
The cultural context of the surnames of the Chu royal family

author:Huaxia Dahedong

I. The surname of the King of Chu is "嬭" instead of "芈"

In November 1975, archaeologists found a Chu artifact from the Spring and Autumn Period in Suizhou, Hubei Province, a rectangular bronze vessel (fǔ) from the ancient people's meals, which was later named "Chu Quzi Red Horned Vessel". The inscription reads: "Only at the beginning of the first month of the first month of the Ji Dinghai, Chu Quzi Red HornEdoe Zhongjiao Zhongjiao Huang, his eyebrow life is boundless, and his descendants will always use it." From the inscription, it can be seen that this is a dowry made by the nobles of the Chu state for their daughter Zhongxiao (nǎi). Friends who know a little history know that the Zhou Dynasty women's surname is not called the surname, the Chu State Qu clan is a branch of the Chu royal family, and the Chu king has a surname, but in the inscription, the daughter of Qu Zi does not write "Zhongqi", but writes "Zhongxiao"! In addition, in bronze inscriptions such as Chu Wang Zhong and Zeng Hou Zuo Ji Tang Xiao Ding, the surnames of the Chu people are written as "嬭".

The cultural context of the surnames of the Chu royal family

In recent excavations of Chu artifact inscriptions, this word is written "嬭", which is now divided into "milk" and female second person "妳", of which "妳" has been merged with "you". The word "芈" has never appeared in the artifacts and Jian Mu of the Chu people that have been excavated so far.

Recently, a word that appeared in the Northern Han Dynasty Jian "Cangjie Chapter" may be "芈", considering that the base of the "Cangjie Chapter" was written by Li Si and others, the earliest time of the appearance of the word "芈" can probably only be until the Qin State in the late Warring States period. Later, the "Records of History" replaced the "𸿈" used by the Chu people. Although the original of the "Zuo Zhuan" is an ancient Warring States text, it has been rewritten by the Han interpretation, and the word "芈" has been replaced by the word "學".

The fact that the surname of the king of the Chu state was changed to "芈", "芈" originally meant the name of a sheep, which was obviously not a good word, so it is very likely that this change of the surname of the king of Chu was also deliberately done by the Qin people in order to insult the State of Chu.

2. The Chu wang clan is a "mound" rather than a bear.

The "clan" of the Chu royal family is generally written "xiong", pronounced xiong, but in the Chu artifacts and bamboo janes are written "酓", now pronounced yan. The ancient texts before the Western Zhou Dynasty did not appear as "bear", but there were "can" and "嬴". "嬴" is the surname of the Qin state office. However, in the Han Dynasty, there was sometimes a confusion between "bear" and "win". For example: "Zuo Chuan Xuan Gong Eight Year Classic": "Lady Ying Shi Xue." ...... Bury me Xiaojun Respectfully. "The Legend of the Ram" and the "Biography of Gu Liang" are the Xiong clan. Honorable as a bear. During the reign of King Huiwen of Qin, the stone inscription that cursed King Huai of Chu wrote the name of King Huai of Chu as "Bear Phase", which is the earliest example of the Chu royal family's "酓" written as "Bear" at present. The extant "History" and "Zuo Zhuan" both use "bear" instead of "mole", which is still used today.

Princes of Chu who did not inherit the throne could also be given the title of "Qiu", such as Zhongxue, the son of Chu Junyan, who died after failing to seize the throne and did not become Chu Jun, and the Qinghua Jian Chuju wrote his name as "Qiu Xue".

According to the research of contemporary scholars, the earliest known Eastern Zhou material that wrote the "酓" in the title of King of Chu as "bear" was the "Curse of Chu Wen" written by King Huiwen of Qin at the end of the Warring States period for cursing Xiong Huai, the king of Chuhuai. The original text of the "Curse of Chu Wen" was engraved on the stone stele, unearthed in the Song Dynasty, and the text did not write the bear locust as "酓槐", but wrote "bear phase". Therefore, it is likely that the Qin people were the first to change the word "酓" in the name of the King of Chu in the literature with the word "bear" of the dog bear to express contempt and curse for the king of Chu; and later, after Qin Shi Huang unified the world, he burned the history of the various kingdoms, leaving only the history books of the Qin state, so Han Dynasty scholars wrote the title of King of Chu as "Xiong Mou" according to the records of the Qin people.

Third, the name of the ancestor of the Chu state can become the clan of the direct descendants

The descendants of the early monarchs of the Chu state can directly take the names of their ancestors as clans, such as Xiong Li and Bi, Xiong Xiangyi, and Xiong Xiangyi who appear in the Zuo Zhuan. Xiong rate is the name of the early monarch of the Chu State, so the bear rate and ratio is the Xiong rate clan, and the ancestor is the worm. The bear phase is the bear frost, so the bear phase and the bear phase are the bear phase (frost) clan, and the ancestor is the bear frost. This situation also occurs in Chu Jian.

There are also some Chu junzi sun who take the title of monarch as a clan, such as the famous Shen Baoxu, whose name is also written in the Warring States Policy as "Burning Bosu", "Burning" is "Worm Mao", and "Bo Su" is another way of writing "Bao Xu". That is to say, this Shen Baoxu is more than the above-mentioned bear rate and is a descendant of the worm, but one uses the title of the worm to be the clan, and the other uses the name of the worm to be the clan.

The cultural context of the surnames of the Chu royal family

Fourth, the three major surnames of the Chu royal family are Qu, Jing, and Zhao

During the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, the Qu clan, the Jing clan and the Zhao clan were the three most powerful royal clans in the Chu State, and they were prominent for a while. "Sanlu Dafu" was a special official position of the Chu State during the Warring States period, presiding over the sacrifice of the Zongmiao Temple, and also managing the education of the children of the three surnames of Qu, Jing, and Zhao. During this period, more than ten people were recorded in history.

1) Qu's source is flexion

The Qu family is from the Chu Wang family, the Qu surname is based on Yi as a clan, from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States has always been a prominent family. The surnames of Jing and Zhao were based on the clan of Yu and were prominent aristocrats during the Warring States period. The surname Qu has the earliest origin in the "three royal surnames". During the Spring and Autumn Period, King Wu of Chu's son, Mo Ao of the Chu State, was enfeoffed with Qu Yi , and Hou Flaw's descendants took Qu as their surname.

Famous figures include Qu Yuan, Qu Feng, Qu Quan, Qu Jian, Qu Dang, Qu Zhao, Qu Ding of the Song Dynasty, Qu Fu of the Qing Dynasty, and Qu Zhongru, Qu Yuanzhi, and Qu Yinhua in modern times.

2) The Jing clan originated from the King of Chuping

King Chuping's nickname was "King Jingping of Chu", and the first word was "Jing", so his descendants were all called "King Jingping", referred to as "Jing Mou". The Jing surname is a descendant of King Chuping, and comes from the eldest son of King Shu of Chuping. In 1973, on the foundation of No. 1 Chucheng Ruins in Zhaojiahu, Danyang, Hubei Province, an inscription on a bronze Yong bell was unearthed: "Qin WangBei (俾) ordered (Ling) To compete (Jing) Ping (Ping) Wang Zhiding to save Qin Rong." It can be confirmed that the "Jing (Jing) Ping King" in the inscription is the Chu Ping King Xiong Abandoned Disease in the ancient books. ”

Famous figures include Jing Zhiding, Jingcui, Jingshe, Jingli, Jingyang, Jingcha, Jingjian in the Warring States Period, Jingdan, Jingluan, Jingyi, and Jingjun in the Han Dynasty, Jing Yanguang and Jingfan in the Five Dynasties, Jing tai father and son and Jing Huan in the Song Dynasty, Jing Qing and Jing Shuangding in the Ming Dynasty, Jing Ri pi and Jing Kaoxiang in the Qing Dynasty, Jing Meijiu and Jing Yaoyue in the modern era, And contemporary Jing Haipeng, Jing Junhai, Jing Tian, Jing Gangshan, etc.

3) The Zhao (Shao) clan originated from King Zhao of Chu

The same is true of King Chu Zhao's son Zi Liang (Ping Ye Jun) descendants of the Zhao clan. King Zhao of Chu had the merit of restoring Chu, and his descendants multiplied, taking Yu as his clan. The surname Zhao (also known as Shao) is derived from Zi Liang, the son of King Zhao of Chu. The heirloom "Zhao (Zhao) King's Curse" instrument has two pipes and three Chu instruments. The official of the Zhao clan can be examined from the seventeenth year of King Xuan of Chu (353 BC) to order Yin Zhaoxi.

Famous figures include Zhao Xi, Zhao Yang, Zhao Yu, and Zhao Ju during the Warring States period. Later generations were mixed with Shaw.

5. Other surnames of the Chu royal family

Wu clan: The Chu Gong clan has the Wu clan, and the descendants have Wu Zixu.

Xiang clan: Son of the Chu Gong clan, Yan, Feng Xiangcheng, Xiang clan.

Lan Clan: The Prince of Chu was enfeoffed in Lan, known as Lan Yin, and later yi as a clan.

Ma Clan: The Chu Gong clan's infant Ben Qi, more surnamed Ma.

Zhong Clan: The Chu Clan Zhong Jian was enfeoffed in Zhong Wu, followed by the Zhong Wu Clan, or the Zhong Clan.

Zuo Shi (左氏): After the bear, he was the King of Chu wei Zuo Shi, and later the Zuo clan.

Jin Clan: After Jin Shang, the Grand Master of the Chu Gong Clan.

Eshi: Chuzi Xiong Hong was called the Lord of E, and later the Eshi.

Zhuo Shi: Empress Zhuo, the Prince of Chuwei.

Noh clan: Xiong Xuanzi is sealed in the kuei, and the branch is not surnamed Noh.

Zhuang Clan: A distant descendant of King Zhuang of Chu, with Yu as his clan.

Shen Clan: After the Chu Gong clan Zi Bai Yisheng, he was enfeoffed with Shen and became the Shen clan.

Ao Shi: The king of the Chu kingdom, those who are deposed and do not become kings are called Ao.

Jing: In the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the chu state was sealed in the Area of Jingshan, and the name of the state was Jing, and it was not changed to the State of Chu until the early Spring and Autumn Period. Before King Wen of Chu, the Jing Emperor had descendants who took the name of the country as their surname and called it Jing.

Hong: Chu Zi Xiongqu's eldest son Hong is the King of E, and his branch is based on the father character.

Shangguan Clan: After Shangguan Zilan, the Grand Master of the Chu Gong Clan.

Ban Shi: A descendant of Ruo'ao of the Chu state during the Spring and Autumn Period. Ruo'ao's son was named Dou Bobi, and Dou Bobi's son was named Ling Yin Ziwen, who grew up eating tiger milk, because the tiger's body had markings, so his descendants used "spot" as their surname. Because "class" and "spot" are common, it was later changed to "class", and the descendants have Ban Chao.

Bai clan, after King Chuping deposed the crown prince Bai Gongsheng, the descendants took Bai as their clan.

The Ye clan, the Chu duke Ye Gong Shen Zhuliang, followed by Ye as a clan.

The Shen clan, the Chu Duke Ye Gong Shen Zhuliang, followed by Shen as a clan.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the surname Qi derived more surnames.

Mr. Tomari, Mr. Xi, Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Wang, Mr. Zen, Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, Mr. Yi, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, Mr. Ying, Mr. Ying, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, Mr. Ying, Mr. Wang, Mr. Ying, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, Mr. Yu, Mr. Ying, Mr. Wang, Mr. Yu, Mr. Ying, Mr. Ying, Mr. Yu Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, Mr. Yun, Mr. Yun, Mr. Hou, Mr. Yun, Mr. Yin, Mr. Wang, Mr. Yi, Mr. Sakae, Mr. Eda, Mr. Wang, Mr. Bao, Mr. Haru, Mr. Yin, Mr. Wang, Mr. Xu, Mr. Ko, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Wang, Mr. U, Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Frost, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Xiao, Mr. Wang, Mr. Yin, Mr. Wang, Mr. Ying, Mr. Ying Mr. Zhao, Mr. 擧, Mr. Yuki, Mr. Wang, Mr. Ping, Mr. Zhao, Mr. 仆, Mr. 贵, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Ming, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhang Mr. Zhao, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, Mr. Yuan, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Sui, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee, Mr. Zhu.

The compound surnames are: Dou 斵耆氏, 斗斵斵乳氏, 斗斵缙氏, 斗斵文氏, 斗斵班氏, 斗斵比氏, 伟 Turtle clan, Mimu clan, Ruo Ao clan, Shu Ao clan, Tuoba Ao clan, 郕斵斵氏, Dou 斵斵强氏, 斗斵繹氏, 斗斵񏦕氏, 斗斵文氏, 斗斵碧氏, 胡斵氏, 斗斵氏, 胡斵碧氏, 胡斵氏, 斗斵比氏, 斵斵氏, 胡斵氏, 斵斵氏, 斗斵碧氏, 胡斵氏, 斗斵௝氏, Dou 斵耆氏, 斗斵翡族, 斗斵翡氏, 斗斵翡氏, 斗斵񏦕氏, 斗斵耉氏, 斗斵耆氏, 斗斵翡氏, 斗斵௝耆氏, 斗斵皣񏦕氏, 斗斵耆族, 斗斵翡氏, 斗斵翡氏, 斗斵耆氏, 斗斵耆氏, 斗 Zi Chong, Zi Ji, Zi Cheng, Zi Qian, Zi Yi, Zi Mu, Yin Gan, Wu Hook, Wu Yu, Wu Yu, Wu Yong, Yu Tui, Shi Qi, Qing Father, Xiang Lao, Wang Sun, Cheng Wang, Hei Qiu, Shu Jian, Lai Satin, Shen Qian, Yi You, Li Sun, Bai Nan, Ji Bai, Qu Nan, Qi Men, Shi Nan, Wu Shan, Baby Qi, Abandoned Disease, Zhi Ru, Bi Bi, Shi Qi, Xiong, Xiong, Xiong, Xiong, Yi Xiang, Xin Liao, Jie You, Ji Rong, Zhongxiong, Daxin clan, Lan Yin clan, stable Yin clan, Zhen Yin clan, Le Yin clan, Taro Yin clan, Ling Yin clan, Quan Yin clan, Wee Yin clan, Qing Yin clan, Suburb Yin clan, Gong Yin clan, Lian Yin clan, Huan Yin clan.

Many of these surnames have died out or been changed to other surnames.

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