
After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

author:Sister Na's little bar

In 1965, Nakamori Was born in a very poor family in Tokyo, Japan, his parents originally gave birth to 13 children, two brothers left this world because of illness and no money to treat, one sister was starved to death, 2 sisters were thrown at the door of someone else's house by their parents, and only 8 children were left in the family, Nakamori Akiko ranked second.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

His father made a living selling pork, and later opened a noodle shop because of poor business, and my mother worked as a nanny in a rich family, occasionally helping others to wash clothes to earn extra money.

Eight children need money to eat and drink Lazar, which makes this originally poor family worse, and in order to feed the children, parents can only work hard.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Poor children early in charge, Nakamori Mingcai is also very sensible, often take the initiative to undertake housework, 8 years old began to help the family wash clothes, 9 years old for the family to cook, because the parents to buy vegetables money is not much, Nakamori Mingcai is very small to know how to calculate carefully, in order to save money, came up with a variety of "strange tricks", she always deliberately waited until very late in the afternoon to come to the market to buy vegetables, bought almost all of the wilted cabbage, just because the price of vegetables at this time is very cheap.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

When the family can't open the pot, Nakamori Akira will also pick up some rotten cabbage that others have thrown away to cook, although his father is selling pork, but even the pig skin and lard have to be sold, not willing to eat it themselves, only some pork stinks and can't sell it will be left for himself to eat.

The family's daily food is in addition to cabbage or cabbage, because all vegetables are cheaper than cabbage, but Nakamori Mingcai in order to make the family eat better, change the way to make cabbage, today fried cabbage, tomorrow may be cabbage soup, the day after tomorrow may be spicy cabbage.

When I was 13 years old, my parents' wages did not rise, but prices rose several times, and it was very uncomfortable for the family to squeeze into a small rental house, and even my parents often complained, but Nakamori often comforted them, and said to his sisters:

"Rest assured, I will make a lot of money in the future, I will definitely let you live a good life, your parents will not be so hard, I will let you live in a big house, buy a new car for each of you." 」

The sisters only told her jokes, and didn't take them seriously.

Once, Nakamori was watching TV, looking at the bright actors dressed on TV, and said to his sisters:

"Sister, I want to be on TV, these people on TV feel that there is a lot of money, not only to make others happy, but also to earn more, I want to be a star." 」

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

The sisters thought it was a joke, and did not take their sister's words seriously, and the sisters probably did not expect that their sister would become a Japanese singer in the future.

Nakamori Akira told her mother the idea of wanting to be a star, the mother was very happy after hearing it, and did not feel impossible, expressed support for her daughter, so for the sake of her daughter's future, the whole family was more frugal and frugal, but the family was too poor, and finally the mother took out part of the extra money earned by Nakamori Mingcai and sent her to the art college to learn singing and dancing.

But soon the money ran out, because he could not afford to pay the tuition, Nakamori Akira could only return home, but it just so happened that his sister taught herself ballet, and Nakamori Akira practiced dancing with her sister.

The mother values sons over daughters, and does not like Nakamori Akira, the reason why she is willing to spend money to send Nakamori Akira to the Art College, it is because the mother heard that the star's income is very high, and just happened to feel that her daughter is very beautiful, think that Nakamori Akira has "investment value", and want to rely on this daughter to change the family's plight, in nakamori's diary is described in this way:

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

"My parents don't like my daughter, they all prefer my brother, but I understand them, maybe I really don't understand things enough, but my mother's requirements for me are really a bit strict, I go out to earn extra money as long as I don't make enough money, I can't pick vegetables when eating."

Today I was busy in my father's noodle shop for a day, and when I came back, I made a family meal, I was really tired, my stomach was very hungry, so I filled a little more rice in my bowl, but my mother gave me 3 slaps, spit on my face, and said that she was going to kill me, I was very sad, but my brother didn't have to do anything, my mother liked him very much, maybe I really made my mother hate it, it seems that I will have to work more in the future, and my mother will like me more. ”

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

As for the father, he hardly ever hurt this daughter, and in the diary, Nakamori Akira described his father as follows:

I seem to have really my father, the other day I broke a bowl, my father put a kitchen knife against my neck, I was really scared, he took the belt and smoked me a few times, I really hurt, and then he was going to kick me out of the door, let me sleep on the street for one night, I was really cold at night, until the next day, they were willing to let me in the door, and I must not break the bowl again, which will make my parents unhappy. 」

From the beginning, parents only took Nakamori Akiki as an "investment product", felt that when there is use value, give her a candy, when there is no use value, you can be mercilessly abused, this family is indeed poor, but even poorer is the heart, Nakamori Mingcai's parents are completely using their daughters as tools, and later Nakamori Mingcai found that although the family is poor, but not so poor as imagined, parents will leave slightly better things to their brothers, the father's income is not particularly low, Often carrying the family to secretly open a small stove outside, raise mistresses, the mother also has an affair with many men outside, but in front of their children, they always behave "very poor", which is also found after Nakamori Akira is big.

Parents themselves do not like their daughters, there are many children in the family, so the lack of love in the environment to grow up, caused by some defects in the character of Nakamori Akiki, eager for love and attention, will continue to be cheated by scumbags feelings, becoming a full love brain.

At the age of 14, Nakamori waited for an opportunity.

After the Japanese national idol Momoe Yamaguchi retired from the entertainment industry, the song world needed new people too much, so many brokerage companies began to draft and dig up female singers who sang and danced well.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

In 1981, Japanese television launched the "Birth of a Star" talent show, and Nakamori Akira immediately participated.

However, in the show, Nakamori Meishi failed to challenge 3 times, and each time he was full of confidence, but in the end, he burst into tears.

The first time Nakamori Akira sang a song "Embrace Summer", she shed tears when she sang to the climax, but the judges felt that she loved to cry, and for this reason brushed him off, and Nakamori's eyes were red at that time.

The second time, Nakamori Akira sang a song "The Season of Bare Feet", but some judges thought that her voice was too gentle, not enough recognition to be brushed down, ran backstage and cried again.

The third time, the judges directly asked her to get off the stage, thinking that Nakamori Akira was a complete waste of time on the stage, and this time, she could no longer help but cry loudly, writing in her diary:

"I was really ashamed, I've been there several times, even the judges and some of the staff know me, but I still haven't succeeded, it seems really incompetent."

But Nakamori Akira did not give up, when she was 15 years old, she was on the talent show again, this time, she sang a song of Yamaguchi Momoe's "Guide of Dreams", the program team not only changed the judges, and the new judges were very satisfied with nakamori Akira's performance, really surprised them, without hesitation, they played the highest score of 392 points since the start of the show!

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

And this show also set a ratings record after it was broadcast, and Nakamori Akatsuki was on fire.

In 1982, Nakamori was signed by the giants of two major music companies, Warner and Kenyin, and officially debuted as a singer.

Nakamori Akira also read the book, want to break out of their own world in the music world, Nakamori Akira once said:

"I want my songs to ring throughout Japan, and I want my songs to enter everyone's ears, bring them joy, and become a real big star."

In 1982, Nakamori released his first song "Slow Motion", but the song did not catch fire, and neither the composition nor the lyrics were particularly in line with the public's taste.

The agency then thought of a way, simply let Nakamori Akiki imitate Yamaguchi, whether it is wearing or singing songs, try to develop according to Yamaguchi Baihui's style, but she did not expect that this made her really fire.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

In 1982, the second album "Girl A" was released, because the sound is very similar to Yamaguchi Momoe, many people even directly called her "Japan's second Yamaguchi Momoe", more and more people began to notice this pure-looking young singer, which suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

It was also in this year that Nakamori Akira topped the Japanese rookie singer chart, and the sales of the released album exceeded 680,000 copies.

In 1983, Nakamori began to tour Japan, and the concert venue was full, and it was difficult to find a ticket.

In 1985, Nakamori won the Japan Singer Award for New Artist, and in 1986, he won the Best Young Idol Award in Japan.

Less than three years after officially becoming a singer, Nakamori Akira rushed out of Japan, became a popular international superstar, and even Zhang Guorong was a fan of hers, once publicly said:

"I've always had a fantasy about Nakamori, and she almost fulfilled all my imaginations about beautiful women."

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Later, when Nakamori Mingcai went to Hong Kong to hold a concert, Zhang Guorong missed the meeting because of filming, so he said angrily:

"It's a pity that no one gave me water, or I would have hit her with the disco."

In 1987, director Xu Ke wanted to invite Nakamori Mingcai to star in his own movie "The Ghost of Qiannu", playing Nie Xiaoqian in it, when Wang Zuxian was in the limelight, he repeatedly found director Xu Ke and proposed that he also wanted this role, but Xu Ke still did not agree.

At that time, Zhang Guorong heard that Nakamori Akira would also appear in this movie to shoot with himself, and a smile on his face was difficult to hide.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Xu Ke went to Japan many times to find Nakamori Akira, but at that time Nakamori Akira was busy with concerts, and he could not make time at all, and he did not understand Chinese, nor did he learn acting, so he refused Xu Ke's invitation.

There was no way, Xu Ke could only find Wang Zuxian again and let her play the heroine of the play, but in order to make up for the regret in his heart, Xu Ke deliberately added a picture about Nakamori Mingcai to the play

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

"There is a portrait of Nie Xiaoqian washing her hair in the movie, and the painting is completely in the form of Nakamori Akira."

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

But it is such a stunning beauty, but it has been hurt by the scumbag five times.

A reporter asked When Nakamori Akira would get married, she replied like this:

"My dream is to be a happy mother, get married before the age of 23, have a cute baby at the age of 24, I hope to have a son, my daughter I also like it, I will give them all my love without reservation, let them grow up happily and happily, will not be as hard as my childhood, work is only part of my life, but I value the family more, after getting married, I want to quit the entertainment industry early and leave more time for my husband and children." 」

At the age of 18, Nakamori and Makoto Kondo collaborated on "Journey of Love", and Makoto Kondo was also a popular singer at the time, and the two quickly fell in love because of the drama.

Makoto Kondo is a complete turnip and has a good set of women, and the two live together after only 3 weeks together.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Makoto Kondo often sends Flowers to Nakamori Akiko, and frequently invites Nakamori Akiko to travel to Hawaii, in order to spend his honeymoon with her boyfriend, Nakamori Akiko also pushed off several concerts.

Dealing with love, Nakamori Akira is serious, that is really rushing to get married, once wrote in his diary:

"I really like Mr. Makoto Kondo very much, I can't wait to marry him, have children for him, for him, I can give everything I have, including my career, I can lose anything, I also hope that I can be a qualified wife, so that Mr. Kondo Masahiko feels the warmth of home." 」

Makoto Kondo treats this relationship very sloppily, never intends to get married, just wants to have fun, but people are very hypocritical, facing the media interview, and reporters said:

"I can't wait to marry Miss Mingcai, I love her far more than I love myself, I regard Miss Mingcai as the only one in my life, my heart can no longer hold others, she is so beautiful, I am already fantasizing about how happy and sweet my married life with her will be." 」

The reporters all got goosebumps, but many people also think that the two people are a match made in heaven, and fans also sincerely wish them, hoping to see them cultivate as soon as possible.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

The two later collaborated on the film "Love Departure" in which they played a couple, really sprinkled a wave of dog food, after the scene, every time Nakamori Akira was interviewed, her face was always full of happy smiles, someone asked her when she planned to marry Makoto Kondo, Nakamori Akira said:

"I really want to get married sooner, I can't wait, if I can, I don't want to wait a second, my biggest dream used to be a singer, but now I just want to marry Mr. Makoto Kondo, have a child for him early, and then use all my love to make my husband's children happy." 」

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

On the variety show, the host said:

"After getting married, what if you don't have time for a concert?" What if your career is affected? Will you regret it? What if you become less beautiful? ”

Nakamori Akira said:

"Husband and children are the things I care about the most, after marriage, I may be a kindergarten teacher, I want to give all my time to my husband and children, for them, I can give up everything, even my own life." 」

But Kondo Masahiko does not think so, he is a famous playboy, just openly admitted to more than 8 girlfriends, including Ishihara Mariko, Fujiwara Mitsudo has had a scandal with him, and later was revealed to have had a cohabitation relationship with more than 26 model female stars, many of whom are pregnant, but he has not been responsible for any girl, to play with the feelings of others for fun.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Not only that, while Makoto Kondo was interacting with Nakamori Akira, he cheated on Mei Yanfang.

In 1985, Makoto Kondo went to Hong Kong for a concert and met Mui Yanfang at a cocktail party.

Makoto Kondo launched a fierce pursuit of Mei Yanfang, took the initiative to come to Mei Yanfang's side, and said to her:

"I've heard you say for a long time, can I ask you out for a while?"

After saying that, Kondo Masahiko took off the diamond brooch on his chest and gave it to Mei Yanfang, Mei Yanfang was moved, and later, this brooch Mei Yanfang has also been treasured, and will be wiped every day, afraid that it will be stained with a little dust, and often wipe it and shed tears.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

As a gift in return, Mei Yanfang also asked a friend to buy a pair of expensive agate stones in Cartier a few days later, and gave him one of them, which means that the love between the two can last forever, and Mei Yanfang is really moved.

Later, Makoto Kondo took Mei Yanfang to Disco, and later at the suggestion of Makoto Kondo, the two went to the cinema to see a horror movie, and when Mei Yanfang was very scared, in front of many people in the cinema, Makoto Kondo said:

"Ame, can I kiss you?" You fascinate me, and I can't breathe without you. ”

Mei Yanfang nodded with a smile, the excitement in her heart was indescribable, the two had known each other for three days, and Makoto Kondo had chased After Mei Yanfang, it was really a good means.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

At that time, the two people were tightly wrapped up, until the reporter arrived, many people did not know that Mei Yanfang had come here to see the movie.

During the two love, Kondo Masahiko has always said that he is single, Mei Yanfang later said that those days were the happiest time in his life, after watching the movie, the next day Kondo Masahiko took Mei Yanfang to go shopping, Mei Yanfang pushed off several singing, just to be able to spend a little more time with Kondo Masahiko.

Later, Makoto Kondo returned to Japan, every concert held, Mei Yanfang will personally come to the scene, it is also in Japan, Mei Yanfang found that Kondo Makoto already has Nakamori Akiko, he is like a third party, Nakamori Akiko not only knows him earlier than himself, but also the Japanese singer Tianhou, when he thinks of it, Mei Yanfang is very uncomfortable.

Mei Yanfang called and questioned him in a huff, but Makoto Kondo always made up all kinds of lies to prevaricate himself.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

But even if she was deceived by people, Mei Yanfang was still reluctant to leave Kondo, so she called her friend Liu Peiji and asked him:

"I had a problem, I fell in love with Makoto Kondo, but he already had a girlfriend, Akira Nakamori, and I really don't know what to do?"

Liu Peiji also knew that Mei Yanfang was really emotional, so he replied:

"Life is short, life is only once, what is wrong with you being selfish?"

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

After hearing this, Mei Yanfang chose to stalk Makoto Kondo and ran to Kondo Makoto's house many times to spend the night with him, Mei Yanfang also deliberately rented a hotel room near Kondo Makoto's house, which is also a place for two people to date, as long as Kondo Masahiko made a phone call, Mei Yanfang immediately arrived.

Mei Yanfang and Kondo Makoto often live for a few days, Kondo Masahiko will tell her to leave, and when he thinks of her, he will call Mei Yanfang from Hong Kong to Japan, and Mei Yanfang will not bear the feeling of missing every once in a while and fly to Japan to find Kondo Makoto for a private meeting.

In this way, Mei Yanfang traveled between Hong Kong and Japan more than 13 times, each time staying for a few days and leaving, but even so, Kondo Makoto dumped her.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Until the last time, Makoto Kondo blocked Mei Yanfang out of the door and decisively proposed to break up, the molecular reason is:

"Nakamori Mingcai can't live without me, but I can still live without you, let's break up, I really can't live without Miss Mingcai."

In 2003, Mei Yanfang's cancer has reached an advanced stage, but that time caught up with The birthday of Makoto Kondo, Mei Yanfang endured the pain, Mei Yanfang still flew to Japan and found him, for his birthday, Mei Yanfang prepared for three months, brought a lot of gifts, just wanted to see Kondo Masahiko at the last moment of his life.

But who could have imagined that this would be the last time the two would meet, and Mei Yanfang did not mention a word about her illness, although she was still facing the indifferent Kondo Makoto, but Mei Yanfang was also satisfied.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

After returning to China, Mei Yanfang immediately opened a confession concert, and the last finale sang Makoto Kondo's song "Sunset Song".

"There have been wind and rain, all this is a dream, one day I want to go home, but it is already too late." (Lyrics)

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

After singing, Mei Yanfang waved goodbye to her fans in her wedding dress.

On December 30 of that year, Mei Fang died of cancer, but it was a full week after her death that Makoto Kondo came to Hong Kong.

Zhang Guorong raised his middle finger in contempt on the spot, and Liu Yanfang's friend Liu Peiji directly scolded Makoto Kondo on the spot:

"You bastard, you don't deserve Ame's liking at all, you failed her, you scum, hatefully, Ame thought of you before she died."

Liu Peiji asked him:

"Why are you here now?"

Makoto Kondo didn't say a word, but looked dismissive.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

After the death of Mei Yanfang, Kondo Masahiko did not have the slightest remorse, in the face of her boyfriend cheating on Mei Yanfang, Nakamori Akira did not blame him at all, but Kondo Masahiko cheated again, and the object of the cheating was Nakamori Akira's competitor Matsuda Seiko.

Akira Nakamori and Seiko Matsuda are both extremely popular singers, and the two compete secretly in the music world, and neither of them obeys the other.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

But who can think that Kondo Masahiko has been photographed by the media many times into the mansion of Matsuda Seiko, and the two people have lived together for half a year, but even so, Nakamori Akira still chose to believe, until finally saw the photo, Nakamori Akira did not blame the boyfriend, but from himself to find reasons, feel that he is not good enough for the boyfriend, in front of the boyfriend, Nakamori Akira completely lost himself, became a full love brain, no limit to the scumbag tolerance.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

In order not to let Makoto Kondo leave him, Nakamori Akira took the initiative to move into the hotel where Kondo Masahiko lived, choosing to stick with him all day, and wherever Kondo Masahiko went, Nakamori Naori followed him, and satisfied all his perverted habits, including being tied by him with a dog chain to learn to bark, playing a puppy kitten, in order to please Kondo Masahiko.

Later, the TV station held a record contest, as long as whose album sales are high, who can stand on the podium to win the grand prize, Nakamori Akiko all the way through the barrier, watching the champion at hand, and then to nakamori Akira and Kondo Masahiko PK time, Nakamori Akira chose to give the champion to people, revoked his own singles that sold more than 400,000, and gave the championship to Kondo Masahiko.

Makoto Kondo did not feel embarrassed at all, and became the champion with the song "The Fool", which sold only 150,000 copies.

When Makoto Kondo came to the stage to receive the award, Nakamori Akira cried happily offstage, and Nakamori Akira was genuinely happy that her boyfriend won the championship, but such behavior made fans unable to watch it.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

A few days later, a large number of fans called the TV station to complain, and they asked:

"Why did Makoto Kondo only sell 150,000 songs to win the title? Nakamori Mingcai's songs that sold more than 400,000 yuan did not win awards? Please give me an explanation. ”

But the TV station did not respond, and the ratings plummeted from 80% to 30%.

In fact, in order to win the championship this time, Makoto Kondo also did a lack of virtue.

Before receiving the award, Kondo Masahiko's mother had a car accident, seeing that her life was in danger, and then Kondo Masahiko rushed to the scene, but afraid of delaying his own acceptance of the award, he actually left his mother there alone, ran to receive the award, and only remembered after receiving the award, so he called his assistant to ask him to help, but because of this, the best treatment time was delayed, and his mother died.

Later, even a Japanese gang could not look past it, and sent someone to rob his mother's urn, hoping to let Kondo Masahiko return the prize of Nakamori's famous dish, otherwise he would not return the urn, but Kondo Masahiko seemed to have no concern about his mother's urn, that is, he refused to quit the award, and his mother's urn has not been found until now.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Nakamori gave up the champion just to marry him, and after the record contest, Nakamori once again proposed marriage, but this time Makoto Kondo said that he did not have money to buy a house, and Nakamori said:

"I also want to get married, but I don't have any extra savings to buy a house right now."

After Nakamori heard this, he asked his agent to go to the bank and withdraw the 80 million yen he had saved for many years and bought a mansion in Tokyo to use as a wedding room for the two of them.

But even so, Makoto Kondo still refused to marry.

Nakamori Mingcai was full of discouragement, suffering from depression, just at this time Nakamori Mingcai had another accident at home, his sister pretended to be himself secretly taking large-scale photos for money, and the photos were leaked out, and rumors arose at once.

Nakamori Akira once again finds Makoto Kondo, and Nakamori proposes the idea of marriage, who knows that Kondo Makoto instead kicked her out.

Not long after, Nakamori Akira chose to commit suicide, secretly ran into Kondo Masahiko's home and cut his wrist with a razor, the wound was 12 centimeters long and two centimeters deep, fortunately, he was found and sent to the hospital in time for rescue, which saved a life.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

However, after that, Nakamori Akira also quit the entertainment industry and did not hold a concert again, because of this incident, Masahiko Kinteng was scolded by many people as a scumbag, and his career was almost devastated.

Just half a year after Nakamori Akira committed suicide, Makoto Kondo came up with another bad move in order to save his reputation, he held a press conference, and also invited Nakamori Akira, the two of them faced the reporter together, and changed the background of the scene to a golden screen.

In Japan, the golden screen means marriage, because only people who are about to get married will use the golden screen to indicate festivity, which is also used as a souvenir of the engagement of two people.

So some people think that the two people are expected to announce their marriage, so they will put a golden screen on the back, but they did not think that the scumbag was a scumbag after all.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Throughout the press conference, Makoto Kondo did not mention anything about marriage, but publicized his new songs, TV series, car races, etc. After the angry reporter directly asked him when he planned to marry Nakamori Akira, Kondo Masahiko said:

"Sorry, I don't want to marry her yet."

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

After hearing this sentence, Nakamori Akira burst into tears on the spot, his eyes were empty, he was deceived by the scumbag again, and he was completely desperate, and the reporter asked her if she would commit suicide for Kondo?

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Akina Nakamori Answered:

"The people I believed betrayed me, and the people I loved so much ended up cheating on me, and my suicide may not have been worth it."

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

As soon as the press conference ended, the two announced their breakup, and a few months later, Makoto Kondo married a rich family, and even the marriage room where the two people lived was bought by Nakamori Akiki, who was also devastated by this matter.

At first, Nakamori Akiko desperately left his original brokerage company and jumped to Kondo's company, and after Kondo Masahiko and the rich woman got married, they constantly squeezed Nakamori Akiki, but also because the overlord clause could not get rid of the company's shackles.

At the wedding of Makoto Kondo and the rich woman, Nakamori Akiki was also invited to attend, after the wedding, Nakamori Akiki once again cut his wrist to commit suicide, this time still rescued by people, but there is no real work, every day in addition to alcohol is smoking, Anfen conservative she began to use alcohol to anesthetize herself, but also like to use self-harm to divert her attention, within a month the weight dropped by 30 pounds, a generation of singers came to an end, and then Nakamori Akira also wanted to make a comeback, but the popularity was always not as good as before.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Someone asked her:

"Masahiko Kondo"

"I don't blame him, I only hate myself, it's me who hitched a ride on myself, was too invested in feelings, eventually lost, and ended up empty, for this kind of man, it's not worth paying my life." 」

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > Last:</h1>

Nakamori Akira's countenance has made countless people fall in love, her life has made countless people sigh, she is the most famous singer in the Showa era in Japan, beautiful and fresh, smile seems to melt the hardest ice in people's hearts, she is the goddess of countless otaku, countless men love her, but her love deeply hurts her heart, and a love is finally wrongly paid.

After the song, Mori Akira: Chained to learn the dog barking only to coax the scumbag to be happy, the boyfriend cheated on Mei Yanfang Finally:

Because too much persistence makes him scale all over his body, the scars on his wrists do not know whether he can regret it, God has opened a window for you, may close a door, have a unique appearance, career is booming, emotionally may be more disasters, fall in love with people who should not be loved, will ruin their lives, how deeply they love, how much pain they hurt, and over-believing in some people's rhetoric is tantamount to gambling.

Never be carried away by some illusory "love", never take all your wealth to gamble that a man will change his mind, life is only once, for marriage, often you can't afford to lose!

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