
Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

author:Take you around the UK


Today fans around the world are swept away by a shocking news - football "God" Diego Maradona passed away in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

The genius who once left too many wonderful memories for the world, but on an ordinary day, was suddenly taken away by God...

This sad news stirred up shocks among the international community and fans.

Bartholona, "Diego, thank you for all the things you did for us. ”

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Argentine President Maradona's friend wrote sadly on social media,

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

"You took us to the top of the world, you immersed us in joy, you were the best of all. Thank you for ever being there and we will miss you for the rest of our lives. ”

It also declared that the whole country has entered a three-day period of mourning.

Multiple Argentine media outlets said the site was paralyzed by the nation's population.

Maradona's hometown and the last end of his life, Buenos Aires, have long been surrounded by people from all over the world, and people consciously sacrifice his spirit in the streets to commemorate the great members of this country.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

"My first idol is gone, my only idol."

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

"Please tell me this is a lie."

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

"My heart has turned black."

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

"He was mine."

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Countless people and the media rushed to see the last side of "God" and spontaneously posted maradona's portrait in the streets and alleys.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

The whole city wept because of Maradona.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

In Naples, Italy, maradona once played in the "second hometown", the masses have been grief-stricken,

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

In front of the huge Maradona graffiti wall, people who are now standing full of lost souls, fans who borrow wine to pour sorrow,

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times
Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Today's Naples has lost its soul to Maradona's departure.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times
Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

The entire football community mourned Maradona's departure, and the major Leagues in Europe spontaneously observed a moment of silence for Maradona before the match...

Shocked, unwilling, nostalgic and lost... It is the common voice of the whole world today...

Maradona only celebrated his 60th birthday last month, and before 2020 was over, the world witnessed the sudden death of a great figure...

According to Argentine media reports, Maradona just had a brain thrombosis surgery half a month ago and was in the recuperation period at home. On Wednesday morning, local time, he went downstairs from his bedroom for breakfast and told his nephew that he felt uncomfortable, felt very cold, and his face was very pale.

But unfortunately, Maradona, who had fallen into a deep sleep, never woke up again.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

In order to confirm the sudden cause of death, the police have conducted an autopsy on Maradona, which confirms that it is a natural cause of death, and his body is currently in the presidential palace waiting for the funeral ceremony.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

But to everyone's surprise, Maradona may have predicted his departure...

Fifteen years ago, 45-year-old Maradona made the astonishing remark on a television talk show that "growing old with my grandchildren means a peaceful death for me."

And now, as Maradona retires from football to enjoy his old age, Death has really found him...

But Maradona 15 years ago had already thought of today's tombstone inscription,

“谢谢球(Thanks to the ball)”

He explained what this seemingly simple sentence meant to him,

"Thank you for playing football because the sport has given me so much joy and freedom, like my hand touching the sky, thank you football."

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Pure love is beyond words.

And this naturally uninhibited, "God" ball god who created the football myth, may be as simple and hot as this sentence in his life...

Born in a slum in Buenos Aires in the 1960s, Maradona was the fifth of eight children.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Although the family is poor, this does not prevent Maradona's father, who loves football, from cultivating his son, and Maradona, who is only 3 years old, also received a gift from his father that changed himself and the world - football.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Maradona Jr. also began to show extraordinary football talent from then on, and although the practice was only carried out in the open spaces of the slums and on the unattended beach, Maradona reveled in the sport and forgot all his troubles and insecurities.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Less than 10 years old, Maradona, who is talented and hard-working, successfully entered the youth team of one of the largest football clubs in the country and began to be exposed to high-level competition in the true sense.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Six years later, he joined the official team of the club with his outstanding performance and began to contact the first-class competitions in the country.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

What made him famous was the 1986 World Cup match between Argentina and England.

In the arena at the time, England was the penultimate stumbling block to Argentina's victory.

But even greater than that is the face of Argentina as a whole —

Shortly before the match, the Falklands War broke out between the United Kingdom and Argentina, the two countries were hostile to each other, the relationship was bad, and Argentina, which had lost the war, could not tolerate losing to Britain in the World Cup.

With a sense of revenge, the Argentines began in anger.

What broke the deadlock on the field was a handball from the then 26-year-old Maradona.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Shortly after the start of the second half, maradona intercepted the golf ball with his hand, and then kicked it perfectly into the opponent's goal, under the ghostly mission, none of the referees noticed the violation, and they all judged that the goal was valid, and Maradona's teammates also cheered and celebrated with him in shock.

After this handball rewrote the game, Maradona played a "ball of the century" that was arguably the best goal in the World Cup, creating history for Argentina to seal the victory.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

The limelight of the whole field, the honor of argentina as a whole, was completely contracted by the 26-year-old teenager on that day.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

The British media angrily referred to the handball as the "Devil's Hand", and Maradona gave it the perfect name "Hand of God" at the time.

("Maradona didn't do it, God did it.") ”)

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

"God" has also become another name for Maradona.

When Argentina won the World Cup that year, Maradona was in the limelight and became the world's hottest hot star.

A team tailored tactics for him, matching his strengths, and this now-sounding operation began to be staged for him again and again.

However, like many superstars who have been put on the altar, maradona's fall seems to be doomed because of this...

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Four years before the '86 World Cup, Maradona, who was only 22 years old, began stealing the forbidden fruit of drugs, and the following year, he went to play for Barcelona, Spain, and began using cocaine.

And after Maradona moved to mafia paradise in 84, Naples in southern Italy, his cocaine addiction was even more uncontrollable.

There, he took a sky-high salary and carried all the expectations of the team to change his life, and finally led the second-tier team Napoli to win the first UEFA Cup and two other league titles in the history of the team, a shame for Napoli.

The glory of Naples is closely related to this young man thousands of miles away, and this is the reason why the city here today "lost its soul" - Maradona is a "demigod" to Naples, and it is he who has made this city.

But at the time, Maradona, who was above everyone, was slowly being destroyed by an uncontrolled reputation, and in Napoli, his every move was monitored by the media and fanatical fans.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

He could no longer live his normal life, and even leaving home became a cat and mouse game.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Reality becomes like a movie...

And despite the best gift he had given Napoli, his inner thoughts were to leave the team and play for another great team.

The dysfunction of life and profession allowed him to find a depraved life as an antidote, endless drug parties, and the beautiful people who automatically delivered to the door... This football genius was finally taken away by God in the abyss of desire and escape.

His body is getting weaker and weaker, and he is no longer the "God" who played the "goal of the century".

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Repeatedly hiding heroin, and even shooting and injuring reporters, these crimes have turned him from a football arrogant to a drug addict and a suspect...

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times
Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

In 2014, a remorseful Maradona expressed regret, "I gave my opponent a big gift. Do you know what kind of player I would have been if I hadn't taken drugs? ”

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

And after the degenerate drug time in Naples, Maradona, who withstood the world's highlights, began to be booed and abandoned by the world.

After returning to the Argentine national team in 1994 to fight for the World Cup, Maradona scored a goal in a surprising way.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

But a few days later, his urine test showed that he was taking a banned substance at the time,

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

With a 15-month suspension on the spot, Maradona's international career came to an abrupt end.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

The following year, Maradona was still reluctant to give up drugs, and was directly detected in a drug test that exceeded the cocaine level, saying goodbye to the professional game once and for all.

In 1996, the controversial Maradona even announced to the world in front of the camera, "I have been, am and will continue to be a drug addict." ”

Fight to the death and do not want to quit drugs.

At the same time, Maradona, like a number of celebrities who are "merciful" everywhere, left behind 5 known children.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

and 6 children suspected but not confirmed,

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times
Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

The history of love can be seen...

And now, with maradona's death, there may be more children popping up, waiting for identification...

His property is also drifting in a rip-off storm...

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

Although drugs and extravagant lifestyles have affected Maradona's reputation, the achievements of the football giant are still undoable.

Maradona's retirement for nearly two decades has been plagued by illness and pain, he once almost died of an overdose of poison, and because of obesity had to undergo gastric bypass surgery.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

He went in and out of the hospital over and over again over the years, but at the same time, he seemed to be starting a new chapter in his life.

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times
Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

In 2017, he told reporters he hadn't taken drugs for 13 years, "it felt great (great)," overturning his predictions.

This is a wake-up call, and it is also the best change.

He has spent his life proving his possibilities, because football achieves, because football is lost,

Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times
Slum legends, ball myths, extravagant and lascivious private lives. Maradona, myth of the times

(Maradona, "Football is the most beautiful gift for me, it's my redemption.") ”)

Diego, now is really going to the sky to play football...

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