
He wrote China's first popular song, and he was also a member of the "North Drift" family?

author:Beijing News Network

Li Jinhui is the first person in Chinese pop music, his "Peach Blossom River" and "Drizzle" are still sung to this day, but the two most widely circulated works of his, but few people know from Li Zhizhi: one is the children's song "Children are obedient, open the door, open it quickly, I want to come in", which is Li Jinhui's debut work "Tiger Calling the Door", the second is the soundtrack for Yue Fei's "Manjiang Red Fury ChongGuan", according to scholar Li Bing, it was composed by Li Jinhui, and later adapted by Yang Yinliu and Liu Xue'an, which is still a popular classic, but it has been misremembered as an "ancient song".

He wrote China's first popular song, and he was also a member of the "North Drift" family?

The first "North Drift" returned home

Lai Kam-fai entered the family school at the age of 4 and participated in the imperial examination at the age of 10, but since then, "twice a year, he has participated in the practice of music and dance, made a dojo in the countryside, and been invited to play the music of 'Breaking Hell' in ensembles", which has shown his musical talent.

In 1905, Li Jinhui was admitted to Zhaotan Higher Primary School with the first place, and entered junior high school half a year later, learning some basic knowledge of Western music. In 1910, he was admitted to the National Changsha Higher Normal School, and after graduation, he was hired as a music teacher by the Hunan Provincial Education Association and taught himself piano.

In 1912, after being introduced by a friend, Li Jinhui went to Beijing as an editor and chief writer of the Greater Republic of China Daily, which belonged to the Kuomintang and was later sealed by Yuan Shikai, and Li was reappointed as the secretary of the Secretariat Office of the House of Representatives. In 1914, Yuan Shikai dissolved the National Assembly, and Lai Jinhui returned to Changsha to work as an editor at the Hongwen Book Club founded by his brother Li Jinxi, responsible for compiling primary school textbooks.

Lu Feikui was wise and discerning

In 1916, the National Assembly was reopened, and Lai Jinhui returned to Beijing to take up his post, tired of the daily "painting" life, and worked part-time at the Central Girls' School and Huaiyou Middle School. Shi Li Jinxi worked as a special compiler of textbooks in the Ministry of Education, pushing for pinyin, and the brothers often went to see Peking Opera.

Li Jinhui said: "We listen to Peking Opera like a class, I copied the drama code in the morning, found out the drama text (script) from the "Drama Examination", used it as a lecture note (textbook), and heard the last one at the beginning of the play, in order to understand and appreciate the content and form of Peking Opera, as well as the style and charm of the actors. In 1918, Li Jinhui entered Peking University to observe, "gradually feeling that the new cultural movement should use music as a propaganda tool." In 1919, Cai Yuanpei created the Music Research Society of Peking University, and Li Jinhui served as the leader of the "Xiaoxiang Music Group". In the Mid-Autumn Festival of 1920, Li Jinhui and tonghao officially established the "Mingyue Music Society", which means: "We hold high the banner of music, just like the haoyue moon is in the sky, thousands of miles together, everyone can appreciate, just call it 'Mingyue Music Society'!" During this period, Li wrote China's first children's song and dance drama "Sparrow and Child".

In the winter of the same year, Lu Feikui, general manager of Zhonghua Bookstore, made a special trip to Beijing and invited Li Jinhui to Shanghai. Originally, in 1919, Lu Feikui was inspired by the new cultural movement and wanted to launch a set of vernacular primary school textbooks, and found Li Jinxi, who recommended the set of teaching materials that Li Jinhui had compiled in Changsha that year. Zhonghua Bookstore test sales, the performance is gratifying, so Lu Feikui believes that Li Jinhui is a talent.

Wrote China's first popular song

In May 1921, Li Jinhui officially joined the Zhonghua Bookstore. In order to sell books, Li Jinhui invented a set of "Qinyu" performances, the audience randomly wrote a vernacular text, Li used the violin to pull into a tune, let his daughter Li Minghui write pinyin symbols, and then translate into Chinese.

In order to promote the teaching of vernacular literature, Lai Jinhui also wrote many children's songs. Due to poor management, the Zhonghua Bookstore suffered from the "Minliu Crisis" (1917 was the sixth year of the Republic of China), almost closed down, and the two sets of textbooks compiled by Lai Jinhui were "greatly credited".

In February 1927, Lai Jinhui opened the Chinese Song and Dance College, the first batch of enrollment was only 1/3 of the original plan, and he organized monthly student commercial performances in exchange for income. Under economic pressure, Li Jinhui created China's first popular song "Drizzle", sung by Li Jinhui's daughter Li Minghui, which was sung for a while, and soon after, Li Jinhui wrote "Sister I Love You", which was a sensation again.

Li Jinhui proposed "ten do not write", that is, prostitutes do not write; "back garden bonuses" and the like do not write; lovesickness does not write; love tragedies do not write; love loves are killed for love triangles are not written; "three wives and four concubines and ten beautiful figures" are not written; they are not written by conspiracy means to obtain love; obscene are not written; love for money and power is satirized; and love at first sight is also satirized.

He said he wasn't clean enough

According to the famous musician Mr. Wang Renyi, although Li Jinhui is a businessman, he is a man of integrity. After the sacrifice of Qian Zhuangfei (one of the "Three Masters of Longtan" on the CCP's hidden front), the organization entrusted his daughter to Li, who adopted her as an adopted daughter and trained her to become a star, that is, Li Lili, the last actress of the silent film era. Yu Liqun, because her family opposed her to learning song and dance, passed on to Lai Jinhui, changed her name to Li Mingjian, and later became the wife of Mr. Guo Moruo.

Mr. Wang Renyi said: "Li Jinhui is not the owner or boss of the song and dance troupe... There are many objective reasons why I write about unhealthy things. Twenty or thirty people of the Mingyue Song and Dance Society want to eat, all relying on Li Jinhui's pen, Li "even sitting on the toilet and trying to compose music there", "the more he writes, the more indiscriminate, he ends up with the crime of making yellow music."

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Li Jinhui composed a large number of patriotic songs. After the liberation of Shanghai, after eight or nine months of study, Li Jinhui admitted that "working hard is only for fame and fortune", "Li Pai music anesthetizes young people", "thinks that he does not prostitute himself, does not gamble and does not have a bad thing for women other than his lover, and has not entered a dance hall to dance in Shanghai for more than ten years, thinking that he is a clean person, but in fact he is far from clean enough." ”

He wrote China's first popular song, and he was also a member of the "North Drift" family?

Author: Cai Hui

Edit: Willow River