
Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu

author:Forest tide

The evaluation of calligraphy works has always been a matter of opinion, and it is difficult to have a consistent standard. In theory, the head is the Tao, but in reality it is still confused. In the practice of learning calligraphy for decades, I have concluded that the evaluation of calligraphy can be briefly divided into five parts: tradition, innovation, art, style, and appreciation, and try to quantify, called an index, and mark it with five stars (which can also be marked with percentages).

First, the traditional index: including the traditional recognized brushwork, structure, chapter, rhyme and ink and so on. The five-star standard is various Dharma texts, such as the seal book "Stone Drum Text", the Xingshu "Orchid Pavilion Preface", the cursive "Book Notation" and so on.

Second, the innovation index: self-originality in terms of penmanship, structure, chapter and ink. Five-star standards such as "Zhang Qianbei", "Zhang Ronglong Monument", Su, Huang, Mi, Wang Duo and so on.

3. Art Index: Refers to the degree of artistry of calligraphy works. Five-star standards such as "Orchid Pavilion Preface", "Sacrifice Nephew Manuscript", "Shu Su Ti", "Li Bai Recalls Old Travel Poems" and so on.

Fourth, the style index: refers to the humanistic feelings of calligraphy works, including personality, education, writing content and so on. Five-star standards such as Zhong Xuan, Erwang, Yang Ningshi, Bada Shanren and so on.

5. Appreciation Index: Refers to the degree to which most people can accept and recognize calligraphy works. Five-star standards such as "Sacred Order", "Cao QuanBei", Zhang Xu, Huai Su, Yan, Liu, Ou, Zhao and so on.

The following is an analysis of Mr. Lin Xiu's calligraphy works:

Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu
Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu
Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu
Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu
Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu
Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu
Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu
Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu

Mr. Lin Xie's calligraphy belongs to the typical literati characters, and she does not have the popular and complex brushwork, ink method and the deformation of the structure of the characters, etc., just ordinary writing. Although her style of writing is not very strong, the line book still has a certain degree of recognition. Throughout her works, xiaoxingcao is relatively good, elegant and elegant, with a traditional bookish atmosphere. Overall, her works are simple and easy, and people can feel the gentle and generous inner. The rating given was:

Lin Chao Shujia Review: Lin Xiu

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