
Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

author:Cat Brother's Turf

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

The squid should be fried with garlic

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: 500 grams of squid, 300 grams of garlic, shredded ginger, green onion, salt, cooking wine, mustard powder, chicken essence, sesame oil

Cut the squid whiskers and garlic into 3 cm length, set aside in water, finely chop the green onion and ginger;

Put oil in the pot, add ginger shreds to stir-fry after the oil is hot, put the squid whiskers under the pan, stir-fry for about 10 seconds, add the garlic and continue to stir-fry,

Add a little salt, chicken essence, drizzle with a little water starch, and add a little sesame oil before cooking.

Fried river prawns

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: 250 grams of river prawns, 30 grams of rice wine, 20 grams of light soy sauce, 30 to 40 grams of sugar, 20 grams of vinegar, a little salt, 1 tsp of minced green onion, 1 tsp of ginger juice


1, choose the green shell river shrimp, cut off the head and whiskers and shrimp feet, wash with water, try to drain the water;

2, add cooking oil to the frying pan and heat it, pour the river shrimp and fry until the red shell is crispy and fished out;

3: Control the oil in the pot, add rice wine, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, salt, minced green onion and ginger juice, cook until the marinade is slightly thicker, pour in the fried shrimp, stir-fry quickly on high heat until the marinade is wrapped around the shrimp, and put it on the plate.

Cold mix beef

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: 150 grams of beef, ginger + garlic + dried chili powder, green onion + coriander, pepper + monosodium glutamate + vinegar + sugar + soy sauce, cooking oil + sesame oil

1: Slice the marinated beef. Chop ginger + garlic + dried paprika and set aside;

2: Plate the cut beef, add pepper + monosodium glutamate + vinegar + sugar + soy sauce + green onion + coriander and set aside;

3, pour cooking oil into the pot, after heating, add ginger + garlic stir-fry, so that it stimulates the aroma of the ingredients, and finally put dry chili powder, directly into the pre-loaded beef plate, small sesame oil and spices stir evenly after you can eat.

Braised pig's trotters

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: 1 pig's front hoof, 1 piece of rock sugar, 2 slices of cinnamon, 2 star anise, 2 slices of fragrant leaves, 1 small piece of ginger, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of white pepper, 1 piece of tofu milk, 1 small spoon of aged vinegar, appropriate amount of cooking wine or white wine, appropriate amount of chicken essence

Pig's trotters, handle clean, chop well, put into a pot of cold water and cook, after boiling, continue to cook for more than 5 minutes, then fish out, wash and set aside;

2, put oil in the pot, rock sugar into, heat up for a while, pan spatula pat, rock sugar will all be broken, low heat, spatula stirring, sugar color is fried;

3、Stir-fry in the pig's trotters. Stir-fry to color, add star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, ginger slices, continue to stir-fry, stir-fry out the aroma, put white pepper, soy sauce, aged vinegar, half a bottle of beer or two spoons of cooking wine, or a spoonful of white wine, then add boiling water, pour into a pressure cooker, after steaming, change to medium-low heat for 5 minutes;

4、Pour back into the pot. Add a piece of tofu milk, mash, simmer over medium-low heat, when the soup is halfway through, add salt and collect the juice over high heat.

Pine nut fish rice

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: 250 grams of tilapia frozen fish, one green and red pepper, 50 grams of pine nuts, 10 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of light soy sauce, 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, corn starch, water starch, green onion, ginger and garlic, a little pepper


The fillets are automatically thawed, the fillets are taken out and soaked in water for a while, and the fish pieces soaked in water are first cut into strips and then cut into small cubes. Then marinate with cooking wine, pepper, salt, corn starch and marinate for ten minutes;

One green and red pepper each, ginger, green onion, garlic ready, wash the green and red pepper, cut into cubes separately, green onion ginger garlic minced;

Heat the pot and stir-fry the fragrant pine nuts for use, then add the appropriate amount of oil to quickly cook the diced fish, and put the cooked diced fish out of the plate;

Leave the bottom oil in the pot to sauté chives, ginger and garlic, stir-fry in green and red peppers, stir-fry in diced fish, add cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, chicken powder, seasoning, into the water starch to hook the soup, so that the soup is evenly wrapped on the diced fish, away from the heat, plate, sprinkle with pine nuts and eat while hot!

Emerald shrimp

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: 200 grams of shrimp, 100 grams of peas, 3 grams of salt, 5 grams of cooking wine, 1 egg white, 3 grams of starch, 100 grams of water starch

Cut the shrimp from the back, remove the intestinal mud, wash and drain the water, add half the salt, the egg white of an egg and the starch and grasp well;

Mix the remaining half of the salt, cooking wine and water starch into a sauce and set aside, and blanch the peas in boiling water for later;

Pour oil into the pot, when it is 60% hot, add the shrimp and fry them, and when the shrimp have all changed color, add the peas and pour in the sauce and turn it out of the pot.

Spicy potato chips

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 40 grams of pork belly, green and red peppers, green and red peppers, green onions, ginger and garlic, 1 tbsp of bean paste, a little sugar, salt, cooking oil

1, peeled slices of potatoes rinse twice for later, pork belly slices, green and red peppers to change the knife, green onion, ginger and garlic cut well and set aside, pour a little more cooking oil than usual stir-fry in a hot pot, add a large spoon of watercress sauce and stir-fry fragrant;

2, add onion, ginger and garlic stir-fry, add pork belly slices, stir-fry until it changes color, add 1 tbsp Pixian bean paste, stir-fry out the red oil;

Add potato chips, green and red peppers, stir-fry over low heat, fry until potato chips are translucent, potato chips cooked noodles, add a little sugar, appropriate amount of salt, stir-fry evenly and turn off the heat.

Dried sautéed apricot abalone mushrooms

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: Apricot abalone mushrooms (2 pieces, 250 g), lean meat (100 g), parsley (2 sticks), carrots (1/3 sticks), green peppers (1 pc), green onion (1 stick), ginger shredded (1/2 tbsp)

Marinade: Light soy sauce (1 tbsp), cooking wine (1/2 tbsp), chicken broth mix (1/3 tbsp), corn starch (1/2 tbsp)

Seasoning: Oil (1 bowl), chicken broth mix (1/3 tbsp), Haitian Gold Soy Sauce (1/2 tbsp), Salt (1/4 tbsp), Ground Black Pepper (1/5 Tbsp), Cooked White Sesame Seeds (2 Tbsp)

1. Wash and shred the lean meat, add the marinade to grasp well, marinate for 15 minutes to taste; green pepper and carrot are cut into thin strips;

2, apricot abalone mushroom wash and wipe dry water, cut into 0.5 cm thick slices; parsley leaves washed, cut into segments, green onion to the head and tail, also cut into segments, to each slice of apricot abalone mushrooms are evenly coated with a layer of corn starch, placed in the basket for later;

3: Heat 1 bowl of oil, first put in 3 to 4 slices of apricot abalone mushrooms, fry over medium heat until the edges are golden brown, fish out the remaining oil with kitchen paper, and then fry the remaining apricot abalone mushroom slices in batches;

4: Heat 2 tbsp oil, sauté shredded ginger, green onion, green pepper and carrot shredded, pour in the lean meat and fry until the meat turns white, pour 1/3 cup of water and bring to a boil;

5: Add 1/3 tbsp chicken powder, 1/2 tbsp Haitian Gold Medal Raw Soy Sauce King, 1/4 tbsp salt and 1/5 tbsp black pepper to taste;

6: Stir-fry the slices of apricot abalone mushrooms and parsley, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of cooked white sesame seeds and serve.

Wood ear fungus fried yam

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: fungus, yam, goji berries, green onion, ginger, garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, oyster sauce, peppercorns, starch to taste

1: Soak the fungus in warm water for 30 minutes, peel and cut the yam into slices, add corn starch and mix well;

2, sit in a pot and light the fire to pour oil, put the yam into the frying until the surface is slightly yellowish and take out;

3: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the onion, ginger and garlic, add the fungus, goji berries, peppercorns and stir-fry, add salt and oyster sauce to taste, add yam and stir-fry evenly, and then add a little MSG out of the pot.

Oyster sauce stewed winter melon

Don't know what to cook every day? Learn from me, meat and vegetarian combination, nutrition matching! Delicious

Ingredients: garlic, oyster sauce, winter melon, starch, salt, water, green onion

1, put oil in the pot first to fry garlic, pour in the winter melon, stir-fry, add oyster sauce, stir-fry;

2, add water, put some salt, cover the pot to simmer the winter melon soft, after the winter melon is soft, add some water starch when you are about to collect the juice, put on the plate, sprinkle with green onions.