
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu

author:Calligraphy collection

Speaking of Xian Yushu, many friends may not know him, but when it comes to Zhao Mengfu, you will definitely know.

Xian Yushu was a famous calligrapher of his contemporary with Zhao Mengfu, and he had a deep friendship with Zhao Mengfu, and in that era, he and Zhao Mengfu were almost equal in calligraphy. According to Zhao Mengfu's fame and level, you probably know what kind of character XianYushu is.

Xian Yushu is a typical northerner, with a large beard, a temperament, and a special love to drink, and when he is happy to drink, he will chant poems and write calligraphy, and the works produced at this time are often interesting and very popular.

Since the Southern Song Dynasty, the decline of the book world has become increasingly obvious, and with the efforts of Xian Yushu, Zhao Mengfu and others, the current style of books has been invigorated. As a good friend of Zhao Mengfu, Xian Yushu also gave some good advice to Zhao.

For a time, Zhao Mengfu was obsessed with the calligraphy works of Emperor Gaozong of Song, and seeing this situation, Xian Yushu reminded him that he should start with Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. As soon as this sentence came out, it woke up the dreamer, and Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy skills have greatly improved since then.

Without further ado, let's enjoy Xian Yushu's work "Wang Anshi Miscellaneous Poems".

After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu

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After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu
After drinking and writing calligraphy, I only serve the shu

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