
More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish


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More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

"You love me I love you, Honey Snow Ice City Sweet Honey..."

Recently, the theme song of Michelle Ice City is really a mess, whether online or offline, its fat snowman image will always dangle in front of your eyes, if you open the video with a curiosity, the brainwashing melody will haunt your ears over and over again...

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

▲ Finished, brainwashed again

Image from "Honey Snow Ice City Theme Song MV"

However, if you pay attention, long before the "magic sound", the Honey Snow Ice City chain store around us has become more and more numerous, like a casual snow, quietly drifting into the streets and alleys, enriching our lives.

Now that it's a hot summer day, what could be more enjoyable than a cool cold drink?

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

▲The picture comes from the Internet

In fact, the small cold drink in our hands also accompanies the pace of our growth, and it transforms and develops little by little, deducing its own wonderful journey.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

Although the chronology has changed from ancient times to the present, the weather has not changed much, and in the summer it is completely like giving up treatment: I am hot!

Cooling artifacts such as cold drinks are naturally widely favored, and according to some theories, the Tang Dynasty had an ice cream called "Crispy Mountain". China is once again at the forefront of the world. Of course, in that evil old society, such extravagant food was simply unblessed to the general population.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

Cold drinks really entered the homes of ordinary people, at least until the twentieth century.

At that time, the "cold drink shops" were all mobile. Riding an old "two-eight" bicycle, a white incubator is placed in the back seat, and the "shopkeeper" shouts loudly while riding. The ringing of the bicycle is accompanied by the sound of cicadas, and the roar is mixed with the frolicking of children, which is the original symphony associated with cold drinks.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

Not only are the "shops" simple, but there are not many popsicles. The white is plain and has a faint milky aroma, and the brown is chocolate flavored. Even so, popsicles were warmly welcomed by the children. To protect them, the "shopkeeper" also covers the incubator with several thick layers of towels.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

But it's all like an old black-and-white movie, gradually moving away from us.

A scene from Extreme Challenge is perhaps the best commentary on that era. When he saw Huang Lei wrapping the ice cubes in a quilt, the younger Luo Zhixiang was full of doubts: Wouldn't this melt faster? The older Huang Bo told him that when he was a child, he ate sorbets all in a quilt.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

▲Image from "Extreme Challenge"

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

For our generation, the impression of hawkers riding their bicycles has become thin, and some names are forever in our childhood memories.

Green tongue, big foot board, small pudding, tricolor cup...

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

Until now, whenever these names are mentioned, the corners of my mouth can't help but drool.

Among them, I especially like the green tongue and the tricolor cup.

When I first came out of the freezer, the green tongue was still hard, and even the surface was covered with a layer of white frost. I would take a bite straight down and let the cold air penetrate my mouth, feeling a cool pleasure from the inside out. Then wait a little while for the green tongue to gradually soften and turn into a smooth and tender jelly-like taste. The best thing is to take a big bite when it is unmelted, soft, cool, and cold, and the multi-experience of gradual progression explodes in the mouth.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

When eating tricolor cups, my habit is to eat chocolate, original, vanilla in turn, so first use a spoon to cut along the dividing line. Then scoop a few small spoonfuls of the chocolate-flavored part, adjust to the coolness, cut the rest into the size of the mouth, and eat it directly. Finally, the original flavor and vanilla parts are eliminated.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

If you think about it, the whole process is quite ritualistic, like eating a steak.

It is precisely because of these ice creams that our childhood seems to be flavorful. They are like a paintbrush, making cold drinks colorful from the monotonous world of black and white.

Looking back, we were undoubtedly lucky.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

At a time when we were still ignorant, right where we couldn't see it, the cold drink industry began its dramatic transformation.

An important point in time is 1980, since then, many cold drink manufacturers began to introduce foreign advanced equipment, increase the variety of colors, and the annual output has made a huge leap, from 80,000 tons to 544,000 tons.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

Workers at the Beijing People's Food Factory were packing popsicles in 1981

Thanks to the extensive exchanges between manufacturers, new ideas are constantly proposed, and new products have sprung up. This is what makes up the unforgettable names of our childhood.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish
More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

Time passes like a white colt, and unconsciously, everything familiar has changed.

The flowers are becoming more and more attractive to the eyes, and the ice cream that was originally approachable is now more and more dissatisfied with simple positioning, wrapping itself in layer after layer of packaging: "high-end", "fresh", "tasteful"...

Zhong Xuegao's most expensive Ecuadorian pink diamond ice cream even sold for 66 yuan, making many people exclaim that they can't even afford ice cream.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

It is true that consumers can understand the needs of cold drink manufacturers to build brands and impact the high-end market, but we also have to defend our "ice cream freedom". We can't help but ask, is the ice cream now sold expensive, is it really just because of the rising cost? Or do some manufacturers just want to artificially create heat by advocating high prices? Further, if there are more and more such manufacturers, will it cause the entire industry to roll in?

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

Imagine a scene like this: the sun is like fire, the heat is unbearable, and you want to eat ice cream to relieve the heat. As a result, all the ice cream shops I went to were either lined up or sold out, so that you couldn't eat at all, so even if the ice cream in the shop was good, what was the use?

Fortunately, we can still buy cheap and delicious ice cream. Qiao Lezi, Glutinous Rice Fin, Dream Dragon... They are generally priced at less than half the average price of Zhong Xue Gao, and glutinous rice fin is even less than one-tenth.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

It can be seen that many manufacturers are still not carried away by the heat, but are making ice cream in a down-to-earth manner.

Without too many bells and whistles and packaging, it is cheap enough and discounted enough for consumers to eat easily.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

Of course, this also includes the Snow Ice City that we mentioned at the beginning.

Needless to say, the low price of Mi Xue Ice City is not to say, and even the promotional song of this fire looks very "retro". Simple lyrics, relaxed and pleasant melody, cute publicity image, do not engage in so many imaginary head and brain of emotional value, just to let people who see it will smile.

In a people-friendly way and a conscientious formula, Mi Xue Ice City has won the favor of a large number of consumers, and has become one of the best choices for high quality and low price, and has also become an unforgettable color in the middle of summer.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

▲The picture comes from the "Honey Snow Ice City Theme Song MV"

It is often said that companionship is the longest confession of affection. Indeed, the little ice cream may seem inconspicuous, but it brings cool comfort to our hearts. At the same time, their colorful posture also decorates the summers we remember.

More and more expensive Internet red ice cream, really treat themselves as a dish

Zi once knew that good-looking people are paying attention to WeChat "Kanjian"!

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What kind of cold drink do you like to eat?