tough plant fibers, but they seem to help more than just aid digestion. New research shows that gut bacteria change the way we store fat, and if the gut bacteria are not made up properly, we may be obese from birth. Fortunately, scientists are beginning to understand how normal and abnormal gut flora structures differ, and what causes them to be different. They hope to figure out how to regulate this ecosystem in the human body in order to prevent or even cure obesity. 【Comment 1】

[Note 1] New research shows that there is a link between gut bacteria and obesity, and clarifying the mechanism can prevent or even cure obesity.

From the moment of birth, each person begins to build his own microbial community—first acquiring the mother's bacteria and then absorbing new members from the environment throughout their lifetime. In recent years, scientists' research has gradually transitioned from a simple census of bacteria to an exploration of the specific responsibilities of these bacteria in the human body and their impact on human health. After studying the genes of various microorganisms, scientists found that the body flora varies greatly between different individuals and between different groups of people. 【Comment 2】

[Note 2] Between different individuals and between different groups of people, the differences in body flora are very large

Initially, when scientists studied the intestinal bacteria of fat and thin individuals, they found that in thinner people, intestinal bacteria are like tropical rainforests, especially abundant; in fatter people, the diversity of flora is much worse, more like a nutrient-rich pond occupied by a few bacteria. For example, in thinner people, there are usually many types of bacteroides, and these bacteria are specifically responsible for breaking down large pieces of fiber into short-chain molecules, making them energy that the human body can consume. 【Comment 3】

[Comment 3] The diversity of intestinal bacteria in thin people is richer than in fat people.

But is this difference the cause of obesity? To explore causation, Jeffrey Gordon and colleagues at the University of Washington conducted a series of experiments using humanized mice (mice with human genes, cells, or tissues). First, they bred mice with identical genetic backgrounds in a sterile environment. Then, they collected intestinal bacteria from an obese woman A and her slender twin sister B and implanted them in mice—group I mice implanted intestinal bacteria from A, and group II. implanted intestinal bacteria from B. The two groups of mice had the same diet structure and the same total diet. The results found that the mice in group I were heavier, had higher body fat, and, as expected, had a poor diversity of bacteria in their guts. Subsequently, Gordon et al. modified the protocol slightly and did another experiment: this time, they put two groups of mice that had just been implanted with different gut bacteria into the same rat cage. This time, both groups of mice remained slim. Studies have shown that mice carrying A's gut bacteria acquired certain B's gut bacteria (especially multiple bacteroides), possibly by the fact that the former ate the latter's feces (a typical behavior in mice).

To further verify this, the researchers built on the first experiment and did a third experiment: 54 bacteria were extracted from mice carrying the intestinal bacteria of B and implanted into mice carrying the intestinal bacteria of A. It turned out that the mice that should have become fat did not become fat later. However, if the former transplants 39 bacteria from the latter's body, it will not cause any changes.

Gordon said: "Experiments have shown that there is a causal relationship between bacteria and body size, and it is possible to prevent obesity from occurring. He believes that in the first experiment, the gut flora of group I mice was missing some bacteria, which were critical to maintaining a healthy weight and normal metabolism. The researchers also found exciting clues about how these bacteria specifically worked, such as that the blood and muscles of the mice in group II were more abundant in branched-chain amino acids and acyl carnitine, and the content of these two substances was also higher in obese people. [Comment 4] [Comment 4] Based on the mouse comparison test, it can be concluded that the difference in intestinal bacterial diversity is the cause of obesity.

In the intestinal flora of obese patients, Helicobacter pylori also has a certain degree of deficiency. Martin Bresser of Martin University in New York believes that Helicobacter pylori helps regulate appetite; previously, there were large amounts of Helicobacter pylori in the digestive system of Americans, but due to improved hygiene conditions and the use of antibiotics, Helicobacter pylori is now rare. 【Comment 5】

[Comment 5] The loss of Helicobacter pylori in obese people is related to the use of antibiotics.

Diet is an important factor in shaping the ecology of the intestine. There is already evidence that a decrease in bacterial diversity in the human gut is associated with excessive consumption of processed foods. Gordon's team found complex relationships between food, bacteria and body weight. They fed the humanized mice a specially prepared unhealthy feed: few fruits and vegetables, high in fat, low in fiber. After eating this feed, mice carrying obese flora will continue to gain weight even if they are locked up with mice implanted with slim female gut bacteria. It can be seen that an unhealthy diet can inhibit the migration and multiplication of beneficial bacteria in some way. 【Comment 6】

[Note 6] An unhealthy diet can inhibit the migration and multiplication of beneficial bacteria in some way.

Diet interacting with gut bacteria may push us down a path of being prone to obesity, and the way we come into the world does the same. Studies have shown that children who have had a vaginal birth and breastfeeding have a higher risk of obesity by caesarean section and formula.

A joint study by Rob Knight of the University of Colorado and Maria Bellow of New York University found that newborns, when they pass through the birth canal, they get bacteria that can later help them digest milk. Babies born by caesarean section skip the baptism of bacteria. Children who grow up eating formula also face another disadvantage: there are substances in breast milk that breed good bacteria and prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying, which they do not have access to. A study by Canadian scientists found that some of the bacteria in the gut of infants who drank formula were only found by breastfed babies after they had consumed solid complementary foods. Maria Bello said the bacteria, which appear before the gut and immune systems mature, may be one of the reasons why infants who drink formula are more likely to develop allergies, asthma, eczema, malt bowel disease and obesity. 【Comment 7】

[Note 7] Children who have caesarean sections and formula are at higher risk of obesity than children who are born vaginally and breastfeeding, because vaginal births and breastfeeding can obtain digestion-aiding bacteria from the mother, while babies who are born by caesarean section and use formula are not available.

Today, the misuse of antibiotics in children has also exacerbated concerns about whether gut bacteria can effectively control weight. Bresser's study proved that after giving low doses of antibiotics to young mice, they had 15 percent higher levels of fat in their bodies than those who were not given antibiotics. Antibiotics may have wiped out some of the bacteria that help us maintain a healthy weight. Maria Bello said: "Antibiotics are like a fire in the forest, and babies are building a forest, and if you put a fire in a newly grown forest, there is nothing." Bresser also noted that the use of antibiotics in the United States varies greatly from state to state, and the obesity rates vary greatly from state to state, and the trends of the two overlap, such as higher rates of antibiotic use and obesity in some states in the southern United States. 【Comment 8】

[Comment 8] The abuse of antibiotics is not conducive to the growth of intestinal bacteria, and the rate of antibiotic use is related to the rate of obesity.

As a result, many scientists are actively developing potential medical solutions to treat and prevent obesity, using bacteria. For example, Maria Bello is conducting a clinical trial in which babies are wiped with gauze stained with maternal secretions and gut bacteria immediately after birth by caesarean section, and then the weight and overall health of these babies are followed and compared with caesarean section babies who have not been wiped with gauze.

Meanwhile, a team in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is studying transplanting bacteria from the guts of slim people to overweight people to see if there is a weight loss effect. Robert Karp of the National Institutes of Health believes that a more promising approach is to accurately identify strains directly related to slimming, confirm their effects, and develop appropriate therapies. Gordon suggests that food should contain more good bacteria and any other nutrients that help good bacteria survive in the gut — which is the scientific basis for probiotic yogurt to help lose weight. While no one believes that probiotics alone can defeat obesity, in addition to exercise and a healthy diet, humans do need to "recruit" their own microbial forces. 【Comment 9】

[Note 9] Based on the relationship between bacteria and obesity, some potential obesity medical solutions; although probiotics alone cannot defeat obesity, they still need to "recruit" their own microbial troops.

The extracted points are layered, and the points at the same level, the same part, and the same category are divided into one layer and integrated.

1. [Annotation 1] [Annotation 2] [Annotation 3] Background introduction to the relationship between gut bacteria and obesity:

Between different individuals and between different groups of people, the differences in body flora are very large; the diversity of intestinal bacteria in thin people is richer than in fat people. Only by understanding the mechanism can obesity be prevented or even cured.

2. [Annotation 4] [Annotation 5] [Annotation 6] [Annotation 7] [Annotation 8] Exploration of whether the difference in intestinal colonies is the cause of obesity:

[Note 4] [Note 5] Obese people lack some key bacteria in their bodies.

[Note 6] [Note 7] [Note 8] The abuse of antibiotics, unhealthy eating styles, infant caesarean sections, and the consumption of formula milk can all affect the growth of intestinal microorganisms, which in turn can lead to obesity.

3. [Comment 9] Based on the relationship between intestinal bacteria and obesity, an obesity treatment plan was developed

Wipe the baby with gauze stained with maternal secretions and gut bacteria; transplant bacteria from the intestines of slim people to overweight people; identify strains directly related to slim and develop appropriate therapies; and let food contain more beneficial bacteria.

4. [Comment 9] Conclusion: Probiotics alone cannot defeat obesity, but they still need to "recruit" their own microbial troops.

It can be seen that the theme of the material is the study between intestinal bacteria and obesity, which is introduced from the background description, the association between obesity and microorganisms, the obesity treatment plan, and the conclusion, and these four parts are the composition of the answer.

Apply logically related words, transitional words and phrases, and organize the integrated content into texts.

This article focuses on the study between gut bacteria and obesity. The study found that different individuals, populations, and body flora are very different, and the intestinal flora of the slim population is rich, while the obese population is much less, and scientists have come to the conclusion that regulating intestinal bacteria can prevent or even cure obesity. Through experiments, it was found that obesity is related to a certain degree of loss of Helicobacter pylori in the intestinal flora, unhealthy diet, the way of coming to the world to give birth or caesarean section, and the abuse of antibiotics. As a result, many scientists are actively developing potential medical solutions to treat and prevent obesity, using bacteria. For example, caesarean section babies wipe with gauze stained with maternal secretions and intestinal bacteria, transplant bacteria in the intestines of slim people to overweight people, find strains directly related to slim, find more probiotics, etc. Although probiotics alone cannot completely defeat obesity, it is still necessary to pay attention to the structure of microbial colonies in the body to prevent obesity.

The above content is inductive and integrated content, concise transcription, when writing the text, we must pay attention to the coherence and fluency of the sentences, so that the operation will meet the requirements of accurate (faithful to the original text), comprehensive, clear and concise abstract title.