
He is the semiconductor grandmaster of our country, cultivating countless talents, but refusing to give the state award to himself

author:Educational action

As the founder of China's semiconductor industry, he theoretically predicted X-ray diffuse scattering related to impurities in the lattice, which is known as "yellow scattering".

In 1951, Huang Kun gave up the favorable scientific research conditions abroad, chose to return to the higher education front of the motherland, and trained generations of experts in semiconductor technology and research, so that China's semiconductor industry from scratch, and rapidly developed and grown, standing in the forefront of the world. On his 100th birthday, let us relive the story of Huang Kun and remember this great scientist.

He is the semiconductor grandmaster of our country, cultivating countless talents, but refusing to give the state award to himself

In August 1945, Huang Kun went to the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom to become mott's doctoral student, and he was the first doctoral student recruited by Mott after the end of the Second World War. Mott was the world's top expert at the time, and he played a decisive role in the formation of Huang Kun's academic style. During his two years of studying under Mott, Huang Kun completed three papers, the first of which proposed diffuse scattering caused by impurities or defects, which came to be known as "yellow diffuse scattering".

He is the semiconductor grandmaster of our country, cultivating countless talents, but refusing to give the state award to himself

After completing his doctoral dissertation, Huang Kun's brilliant academic performance was appreciated by Professor Born of the University of Edinburgh, and the two co-authored the book "Lattice Dynamics".

From 1975 to March 2001, the English version of the book was cited 5,254 times and the Russian version 376 times, an average of more than 200 times a year.

He is the semiconductor grandmaster of our country, cultivating countless talents, but refusing to give the state award to himself

Huang Kun, who had a smooth ride abroad, decided to return to China during the golden hours of his scientific research. It should be known that this is not an easy decision for scientists, and there is an objective gap between scientific research conditions at home and abroad. When he was a postdoc in the UK, some of his colleagues were not as good at research as him, but they all won Nobel Prizes. A friend specifically asked him about this matter, but Huang Kun insisted that he had not made a mistake in choosing to come back - Huang Kun established his own teaching system of three courses in general physics, solid state physics and semiconductor physics at Peking University, and cultivated a large number of talents for the country, which are far more meaningful than personal academic achievements.

He is the semiconductor grandmaster of our country, cultivating countless talents, but refusing to give the state award to himself

In scientific research, Huang Kun did not slacken off. In 1984, Huang Kun began to study the superlattice physics of semiconductor quantum wells. In order to establish a theory of superlattice optical vibration, he and his colleagues discussed it for two full years, and finally published the theory in 1988, which was later called the "yellow-zhu model" by the international physics community, and was detailed in many foreign graduate textbooks.

He is the semiconductor grandmaster of our country, cultivating countless talents, but refusing to give the state award to himself

Although he was a highly respected physicist, Huang Kun's personal life was extremely simple.

The TV set at home is broken, and the average person usually chooses to send it to the repair department, but he rolls up his sleeves and repairs it. According to his students, "Mr. Huang's requirements for life are very low and very simple. In the 1960s, we had a school-run factory in Changping, developing the first computer and making integrated circuits on a trial basis.

It is said that he is engaged in theory, and his academic attainment is very high, but when he comes to the workshop, he is always not ashamed to ask, learn every detail and technique from the workers, and the requirements are very high. At that time, cleaning samples on the process line was very trivial, and he always completed it meticulously. He smoked a lot, usually one or two packs a day, but when he got to the factory, he held back. ”

He is the semiconductor grandmaster of our country, cultivating countless talents, but refusing to give the state award to himself

In 2001, the state decided to award Huang Kun the highest science and technology award. However, when the Chinese Academy of Sciences nominated Huang Kun, he wrote a letter opposing it. After much persuasion by the organization, he still did not support it, and even did not participate in the organizational materials and defense. Just because he felt that the reward was too big for him to bear.

At that time, Huang Kun was 83 years old, and although he was ill, he still insisted on going to the research institute every morning to communicate with young people and deal with documents. Together with the other 5 academicians, they also expressed that the state should organize sufficient human, financial and material resources to participate in occupying the commanding heights of the world's nanotechnology. The country's highest science and technology award was well deserved.

Although Huang Kun has left us, the world will always remember his name.

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