
Shaanxi Sports Lottery: Polishing the public welfare background of the sports lottery

author:Healthy Shaanxi people
Shaanxi Sports Lottery: Polishing the public welfare background of the sports lottery

"Running on the wei river embankment is a 'homework' that I have to complete every morning." Li Aiping, a long-distance runner who lives in Chen Cangyuan in Baoji City, began a 20-year long-distance running activity on the Weihe River embankment.

"Over the years, I have witnessed the changes and development of outdoor fitness venues in Baoji City. Especially in the past two years, it is obvious that there are more and more outdoor fitness places, the environment is getting better and better, no matter where you start from the city, you can find a fitness venue in more than 10 minutes. Between the words, Li Aiping's face was filled with a smile of happiness and satisfaction.

When Li Aiping ran east to the Unity Sports Park, a large number of people had already gathered here for morning exercise. The standard athletics field, several football, badminton, tennis, basketball courts carry people's fitness life. As far as the eye can see, the Unity Sports Park is built on a flat beach along the Wei River, where people play ball or square dance or exercise on fitness equipment. The newly paved fitness path on the embankment is spacious and comfortable, and on the side of the road, on a signboard, the slogan of the China Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund supporting national fitness is particularly eye-catching.

Shaanxi Sports Lottery: Polishing the public welfare background of the sports lottery

The public welfare fund raised by the China Sports Lottery is mainly used to develop sports and promote the fitness of the whole people, and the sports lottery is a social welfare undertaking that "comes from the people and is used by the people". With the support of the majority of sports lottery buyers, Shaanxi Sports Lottery has gathered sand into a tower bit by bit. In the past 20 years, the total historical issuance of China's sports lottery in Shaanxi has exceeded 53 billion yuan, and the cumulative public welfare fund of sports lottery has exceeded 13 billion yuan, which has played an important role in building a public sports service system, helping the healthy China strategy, and building a sports power.

As a sports lottery, supporting national fitness is an important responsibility and obligation. Today, when you stroll around the 14th Games venue, along the Wei River, along the Han River, on the banks of the YanHe River, deep in the Qinling Mountains, the former wasteland has been covered with lawns, colorful leaf plants and flowers, and the mud pits and beaches of the past have been replaced by fashionable and bright sports venues. In particular, the construction of the national fitness corridor along the Qinchuan Weihe River, which is quite influential in the country, has been completed, meeting the fitness needs of nearly 3 million people along the coast. And these fitness projects, which make Shaanxi people proud, are inseparable from the strong support of the Public Welfare Fund of the China Sports Lottery.

On September 16th, the second day of the opening of the 14th Games, more than 500 representatives of advanced individuals of advanced units of national mass sports and advanced collectives of the national sports system came to Xi'an Daming Palace National Heritage Park National Heritage Park and Xianyang Lake Five Ring Sports Park to observe and experience the new concept, new deeds and new atmosphere of Shaanxi national fitness in the new era.

Shaanxi Sports Lottery: Polishing the public welfare background of the sports lottery

The delegates braved the autumn rain to arrive at the Daming Palace National Heritage Park National Fitness Park, and were immediately attracted by the beautiful environment and advanced facilities, and stopped to watch. The newly upgraded Daming Palace National Heritage Park National Fitness Park highlights the construction concept of people-oriented, close to the masses, integrated development, win-win construction, intelligent management and healthy operation, and strives to solve the problem of "where to go for fitness" by building fitness venue facilities and urban "15-minute fitness circle" in front of the people's homes. Xianyang Lake Five Ring Sports Park East District Riverside Green Garden National Fitness Center, built an outdoor swimming pool, cage football field, cage basketball court, fitness trails, bicycle paths, kite flying area, etc., the masses like to see the sports facilities, fitness equipment is readily available.

"Through today's field observation, I feel that Shaanxi is at the forefront of the national fitness project. At the same time, we have learned a lot of good experience and practices and are ready to go back to promote. Guan Xiangqing, deputy director of the Sports Bureau of Fengtai District, Beijing, said.

In recent years, with the support of the Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund, our province has vigorously implemented the "Eight Major Projects for the Benefit of the People", with a total investment of 1.393 billion yuan, built more than 710 fitness facility projects, focused on promoting 40 demonstration projects and 46 key projects for the benefit of the people, created a "15-minute fitness circle", and built a large number of sports parks, fitness trails, and multi-functional fitness venues. The enthusiasm for national fitness has continued to rise, and the construction of a strong sports province has accelerated. All of this, the Sports Lottery Community Chest is indispensable.

Shaanxi Sports Lottery: Polishing the public welfare background of the sports lottery

The Sports Lottery Community Chest fully supports the National Games

Sports lottery as the lifeline of the development of sports, since the preparation and holding of the 14th Games, a large number of sports lottery public welfare funds have been used to build and rebuild the national sports venues, carry out the "I want to go to the national sports" national fitness series of activities and the participation team preparation training, etc., of which the provincial sports lottery public welfare fund alone has invested more than 1 billion yuan. The National Games not only left the public with sports venues and facilities, but also provided fertile ground for the upward development of competitive sports. If mass sports are the base of the tower and competitive sports are the spire, then the Chinese sports lottery has been silently paying for the "pyramid" of the sports industry.

The Shaanxi Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium is the gymnastics venue of the 14th Games, and it is also the backup venue for the closing ceremony of the National Games. During the construction process, the venue was supported by the Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund. The total investment of the construction project is 607 million yuan, which is arranged and solved by the infrastructure funds in the provincial budget of Shaanxi Province, the provincial financial budget funds, and the provincial sports lottery public welfare fund year by year. With the support of the Provincial Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund, a number of major sports facilities such as the Shaanxi Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium and the Chang'an Changning Ecological Sports Training Base have risen from the ground and become new landmarks and business cards in Sanqin. The sports lottery public welfare fund supports the operation and maintenance of sports venues in the province, and the free and low-cost opening of county-level small and medium-sized sports venues.

In addition to Xi'an, the main venue of the National Games, nine cities in Shaanxi Province, such as Baoji, Xianyang, Tongchuan, Weinan, Yan'an, Yulin, Hanzhong, Ankang and Shangluo, also hosted some of the games, and the sports lottery public welfare funds of these cities also contributed to the preparation of the National Games.

Shaanxi Sports Lottery: Polishing the public welfare background of the sports lottery

With the help of the lottery public welfare fund, ordinary people with sports dreams realized the "dream of the whole luck" at the 14th Games. At this National Games, our province organized thousands of "I want to go to the National Games" series of events, which wrote a new chapter for the concept of "all the people going hand in one heart". During the preparation for the National Games, the Provincial Sports Lottery Center sponsored and carried out the 2018 Shaanxi First Public Welfare Sports Lottery Football Carnival, the Public Welfare Sports Lottery Love Aid, the Public Welfare Sports Lottery Happy Playground, the Public Welfare Sports Lottery Free Drinking Water, the Public Welfare Sports Lottery Precision Poverty Alleviation and the Naming of a Variety of Sports Events, so that the sports lottery cause and the public welfare undertaking can build a bridge of love and transmit the positive energy of the sports lottery public welfare.

"I want to be on the national lottery" has always been closely linked to the sports lottery. "China Sports Lottery • I want to go to the National Games" the first Shaanxi Provincial Men's Basketball League in 2019, "Sports Lottery Cup • I want to be on the National Games" 2020 Xianyang Youth U Series Badminton Tournament, "City Shimmer Sports Lottery Start" 2020 Shaanxi City Orienteering Competition, "Sports Lottery Cup" Annual Most Beautiful Shaanxi Sportsman Selection, China Sports Lottery Cup Shaanxi Youth Baseball and Softball Championship, China Sports Lottery 2020 Shaanxi Fifth Roller Skating Open, 2020 China Huashan Shaanxi Rock Climbing Open and other sports activities It further strengthens the public's understanding of the public welfare of China's sports lottery.

Shaanxi Sports Lottery: Polishing the public welfare background of the sports lottery

At the 14th Games, which had just concluded, the Shaanxi delegation ranked 7th in the country with a total of 28 gold medals in competitive sports and mass events, creating the best record in the history of the National Games. In the national games and olympic games and other top sports events, the public pays more attention to the moment when the athletes win the gold medal, in fact, there is a lot of systematic work in competitive sports. The achievement of excellent results is inseparable from the hard work and brave struggle of athletes and coaches, and is inseparable from the complete competitive talent training system. The lottery public welfare fund is the most important source of funds in the process of building a sports reserve talent training system. Most of the funds used by the Shaanxi Provincial Sports Bureau are used for the construction of reserve talents, such as funding the construction of reserve talent bases, carrying out a series of youth events, preparing for the National Games and the Provincial Games, and improving training conditions. With the support of the Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund, the competitive sports in our province have achieved all-round development, from provinces with weak foundations to the forefront of western sports; from Tian Liang winning the first Olympic gold medal to Qin Kai, Guo Wenjun and more and more athletes on the highest podium of world sports to win glory for the country; from hosting the National University Games, the National City Games to hosting the National Games, Shaanxi Athletic Sports has gone all the way under the protection of the Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund.

Looking back at the road traveled by the development of Shaanxi Sports Lottery, it is full of emotions. Over the years, Shaanxi sports lottery practitioners have always adhered to the sports lottery spirit of "responsibility, integrity, unity and innovation" of China's sports lottery, and have achieved today's fruitful results. Shaanxi Sports Lottery will take this honor as the driving force, highlight the people's interests as the center, focus on the development goal of building a responsible, trustworthy and high-quality development of the national public welfare lottery, take the management of lottery according to law as the premise, take the spirit of sports lottery as the guide, always keep in mind the responsibility and mission of grasping the national public welfare image, and continue to run hard for the construction of a strong sports province and a healthy Shaanxi. (Mao Yue, Li Yanmei)