
It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

author:Crooked nuts are in China
Tattoo Height Scale Edition - Body Modification, Learn About It...

For most people, something like a tattoo can make people feel pain just by looking at it. However, in some countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, etc., there are some alternative, avant-garde punk youth who are fascinated by undergoing body modification surgery without anesthesia and enjoying the pain in the process...

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

(Figure Via

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

Don't think that pictures like these face nails and lizard-like forks are all PS effects, they are all genuine "body transformations", and they also belong to a relatively avant-garde subculture in foreign countries, which cannot be accepted by most people.

However, the proponents of this art believe that these transformations are extremely artistic and aesthetically beautiful, and are not fundamentally different from the plastic surgery and beauty salons pursued by ordinary people, and that this process of transformation can also make people experience spiritual pleasure.

Devotees say tattoos, piercings, and skin implants, like those seen here, are beautiful - and that the sometimes painful procedures used to create them can be emotionally and even spiritually uplifting.

The performance artist planted an artificial ear on his arm.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
An artist has a structure resembling a human ear surgically implanted in his forearm, and plans to turn it into an Internet-connected mic so anyone anywhere can hear what he hears. The performance artist implanted a device shaped like a human ear into his forearm and planned to turn it into a microphone connected to the internet so that people around the world could hear what he heard.

And this kind, punching a hole in the back and wearing a ribbon... It has a name called "corset piercing."

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
Corset piercing starts with the creation of piercings on either side of the spine. Once these heal, they can be laced with ribbons and pulled taut. The human skin piercing bodysuit should first be marked with a row of holes on each side of the spine. After the wound heals, you can put on the ribbon and tighten it!
It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

The "shellfish technique", which once set off a boom in Japan, injected saline into the bulge formed on the forehead.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

Skin stretching

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

After removing the fixture, a lip hole is formed.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

(Figure via Network)

This is also not a PS rendering, oh, called body suspension.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

Eye dyeing

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

However, just as plastic surgery is risky, similar extreme body modifications are also very risky. For example, people like this kind of skin piercing tights, look very beautiful, but in fact, the risk is not small.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
As with any skin piercing, corset piercing can lead to infection. And the corset piercings can be difficult to keep clean - and can create unsightly scars. As with any skin puncture, perforated tights on human skin can lead to infection. Moreover, human skin perforated tights are difficult to keep clean and leave unsightly scars.

So what kind of experience can people who undergo physical transformation get from it?

Tightening the ribbons stimulates the sensitive skin around the ribcage, Traci Joy Burleigh, a professional piercer, tells CBS News. "Most people would say yes, there is an erotic component to corset piercings," she says. Professional perforator Trace Joy Burleigh told CBS that tightening the ribbon irritates the sensitive skin around the chest cavity. "Most people would say, yes, human skin perforated tights create sexual irritation."

Adapted from the 130th Wasagawa Prize-winning novel Snakes and Earings by Hitomi Kanehara, a 2008 film "Snake Letter and Tongue Ring" and "Snake にピアス" that depicts the 19-year-old heroine's fascination with physical transformation and her painful sexual relationship with two alternative avant-garde young men.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

Not only did she want to tattoo her body in colorful patterns, but she also had to split her tongue in two like a snake letter, and enjoy the physical and mental pleasure stimulated by this transformation process.

Directed by Yukio Akikawa, a newcomer actress who was not yet known at the time, with Kengo Takara and Shin Iura as the male protagonists, and Oguri and Karazawa Astori as dragon sets, the niche reflects the popularity of this subcultural trend in Japan, but it may still be too avant-garde for today's Chinese readers or viewers.

In addition, some medical experts also believe that people who are keen on this alternative art may have mental illness.

But Dr. Jon Perlman,a prominent Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who has been practicing for 25 years and has turned down requests for procedures he found disturbing, says that the tongue "is a very functional part of the human body affecting speech and eating. I think anyone who wants this should undergo psychological evaluation to explain such a strong drive to stand-out from the norm, and I consider myself a fairly open minded individual." Jon Perlman, a prominent plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills with 25 years of experience, has rejected requests from clients to transform their bodies, arguing that the tongue "is a very functional part of the human body that affects speech and eating." Anyone who wants to reinvent their tongue needs to do a spiritual appraisal to explain why there is such a strong desire to be different, even though I consider myself an open-minded person."

Considering the risks of body modification, few professional plastic surgeons rush to perform this kind of surgery for their customers regardless of professional ethics, so if you want to modify your body, you can only seek tattoos and body reformers in small workshops.

Recently, however, a British body reformer was indicted for physically modifying a client, and the outcome of the trial will be announced in March this year.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

It was the first ever lawsuit filed in the UK against body modification.

Brendan ‘Dr Evil’ McCarthy was arrested in December 2015 over tongue splitting, nipple removal and ear removal procedures, and charged with wounding and grievous bodily harm. The body reformer nicknamed "The Devil Doctor" was named Brendan McCarthy. He was indicted in 2015 for surgery to split his tongue, remove his nipple, and remove his ear for causing injury and serious bodily harm (GBH).

Body modification artist prosecuted (via BBC)

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

High energy ahead, the following pictures may cause strong discomfort ...

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

However, his surgery to modify the client's body in a non-anesthetic state was approved by the client. The person who complained to Wolverhampton Council, where he was located, was not his client, but an outsider who happened to see the images online.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...

However, the judge found that these body modifications were different from ordinary tattoos and body punches. The verdict against him will be announced on March 21 this year.

However, because of Brendan McCarthy's popularity in the body transformation circle, more than 13,400 people have jointly petitioned for him. His lawyer's defense was based on the fact that his physical modifications were all approved by his clients.

His supporters argued "for the right to express ourselves in whatever modified manner we wish in a safe environment". His supporters insist that they "fight for the right to express themselves in whatever transformative way they are in a safe environment." The council said its issue was with McCarthy's lack of licence to carry out the modification procedures and the need for more regulation in the industry which delivers results "akin to cosmetic surgery". The complaint-stricken council said the problem was that McCarthy was not licensed to perform body modification surgery and that the industry needed more regulation as it offered results "similar to cosmetic surgery".

'Dr Evil': Wolverhampton modification artist admits GBH (via BBC)

But judges took a dim view of his practices. The judge's attitude towards his behavior was also ambiguous. Although they accepted evidence that the ear removal had been done relatively proficiently, they said it was not in the public interest that a person could wound another without a good reason. Although they also recognize that the surgery to remove the ear is performed quite professionally, they believe that it is not in the public interest for one person to harm another person without justification.

'Dr Evil' body modification tattooist cut off client's nipple and removed another's ear (The Independent)

However, a client who had undergone nipple removal at mcCarthy clinic was quite positive about his surgery.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
Mr Pinch said: "[McCarthy] wanted to know why I wanted this procedure, he wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing, he took complete duty of care. I'm really happy with what I've had done." Pinch said: "(McCarthy) wanted to know why I was doing this surgery, he wanted to make sure I knew what I wanted to do and he was going to do his duty. I am very happy and satisfied with my surgery. ”

'Dr Evil': Wolverhampton modification artist admits GBH (BBC)

The online petition said broader society was discriminating against a sub-culture which simply had a different beauty standard. Online petitions claim that a broad society is discriminating against subcultures that represent only a different aesthetic. "Please sign to show your support for Mac and for the right to express ourselves in whatever modified manner we wish in a safe environment," it states. "Please sign your support for McCarthy and defend our right to reinvent ourselves in a safe environment, in whatever way we want," the petition read. “Because Barbie & Ken aren’t everyone’s idea of beautiful.” "Because not everyone agrees with the beauty that Barbie and Kenny [Barbie's boyfriend] represent."

However, there are also body modification enthusiasts who agree that the industry needs to be regulated. A body modification enthusiast named Body Art thinks so.

It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...
"These are private procedures and agreements between me as the client and the business person. "These procedures and protocols are fairly private and exist only between me and the practitioner as a client." "But I do think there needs to be regulation. There are people in the industry that aren't protected." "But I think there's a need for regulation. There are people who are not protected in this industry."
Do you think this body reformer deserves to be sentenced? What do you think of these body modification enthusiasts with an alternative interest? Welcome to leave a message to share the spit!

原文:BBC、 The Independent

Integration: Du Qiongfang

Photo/Caption: BBC, The Independent,, Network

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It's tingling to watch! This group of people has transformed their bodies in an extreme way...