
Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

author:Garden Langzhong
Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows a ash tree as a street tree

Ash tree is a plant belonging to the genus Eucalyptus, is a deciduous tree often used in China's landscaping, its plant is tall, the distribution of branches is also many, the crown is wide, the leaves are relatively dense, is a good street tree species, but also has a good shading effect.

Because its leaves turn dazzling golden yellow in autumn, it is of great ornamental value, so it is often planted as an important foliage tree species in landscaping.

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows a ash tree that turns golden yellow in autumn

However, in the process of planting ash trees, there are often various problems, which affect the healthy growth of ash trees, make them weak, or die, so that they cannot achieve a better ornamental effect.

Today, here I will give you a brief summary of the most common problems in the planting process of ash trees, and the corresponding solutions, I hope to help you!

1. The bark of the ash tree cracks

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The condition of cracking the bark of ash trees is most often caused by large areas of ash trees planted in nurseries, mainly due to excessive water and fertilizer, or excessive temperature differences. In daily management, as long as more attention is paid, it is generally preventable.

Bark cracking caused by excessive water and fertilizer:

Generally mainly because of the excessive supply of water and fertilizer to the tree in the first autumn, so that the xylem of the tree grows faster in the spring of the following year, while the growth of the phloem part of the periphery does not keep up, resulting in bark cracking, which is caused by the cracking of the bark in the spring.

Bark cracking caused by excessive temperature differences:

Bark cracking caused by excessive temperature differences generally occurs in seedlings with a chest diameter of less than 10 cm, and is more common in North China. The main reason is because the seedlings grow too fast in the spring and summer, and if the southwest light is too intense, it is particularly easy to damage the bark, cause sunburn, and form bark cracking.

The bark cracking caused by this cracking generally occurs on sunny days after rain, and the direction is generally in the direction of the sun.

2, ash tree trunk flow gum

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows the application of ash trees in gardens

The trunk glue of ash trees generally occurs mainly in the spring, and the site of disease is mainly based on the trunk. The outflow of colloid is very similar to peach tree stream gum, which is also a yellow colloid that is initially translucent, and after contact with air, the color becomes reddish brown and hardens.

These outflows of colloids are actually nutrients in the body of ash trees, so the wax trees that occur gum will become weaker and weaker, the old leaves will slowly turn yellow, and the newly grown leaves will be relatively thin. If left untreated, ash trees can also have dead branches or even the death of the whole plant.

3. Dried insect pests such as small beetles, giddings, and tianniu

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows insect droppings found on the trunk of a ash tree

Small beetles, tianniu, etc. are the more common dried moth pests on ash trees, mainly in the way that larvae eat the main trunk of the ash tree, the xylem of the branches, and the phloem. Ash trees that are harmed by it will grow weaker and weaker due to the obstruction of the transmission of nutrients and water in the tree, and the leaves will turn yellow and fall off in advance, and when it is serious, it will cause the drying of branches and even the death of the whole plant.

Trees that are harmed by it can generally find obvious wormholes on the trunk and branches, or wood chips and insect droppings poured out of the worm holes, which can be used as a basis for judging the damage of moths.

4. Pests on the leaves such as aphids and leaf curling moths

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows the cotton aphids on the young leaves of white ash

Aphid is a major pest that harms the shoots and shoots of ash trees, mainly with aphids and adults gathering on the shoots of ash trees. The stalks that have been harmed by it will curl and deform, and the excrement secreted by the aphids will often induce coal pollution disease in addition to dripping on the ground.

Leaf curler moth is a leaf-eating pest that is very common on the leaves of ash trees, and its damage is most obvious in summer and early autumn.

5. Insects that harm branches such as insects

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows the arrow-tip shield worm on the trunk of the ash seedling

The insects that harm ash trees are mainly the arrow-pointed shield borer and the ash bug, and their hazards are mainly peaked in April to May in spring and August to September in autumn. It feeds on nymphs that gather on branches and suck sap from the branches of seedlings.

Trees that are harmed by it will become weaker and weaker, and the leaves will fall early, which will cause the drying of branches and even the death of the whole plant.

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows the fruit and leaves of a ash tree

1. How to prevent the problem of bark cracking?

Bark cracking problems mainly occur in ash tree nurseries, and are most common in ash tree seedlings, that is, chest diameter of less than 10 cm. The prevention of bark cracking mainly starts from the two aspects of water and fertilizer management and prevention of sunburn.

Water and fertilizer management: After August, nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied, but mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and the amount of fertilizer should not be too large.

Prevent sunburn: The simplest and most effective way to prevent sunburn is to whiten the trunk and reduce the temperature difference between day and night by reflecting the sunlight, so as to avoid bark cracking caused by excessive temperature difference. This situation may occur in winter and summer, and most of them are mainly southwest-oriented.

2. How to prevent the problem of fluid gum disease?

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows a golden ash tree in autumn

Fluid gum disease is generally divided into physiological flow glue and infested flow glue, the causes of which are different, and the time of occurrence is mainly based on spring and autumn.

Specific prevention and control methods, you can refer to what I wrote before

"In August, the peak of the incidence of glue disease struck again, timely prevention and control, do not let the seedlings shed tears again", in fact, the prevention and control methods are similar.

3. How to prevent dried borer pests such as small beetles, giddings, and tianniu?

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows the harm of dried moth pests to ash trees

For dried moth pests, adult booby traps, root burial prevention, poison signature control, direct spraying of tree trunks and other methods of control.

It is best to do it regardless of whether there are insects or not, and to bury granules such as octylthion, diazine phosphorus, and chlorpyrifos in the root every spring and autumn for prevention.

When insect holes are found in the trunk, use a 10-fold liquid sticky cotton swab of dichlorvos, and then use the poison swab method to control it.

If you do not consider the cost of medication, you can directly mix a pound of chlorpyrifos + a pound of orange peel essential oil with 15 kg of water, spray the trunk, and can also achieve a better control effect.

4. How to control pests on the leaves such as aphids and leaf curlers?

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows the cotton aphids on the leaves of ash trees

For stinging pests such as aphids, as well as leaf-eating pests such as leaf curl moths, they are all pests that can be directly observed with the naked eye, and the control is relatively simple, can be prevented in advance, and can also be started in time when the pest is found.

For aphids and other stinging pests, you can choose poisonous agents such as imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiazidone, avermectin and other agents for spraying, pay attention to the breeding cycle of aphids when spraying, you can use the drug continuously for about 3 times, each interval is 5 to 7 days.

For leaf-eating pests such as leaf curl moths, some agents with fumigation and gastric toxicity effects can be selected, such as high-efficiency permethrin, methyl vitamin salt, etc. for spraying, and the drug is used twice continuously, each time at an interval of 10 to 15 days.

5. How to control insects?

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows the arrow-tip shield worm on the trunk of the ash tree

The control of insects should focus on prevention, and at the end of March or the beginning of April of each year, sprays of thiazide ketone and imidacloprid on ash trees are prevented.

In the early stage of the insect damage, when the waxy layer has not been fully secreted, use thiazide, thiamethoxine, etc., together with the osmotic agent silicone for spraying, continuous spraying 2 to 3 times, each time at an interval of 7 to 10 days;

In the later stages of the insect damage, use ethyl spirant, with the penetrant silicone, or orange peel essential oil to spray ash trees, pay attention to spray evenly.

Of course, in addition to the problems I shared above, there are many other problems that need our attention in the planting process of ash trees, such as soil selection during planting, how to water in daily management, how to prevent leaf spot disease, coal pollution and other conventional diseases...

I will not go into detail about these, because these are the most common tree species in the planting process. For example, when building a nursery, the nursery can not be low-lying water, the soil should choose loose and breathable and relatively fertile soil, over-saline, over-acidic soil can not be selected; in the daily watering and irrigation work, it is necessary to try to irrigate in the morning and evening, not to water in the high temperature period at noon, in the period of more rain to do timely drainage, to avoid seedlings because of water rotten roots and death; in the nursery planting, and daily pruning should pay attention to the ventilation between the seedlings, light transmittance, etc., which will greatly reduce the probability of diseases in the nursery ......

Ash trees in autumn are beautiful, but there are several issues that require special attention during the planting process

The picture shows the ash trees planted on the river embankment

Ash tree, is a very common tree species in landscaping, has a good purification effect on harmful gases in the environment, I hope that landscaping work friends, you can maintain it well, let it add strength to our city!

Recently, it is the best time to see the leaves of the ash tree, if you also like its pure golden color, you may wish to get out of the room, go to the park or road outside, maybe you can find its beautiful figure.

Well, the knowledge about ash trees will be briefly introduced to you here today.

I am the headline garden lang, you can pay attention to me, every day for everyone to update the garden maintenance technology knowledge, as well as about the little secrets of plants!