
Wuxi real estate status

author:Xixian farmers worked for the second time

Recently, E-House Enterprise Group has counted a inventory map of commercial housing in various counties and urban areas in Jiangsu Province, of which the inventory of commercial housing in Wuxi area is 5.03 million square meters in Wuxi City, 2.92 million square meters in Yixing City, 2.57 million square meters in Jiangyin City, and the inventory of commercial housing in Wuxi City is actually nearly double that of the following two county-level cities, obviously the real estate in Wuxi City is not optimistic, in recent years, Wuxi house prices are more than 3 times higher than five years ago, and Wuxi's industries are mostly based on low-end manufacturing. Among them, the industry dominates the Japanese, South Korean, and Taiwan electronics companies that have attracted investment before, so the wages in Wuxi are generally not high, and the industry directly determines the quality of talent inflow, and these migrant workers simply cannot afford to accept such high housing prices! According to many netizens, Wuxi's Xidong New City, Huishan District, and Economic Development Zone do not have a single light indoors at night, but the lighting of the external atmosphere lights of the real estate is very good! It can be seen that his good intentions are good! It can be seen that Wuxi's economic growth and fiscal revenue in recent years have contributed to real estate!

Wuxi real estate status