
How to control the cattle on the apple tree?

author:Jingke Huinong

Tianniu is an important pest that endangers the branches of apple trees, mainly occurs in orchards with complex surrounding vegetation, if the planting of mulberry trees around the garden is more serious, there will be star cattle and cloud-spotted days in the nearby poplar forest area, extensive management of orchards Tianniu occurs, and several kinds of Tianniu are mixed in orchards with very little medication all year round. When insect infestation occurs, the damaged plants are weak and grow poorly, and when they occur in large quantities, they cause the branches to die and even destroy the garden.

How to control the cattle on the apple tree?

Apple tree tianniu control method:

During the period from June to July, adult insects occur in their peak and are artificially caught from noon to before 3 pm. Hook the branches with long bamboo poles tied with iron hooks, shake them vigorously, and the pests will fall to the ground and catch them one by one.

After thawing, whitening the trunk and main branches to prevent adults from laying eggs.

How to control the cattle on the apple tree?

The larvae of the pink-necked celestial cow hatched before September are mothed under the bark, at which time small reddish-brown insect droppings can be found on the main trunk and main branches, and once the insect feces are found, the larvae are killed by cutting the bark with a sharp knife. Branches can also be inspected in the spring of the following year, and once the branches are found to have reddish-brown sawdust feces, the larvae in the xylem are dug up with a sharp knife to kill.

Clean the excretory holes in the trunk, fill the borer hole with dichlorvos tampons, use a disposable medical syringe, and fill the borehole with 50% dimethodine 800 times liquid or 10% imidacloprid 2000 times liquid, and then seal the worm orifice with mud.

How to control the cattle on the apple tree?

During the peak stage of adult occurrence and the hatching period of the larvae from June to July, spray 10% imidacloprid 2000 times liquid on the tree body, once in 7 to 10 days, and spray several times. (Contributed by Jingke Huinong experts)

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