
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange

author:Calligraphy code

There are about forty works of calligraphy handed down from generation to generation, most of which are cursive and mainly inkblots. His calligraphy began with Tang calligraphy and then traced back to the Second King of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He is solid in skill, good at hanging his wrists, likes to use wolves, and emphasizes bone strength.

His large letters are majestic, rounded, and majestic without losing their rules. The body of the book is rigorous, full of strength, and elegant and natural. Cursive learning is pure and can be innovative, the penmanship is indulgent, and the courage is magnificent.

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Fresh in Shu Cursive Stone Drum Song Word Post ¥55.1 Purchase

Wang Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty tasted the clouds "Rare in erudition, negative material, good looking and bearded, like heshuo's father." Yu saw that he was often victorious with bone strength, but lacked posture, slightly like his people, so he claimed to be gradually inferior to Zhao Wuxing."

The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange

Due to his low official position in his lifetime, he was often given idle houses, and Xian Yushu was able to give full play to his artistic talents, and in addition to his calligraphy expertise, he was also a literary scholar and wrote many poems. He can also compose music, play the piano well, and is proficient in cultural relics identification. It is precisely because of his extensive artistic accomplishment and the integration of it into calligraphy that he has rarely become a calligrapher. Rarely learned calligraphy in his early years, he failed to be like the ancients, and occasionally saw the two people pulling a car in the mud in the wild, and had an epiphany. When he writes, he often uses the center to return to the wrist, the pen and ink are pure and smooth, the momentum is majestic and ups and downs, and the drunken writing is strange. It is rarely written in shu and long letters, lines, and cursive, especially cursive. His skills are very solid, he writes with his wrists hanging, his pen strength is strong, and he is the author of "Sleepy Learning Collection".

Xian Yushu is on a par with Zhao Mengfu, and is also known as the "giant" of the Yuan Dynasty book world, and is called "Ermiao" and "Erjie", but its influence is slightly inferior to Zhao Mengfu.

The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange
The "Stone Drum Song" in the cursive book is full of strength and strange

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