
Poetry | Zhang Jing: Ye Jiaying is the one who "will be a little red furnace snow and scattered as a night lamp in the world"

author:Modern Express

Modern Express News "Looking for the evening forest alone, the branches are hidden in the sunset." Gradually watch the birds return to their nests, who with the arrangement to live in the heart. On November 12th, the launching ceremony of "Poetry, Yuanshu Tribute to The Master of "Water Moon in Hand" Jiangsu Four Cities Linkage Movie Viewing Activity and Poetry Sharing Meeting" was held in Huai'an Cultural Center.

Poetry | Zhang Jing: Ye Jiaying is the one who "will be a little red furnace snow and scattered as a night lamp in the world"

△ The scene of the event

Although Mr. Ye Jiaying was unable to come to the scene in person because of her advanced age, her assistant, Zhang Jing, co-producer of "The Moon in Hand" and professor of the Department of Chinese of Nankai University, attended the cultural feast on behalf of Mr. Ye and lovingly recited Mr. Ye Jiaying's "Two Songs to the Evening" (part 1).

Poetry | Zhang Jing: Ye Jiaying is the one who "will be a little red furnace snow and scattered as a night lamp in the world"

△ Zhang Jing

Origin: Also a teacher and a friend and a relative

Poetry | Zhang Jing: Ye Jiaying is the one who "will be a little red furnace snow and scattered as a night lamp in the world"

"Poetry and Origin| Tribute to the Master "The Moon of Water in Hand" Jiangsu Four Cities Linkage Movie Viewing Activity and Poetry Sharing Meeting", guided by China Film Archive, Jiangsu Film Bureau, Propaganda Department of Cpc Huai'an Municipal Party Committee, Phoenix Publishing and Media Group, Jiangsu Poetry Association, Modern Express +· Hosted by ZAKER Nanjing and Huai'an Cultural Tourism Group, organized by Jiangsu Canal City Cultural and Creative Communication Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Wenmai Studio, Phoenix Reading Club, Phoenix Book Garden, National Art Film Screening Alliance, and special supported by Jiangsu Jinshiyuan Wine Co., Ltd.

On the stage, Zhang Jing slowly recited Mr. Ye's poems; behind the stage, she and Mr. Ye Jiaying accompanied each other for more than ten years. "Sometimes, in the vast sea of people, people meet and know each other, as if there is an inexplicable and incredible fate pulling." Zhang Jing said.

In October 2003, Zhang Jing met mr. Zhang jing at a lecture at Southeast University in Nanjing. At that time, Mr. Zhang jing was physically ill, but he still insisted on lecturing, and her firm and pleasant voice moved Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing did not expect that in 2004, under the introduction of her doctoral supervisor Mo Lifeng, she and Mr. Zhang officially became acquainted and began to accompany Mr. Li to study. In the process of learning, I often feel the strength of Mr. Ye's willpower.

Poetry | Zhang Jing: Ye Jiaying is the one who "will be a little red furnace snow and scattered as a night lamp in the world"

△ Professor Zhang Jing and Mr. Ye Jiaying at the Jialing Academy

One day in September 2006, Mr. Zhang Jing called Zhang Jing at 7 o'clock in the morning, and she said, "Zhang Jing, can you come over, I fell." Zhang Jing only knew that Mr. Ye got up at night and accidentally sat empty and fell to the ground, resulting in a fracture of his left collarbone. The gentleman thought it was rude to call in the early hours of the morning and insisted on waiting until 7 o'clock in the morning.

How painful it is to fracture! But everyone expresses pain differently. Some people may sigh long and short, and some people will read and create to relieve the pain of the body and soul. After Mr. Ye finished the operation during the day and woke up in pain at night, she said: "Zhang Jing, bring the newspaper, I want to read the newspaper." "She doesn't want any time to pass in vain.

"I think it's a big gain to be around sir. It made me deeply realize that no matter what kind of distress I encounter in reality or what kind of pain I experience physically, I can actually overcome it spiritually. Zhang Jing told the Modern Express reporter that she and Mr. Ye have long been friends and relatives.

Deep: When poetry is integrated into life, joy follows itself

Poetry | Zhang Jing: Ye Jiaying is the one who "will be a little red furnace snow and scattered as a night lamp in the world"

"Even if life is simple and there are many tribulations, Mr. Li always looks very open. When faced with real suffering and no choice, she will be at ease with the encounter, but in the text, in the teaching attitude, Mr. Rigor is almost harsh. Zhang Jing said.

For example, Zhang Jing said that Mr. Ye often changed the manuscript five or six times, and even if the editor had already arranged the manuscript, she might still call and say that she had to revise two more words. She was invited to give a lecture, and the content of the lecture was obviously a topic that she had spoken about a hundred times, and she still prepared the lecture carefully until two or three o'clock in the evening.

Mr. Ye encouraged students to read more poems and memorize more poems, but his poems emphasized that it was best to "wait for the poems to run out on their own." In 2015, Zhang Jing assisted Mr. Ye in compiling the book "Ancient Poems for Children". Mr. Ye instructed Zhang Jing to read the last sentences of Wang Anshi and Yang Wanli carefully, "I read selected poems day and night in those days. When I woke up one afternoon, I clearly remembered two poems in my dream: 'The sound of the paddles moves, and the cold wind is thinned.' Zhang Jing told Mr. Ye about it, and Mr. Ye was overjoyed: "You also got a sentence in your dream!" After a while, Mr. Ye said: "It should be put together into a poem", and after a little deep groaning, Mr. Ye blurted out: "Even if you pass by the lotus pond, the sky is red." The sound of the paddles moved, and the cold wind was thin. ”

Poetry is infested, and joy follows. The gentleman said happily: "It is a good poem with style." The sentence in your dream is not like the sentence in my own dream that is made up of Li Shangyin's poem, but Ye Jiaying's foot. ”

Yuanju: Inspired by poetry, do not forget the original heart

Poetry | Zhang Jing: Ye Jiaying is the one who "will be a little red furnace snow and scattered as a night lamp in the world"

△Professor Zhang Jing accompanied Mr. Ye Jiaying to the award ceremony of the "Ye's Camel's Temple Scholarship"

On many occasions, Zhang Jing described Mr. Ye in her eyes with the poem "Good to scatter a little red furnace snow and scatter it as a night lamp in the world". In the process of cultural inheritance, although the strength of each individual is insignificant, it is like flying snow, fleeting, but the moment it brings to the world is cool, but it is like a guiding light of life.

In his later years, Mr. Ye had a stronger sense of mission for cultural inheritance. Zhang Jing believes that Mr. Ye's term "Tasha Xing" is very reflective. "A life is difficult, the heart is like water, and it has been confined to a deep cup." The fire of the hot day burned the remnants, and the girl first met the true fairy. The green pine in the valley, as if it were like this, did not die after experiencing the frost. As soon as the kun was about to fly, the sky wind blew wild waves. ”

Mr. Ye once sent the poem "Thirty years have passed, and it is the original heart that should not be polished" to the graduates of the 77th and 78th classes who returned to Nankai University. She said: "I am still Ye Jiaying, who lectured in Room 111 of the main building of Nankai University thirty years ago, and I am still engaged in the teaching and research activities of classical poetry that I love. May I ask you all the princes here, some of you have become leaders at the ministerial level, some have become billionaires, are you still the same person who listened to the lectures in Room 111 of the main building? ”

Mr. Ye has his own original intention, and Chen Chuanxing, the director of "Water Moon in Hand", does not forget his original intention.

In order to shoot this literary documentary, the main creative team traveled to more than a dozen cities and interviewed more than 40 relatives and friends of Mr. Ye, and post-production lasted two years. "Shooting requires excellence, and Director Chen has his own persistent pursuit of art, which makes people admire." Zhang Jing said that Chen Chuanxing used the lens language to condense Mr. Ye's time in his 90s into the film, perhaps hoping that moviegoers could use this documentary to pursue and interpret their original intentions.

Modern Express +/ZAKER Nanjing reporter Song Jingwei/Wen Zhao Jie Xu Yang Wang Xi Liu Chang/Photo

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