
Ender's game trilogy


#好书奇遇季 #

Average time per book: about eight hours

Many of the works I have read in one sitting in the past few days have recently become obsessed with science fiction, and since I was moved so much to dedicate my bouquet to Alginonon, it turns out that science fiction can be so moving. After watching Ender's game, you will sigh: science fiction can be so vivid and sensible!

Before reading it, especially when I first one, I thought it was a series of ordinary science fiction novels, and the clichéd narrative of the little boy saving the earth may also be related to the narrative of the first part. The first step of Ender's game, although there is no imaginative creation of the camp name like "Zerg" is also particularly low (but this seems to be the author's usual style - simple and earthy, in the third part there is also a title such as "Piglet", with a pejorative color, or it is a problem of translation) Anyway, the biggest advantage of the first step before was that it attracted me to read it all the time, without stopping. The plot is so old-fashioned that Ender will be able to win in the end, but the charm of the first story lies in this, precisely because the reader already knows the inevitable plot, but there is a sense of security. The next thing to appreciate is how to enjoy the process of mental and emotional shaping that advances step by step. Too friendly for an isolated, socially intimidating person like me! The best part of the first step is that it will keep you in your hands!

The ending is very classic, and it is decent compared to the other films.

The second part is actually not much related to the back and forth, and only maintains consistency in the big plot. The Spokesperson for the Dead tells the story of three thousand years after Ender defeated the Zerg – our protagonist is still alive

Space jumps give Ender eternal life— if he wants to.

But long after changing from one place to another, my sister settled on one planet and got married and had children.

At this time, someone on a planet not far from the sister's planet asked for a spokesman for the deceased.

Can anyone ask for a spokesperson for the deceased? Wouldn't such a noble (sounds) profession be abused by the people?

And in just a few short years, three orders of prayer were issued from the planet, and three times at the same time were withdrawn - too serious about the individual!

Ender, guilty of the Zerg Queen, arrives at the neighbor star 22 years later and meets the girl she once was, with six children who are not her husband's— her mistress's, blaming herself for life.

The plot is well explained--- everyone can understand the motivations of the characters' actions, and this is the way it is!

Piglet and humans first reach a peace agreement, and then Ender puts the queen in a safe place--- is he a little naïve to have such trust in the race that he once exterminated with his own hands---?

The ending is still buried--- humans plan to eliminate the human traitors on this star, and Ender's sister and family will also reunite around Ender. Will they be able to lead this unique planet against the entire race?

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