
How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

author:Chen Huafeng
How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

"Well, tell us about the summer diet." Elder Wu looked at the notes in his hand and urged me.

"Okay, summer heat is in full swing, the climate is hot. Due to the hot summer heat, it is very easy to hurt people's righteous qi, especially the consumption of jin liquid, so in the process of lesions, there are often critical symptoms such as jin qi consumption injury, or even jin qi want to get rid of. ”

"What kind of diseases do you have in the summer, and how should you treat them?" Zuo Lao, director of the neighborhood committee, asked.

"Summer is hot and humid. Therefore, in addition to the evidence of summer fever, the clinical manifestations are also accompanied by fatigue and fatigue symptoms such as chest prickly, body weight, moss, and pulse dampness.

Summer diet should eat bitter, light, nutritious, easy to digest food, drink more water, eat more fresh vegetables, fresh fruits. ”

"Yes, summer is too hot, I am particularly prone to sweating, appetite is not good, often lazy, can not do anything to lift the strength, sleep quality will decline, is there any way?" 」 Zuo Lao said bitterly.

Seeing that Zuo Lao's summer was very hard, I gave him a few squares and asked him to choose a square to eat every day according to his own taste in the summer.

01 ◎ Five bean peanut soup

50 grams each of black beans, red beans, mung beans, eyebrow beans, white lentils, peanuts, and a little orange peel.

The average amount of the ingredients is the same as the pot, which can be sweet or salty, and the spleen is weak and wet, and the person who is tired and weak can add 1 pig cross-arm. When the heat is irritable, you can add winter melon and lotus leaves.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Where the beans get rid of dampness, five beans are used together, and the five viscera can be adjusted. Add more mung beans to irritable people on fire, add more eyebrow beans for fatigue and fatigue, add more coix seeds to wet and heavy urine, add more black beans to kidney deficiency and waist acid, and can warm the kidneys and absorb qi, but also clear the heat and dispel dampness. Spring and summer heat and humidity, tired limbs, physical exhaustion, sweating and shortness of breath, poor diet, diabetes and prostate patients are the most suitable for this product, but also the first diet recipe in summer.

Indications: Afraid of hot sweating on hot days, cold hands and feet in winter, fatigue and fatigue.

02 ◎ Bitter melon lean broth

150 grams of bitter melon, 60 grams of lean pork, garlic, salt to taste.

Pit the bitter melon into pieces, slice the lean pork, add water to cook the soup, add a little salt and garlic to taste. Drink soup, eat bitter melon, lean pork. 1 ingredient daily.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Bitter melon tastes bitter, cold, and has a hypoglycemic effect. In addition, it can also get rid of evil fever, relieve fatigue, and purify the mind and eyes. The lean pork tastes salty and sweet, while the garlic has a spicy taste. The above 3 flavors are used together, clear but not diarrhea, moist but not greasy, and refreshing and pleasant. This soup is hot, blind and detoxifying, and is a commonly used soup in summer households.

Indications: Upset, thirst quenching.

03 ◎ Head dish winter melon fish tail soup

1 anchovy tail, 300 grams of winter melon, 100 grams of salted kohlrabi, 3 slices of ginger, salt to taste.

1. Remove the scales of the fish tail, wash it with water, dry the fish tail with a cloth, and then thinly wipe a layer of salt; wash and cut the winter melon, scrub the kohlrabi in water, omit the salty taste, and cut into strips.

2. Add salt oil woks, sliced ginger and anchovies. Fry for a while, turn into a casserole and add 6 bowls of water.

3. After boiling, add the winter melon and kohlrabi and simmer until rolling. Drink soup, eat winter melon, fish tail, kohlrabi. 1 ingredient daily.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Indications: Fatigue, drowsiness of the limbs.

04 ◎ Nourishing heart soup

1 pork heart, 10 grams of longan meat, 5 dates (pitted).

1. Wash the pork hearts, remove the fat, cut into small pieces; wash the remaining ingredients.

2. Put the same into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat, simmer for 2 hours, season. Drink soup, eat pork hearts, longan meat, dates. 1 ingredient daily.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Indications: Deficiency of qi and blood, symptoms of palpitations, palpitations, panic, insomnia and dreams, fatigue, not thinking about eating, reddish tongue, pale moss, weak pulse.

05 ◎ Mung bean poria old duck soup

100 grams of mung beans, 40 grams of soil poria, 1 duck, oil and salt to taste.

1. Cut the old duck open and wash, remove the tail and internal organs, and soak the mung beans and wash them.

2. Put the two together with the soil poria in a pot, use 1000 ml of water, cook for about 3 hours, and season. 1 ingredient daily.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Indications: Summer humidity and fever, body heat does not go away, fatigue and fatigue, do not think about eating.

06 ◎ Squash salted egg lean broth

500 grams of squash, 250 grams of lean pork, 2 salted eggs, salt to taste.

1. Shave and wash the melon and cut into slices; wash and slice the lean pork; mash the salted egg and stir well.

2. Bring the melon to a boil over high heat and cook until cooked.

3. After the lean pork is put in, the meat is cooked thoroughly, and then all the salted eggs that have been mashed and stirred are poured down.

4. When pouring salted eggs, stir while pouring and seasoning with salt. Since the salted egg has made the soup salty, it is necessary to try the flavor before falling salt. 1 ingredient daily.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Indications: After summer wet disease, dry mouth and throat, dizziness, fatigue and fatigue.

07 ◎ Heat calming soup

50 grams of lotus seeds, 15 grams of longan meat, 1 pork heart, a little salt.

1. The lotus seeds are patted, and the pig heart is cut open to remove the blood stasis and sliced.

2. Put the three flavors together in the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat, simmer for about half an hour, add a little salt.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Lotus seeds are sweet, astringent, flat, can clear the heart, relieve heat, and appetize. Longan meat tastes sweet and moist, can replenish the heart and spleen, nourish the blood and calm the spirit. Pig hearts are sweet, salty and flat. This soup is hot and relieves troubles, nourishing the heart and calming the mind. In addition to being suitable for the average person to eat, this product has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on the symptoms of summer upset, fever late stage of fatigue, such as restless sleep or sleeplessness, restlessness and sleepiness at night, as well as sperm, drenching, long diarrhea, long leakage, women's collapse and leakage, palpitations, self-sweating and other diseases.

Indications: palpitations, insomnia and dreams, easy to wake up, difficult to fall asleep.

08 ◎ Tonic and appetizer soup

15 grams of astragalus, 15 grams of yam, 200 grams of raw fish, 100 grams of lean pork, 3 jujubes.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Sweating a lot in the summer, so that the body loses water, soda to quench thirst is not beneficial, a large amount of boiling water into the stomach and affect the appetite. Sweating a lot in the summer, if you need to replenish your physical strength, "astragalus stew raw fish" is more suitable.

Astragalus with raw fish, yam, jujube, plus a little pork lean meat with the pot, not only the soup flavor is strong, the effect is also good. It has the effect of replenishing the deficiency and nourishing the qi, and also has the effect of antiperspirant and appetizing.

Indications: sweating, tiredness, not thinking about eating.

"What do you eat when you catch a cold in the summer?" Sister Zheng is very concerned about this problem.

09 ◎ Fish head tofu soup

30 grams of light tempeh, 15 grams of coriander, 1 head of anchovies, 5 pieces of tofu, 30 grams of white onion.

1. Wash and chop the coriander and shallots, and wash the light tempeh and anchovy head.

2. Then fry the head of the anchovy and the tofu in a frying pan, put in the light tempeh, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer for 30 minutes, then add the coriander and green onion, boil for a while, and season. Drink soup and eat fish heads. 1 ingredient daily.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Indications: Body aches, headache without sweat, nasal congestion, itchy throat cough.

10 ◎ Clear heat and dissolve phlegm soup

250 grams of loofah, 50 grams of tofu, 100 grams of lean pork, oil and salt to taste.

1. Wash the loofah and cut into chunks; slice the lean pork; cut the tofu into chunks.

2. Put the same into the pot, add 3 bowls of water, cook for about 1 hour, season. 1 ingredient daily.

How to grow up in the summer of "Classic Diet Therapy" (1)

Indications: fever, cough, yellow and thick sputum, yellow urine.