
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Age of Variants: Four Monsters

author:Peach Taotao Movie

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Age of Mutants

Directed By: Jonathan Rebesman

Writers: Josh Appelbaum / Andrey Nemek / Evan Dahdi / Peter Larde / Kevin Eastman

Starring: Megan Fox / Will Arnett / William Fidnell / Alan Richson / Noel Fisher / Pete Ploutek / Johnny Knoxville / Jeremy Howard / Danny Woodburn / Tony Schargeboro / Ubi Goldberg / Michio Noji / Abby Eliot / Madison Mason

Genre: Comedy / Action / Sci-Fi / Adventure

Country of Production: United States

Language: English

Release: 2014-10-31

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Age of Variants: Four Monsters

Sorry, but from the image alone, it is difficult for me to have any good feelings for such a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. At least the first impression is not very good.

Jonathan Ribesman, the director of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, was a horror film director in his early years, having made the Texas Chainsaw Killer Prequel. After entering the big production, I made "The Battle of Los Angeles" and "The Wrath of the Gods", well, they are the kind of directors with a relatively mediocre reputation.

I don't know if it was because of the horror movies, Jonathan's aesthetic is also somewhat heavy, so that it will eventually make the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles become like this. That is, there are some so-called realistic versions of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the population. They are ugly, their faces are ugly, and they are dressed as if they had come out of a garbage dump.

Even so, there will still be applause. That's right! How clean can a small turtle in the sewer be. Sorry, at least from me, it is difficult to accept this kind of art setting, after all, this is an entertainment blockbuster, not a realistic documentary, I would rather get pleasure from it than add to the blockage.

Of course, the problem with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is not just that the character setting is too ugly. The character setting will only make your first impression not very good, but if the film itself is too strong, the first impression will be reversed. Unfortunately, such a movie is difficult to reverse your first impression. This is a very low-level blockbuster, with facial characters and a thin plot, even less than the "Son of Zeus: Hercules" a few days ago. The problem is that it is obviously not children who want to find memories from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As a result, there will be a contrast.

Of course, the film is not useless. The witty remarks of several Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are still very appropriate, especially for them to talk more about pop culture, to spit on Batman, to spit on lost, which will make their identity more low, and with some anti-hero flavor.

In addition, I don't know why, my "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is particularly dark, especially the night scene is a lot, looking very depressing. Even if I'm watching IMAX.