
Cover study 丨 Another natural study place to go! Sichuan Dayi Wushan Township "Colorful Insects" is waiting for you to see

author:Cover News

Tian Siwei Cover news reporter He Fangdi Zhu Xingzhi

To protect animals is to protect ourselves.

In recent years, China has increased its efforts to protect wild animals, the ecological environment has continued to improve, and the number of many wild animals has continued to increase. The national treasure giant panda, thanks to our efforts, officially downgraded from an "endangered" species to a "vulnerable" species in July this year, successfully increasing to 1800. The number of Tibetan antelope populations has increased from 75,000 to more than 300,000, directly from "endangered" to "near-threatened", and has been reduced by two consecutive levels. The number of crested ibises has also increased from just 7 to more than 4,000.

Despite our many achievements in the field of wild protection, challenges remain. Known as the mountain gorilla, the Bactrian camel currently has only about a thousand in the world, which is even rarer than the extant number of giant pandas. And the dream insects of everyone's childhood, the fireflies, are also gradually disappearing. What is worrying may not be that there are animals on the earth that may be endangered at any time, but that we lack sufficient knowledge and understanding of the laws and laws of survival of all things in nature.

Cover study 丨 Another natural study place to go! Sichuan Dayi Wushan Township "Colorful Insects" is waiting for you to see

In fact, raising awareness of animal protection is the top priority

Only by truly participating in the protection of animals can we truly understand the situation of animals. Recently, some research activities on nature have attracted public attention, including research routes related to insect research and conservation, which are different from ordinary tourism, and research pays more attention to the broadening of children's knowledge and the improvement of practical ability, and the characteristic bilingual teaching can allow children to understand the real cases and practices of animal protection around the world through foreign language teaching.

Cover study 丨 Another natural study place to go! Sichuan Dayi Wushan Township "Colorful Insects" is waiting for you to see

Under the "double reduction", parents and schools are looking for more efficient and flexible extracurricular practical activities to help children improve their comprehensive ability. Adhering to a rigorous scientific attitude and sense of social responsibility, Cover Research has found a high-quality research route, hoping to provide a meaningful weekend for the majority of young people and children.

Specific arrangements

This route will take children to Wushan Township, located in the northwest of Dayi County, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, which is not only a quiet environment, but also a paradise for all kinds of insects. The most surprising thing is that there is still a relatively complete firefly habitat here.

The two-day study will allow children to experience the charm of nature study activities from all aspects.

Cover study 丨 Another natural study place to go! Sichuan Dayi Wushan Township "Colorful Insects" is waiting for you to see

On the first morning, the team will hold a fun ice-breaking activity to get to know each other, make friends, find partners, and help each other over the next two days to complete team tasks together. And the first language art class (foreign language), learn about insects, understand the types of insects, habits, etc., and how to protect insects, children with weak foreign language foundation, there will also be teaching assistant teachers to help children understand the course content.

At noon, the children will taste the original wood-fired rice;

Cover study 丨 Another natural study place to go! Sichuan Dayi Wushan Township "Colorful Insects" is waiting for you to see

In the afternoon, children will understand the reasons for the formation of amber and make it by themselves, through this hands-on course, so that children can learn the comprehensive use of a variety of materials, feel the wonderful chemical reaction caused by the interaction between materials, and learn how to collect animal and plant specimens;

At night, children carry equipment into the forest to find the fireflies that are about to disappear, in the past the natural environment fireflies will appear in large numbers at night, and now human beings for the destruction of the environment and the abuse of artificial light sources lead to the imbalance of the ecological environment of the species of fireflies, through the search for fireflies This link, let the children experience the daily work of animal protection experts, understand the degree of impact of human life on fireflies, in the process, the teacher will also explain in detail for the children the relevant knowledge of fireflies, And learn what methods to use to minimize the impact. At the end of the event, the children took a group photo with the beautiful fireflies, leaving valuable images for the children.

On the second day, the forest insect scientific expedition will be carried out to further deepen the knowledge of insects through language classes (foreign languages), and the teacher will teach children how to correctly collect the materials needed for insect habitats and prepare for the construction of insect ecological tanks;

Group meals at noon;

Cover study 丨 Another natural study place to go! Sichuan Dayi Wushan Township "Colorful Insects" is waiting for you to see

In the afternoon, you will enter the key course of this research activity - making your own insect ecological tank. Ecological tank is different from ordinary model making, it sets the collection of knowledge, ecological chain closure knowledge and other intricate and highly professional content as a whole, through such activities, greatly improve the child's hands-on ability, as well as the accumulation of biological related knowledge, the most important thing is to understand what kind of environment insects can grow freely, but also understand how to protect animals.

Then conclude your two-day study tour. If you have a research base you would like to visit, please feel free to contact us: 13008121707.

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