
It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers


The blind obedience of the group to consciousness drowns the rationality of the individual, and once the individual classifies himself into the group, his otherwise independent rationality will be drowned by the ignorant madness of the group.

- "The Ragged Crowd"

It's really not a paragraph: because a college student's spit caused a group of rice circle fans to attack wildly, and they also called the Academic Affairs Office to force people to expel the college student from the 985 college.

Is it really big in heaven and earth, and the largest rice circle?

On January 12, a college student who had just finished the exam casually said on Weibo: How did you see Yu Shuxin, the daughter of Lao Lai, again?

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

Subsequently, he was quickly "arrested" by Yu Shuxin's fans and publicly executed.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

Fans have been at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, asking for "managing your students".

What's more, she had to call the Registrar's Office to ask for expulsion; she called the law firm where the classmate interned and asked the boss to fire her.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

Rumors, slanders, slanders and other big hats are buckled.

A group of people who do not understand law are questioning a 985 law and politics student:

"Do you understand the Fa?"

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

In December 2019, in a commercial dispute case, the court ruled that Yu Pijie and Liu Jinmei (Yu Shuxin's parents) were listed as dishonest executors, that is, what we call Lao Lai.

In other words, what this classmate said is the truth.

It's just that this truth has stung the sensitive nerves of fans.

In their eyes, "My family loves beans so simple, so kind, so hard, how can there be a stain?" ”

The incident continued to ferment, and in just one day it was on top of the hot search.

At the end of the semester, the science and engineering students of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law had just come out of the examination room, and they were all confused.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

The school public account that has not been updated for nearly 20 days has been hard:

I heard that someone tried to call the Registrar's Office, did you get through?

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

Then 4 lucky melon eaters were selected to send out:

"The Ragged Crowd", "The Way of Speaking", "Fanatics"

and "Take care of your own phone case"

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

The reply of the official micro is even more simple and rude,

Directly hang up a classic quote from "The Ragged Crowd":

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

On the one hand, there is the hysterical madness of fans, and on the other hand, there is the calm and objective irony of colleges and universities.

Standing tall and tall.

The next day, Yu Shuxin's studio issued a statement apologizing.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

But fans responded: It's not your fault.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

It didn't end like that.

Netizens with bright eyes found that on January 12, the Langfang area where Yu Shuxin was located was upgraded to a medium-risk area, and residents of the city were required to quarantine at home for seven days. But Yu Shuxin ran from Langfang to Shanghai in a dignified manner.

Subsequently, he ignored Shanghai's epidemic prevention regulations and ran to Beijing to record a program.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

I would like to know how fans can be rescued this time.

I don't know since when, "young age, impulsiveness, internet violence" has become the label of the rice circle.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

The most famous is the "Xiao Zhan 227 Incident".

Because of the fire of "Chen Qingling", Xiao Zhan has become the bearer of traffic stars.

In February last year, a writer wrote an article about the same humanities, which was published on the AO3 website of the same humanities enthusiasts.

However, it attracted the dissatisfaction of Xiao Zhanjia's fans.

Many writers were reported and banned.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

On February 27, at the behest of Xiao Zhan Studio, Xiao Zhan fans reported Douban, Tieba, B station and even private QQ numbers, attacking and pulling down the village, invincible.

On the same day, Xiao Zhan sent an apology on Weibo.

But fans feel aggrieved for their idols: it's not your fault, we're not wrong, next time we will do it.

On the 29th, the AO3 website was walled.

On March 1, in order to "save" the image of Aidou, fans once again gathered to brush a star of bad reviews for Douban.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

Rubbing the heat of Kobe Bryant's death, brushing "we love xiaozhan" to the first of the Twitter trend.

Xiao Zhan Studio bought a lot of marketing numbers to wash white, crying miserably.

On March 2, fans of the official Weibo account of People's Culture and Entertainment gathered to blow up the number.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

The WeChat public account that discussed the 227 incident was all reported.

On March 3, Ma Weiwei sent a Weibo message asking "Xiao Zhan to apologize and restrain fans" and was scolded.

On March 4, the Shanghai News Comprehensive Channel criticized: "The sense of passers-by of idols is how it was ruined."

Global Network article: "Old, don't know why to fight"

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers
It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

On March 5, the Large Group of Qinghui Pavilion in the Hanfu Circle was affected and forced to disband.

On March 9, Xiao Zhanfan's online depression writer and rumor-mongering SF Express brother deliberately lost Xiao Zhan's express.

On March 11, the Inspection Daily published an article criticizing Xiao Zhan for his "weak sense of responsibility as an idol" and was reported by a large number of fans for "not understanding the law."

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

On March 13, fans stole the admission letter and pretended to be a front-line doctor to stand for Aidou.


It was not until April 27, after Teacher He was pulled into the water, that the heat of the incident subsided.

The media affected during the period include: AO3, Douban, NetEase Cloud, Sina Weibo, Yuwen, WeChat public accounts, etc., and even official media such as People's Daily, Procurator Daily, Sanlian Life Weekly, Global Times, and Cultural Monthly have also fallen.

Or be accused of commenting, or being bombed, or being reported.

In a word: Xiao Zhan fans are united and declare war on all "evil forces" that "may slander Xiao Zhan".

Screenwriter Wang Hailin has spoken out several times calling for a boycott of this culture of assistance.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

Of course, it was also besieged by Xiao Zhan's fans.

Many fans said with tears in their eyes: "My brother is testicleless."

Because of the limited level of education, the innocent "Gu" character cannot be written, and it is written as "no testicles".

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

This group of children mistakenly used the concessions of adults as an excuse for indulgence.

Because of this incident, Xiao Zhan's passers-by were almost ruined.

It really makes people feel the "power of fans".

In modern society, the status of idols and fans has long since undergone earth-shaking changes.

Fans have been able to decide the future of idols.

On March 26, 2007, Yang Lijuan's father committed suicide by jumping into the sea, leaving a suicide note scolding Andy Lau.

The incident caused an uproar.

For the sake of star chasing. Yang Lijuan does not work, does not study, does not socialize. A mind is thrown into the great cause of star chasing.

In order to fulfill their daughter's wishes, the parents sold the house for their daughter to travel to Hong Kong many times.

Yang's father even sold organs to save money for his daughter.

Chasing the stars to the home and destroying people.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

Ten years ago, such a thing might have attracted attention.

But ten years later, people are accustomed to it.

2018 is also known as the first year of idols, this year, "Youth has you", "Creation 101" and other phenomenal star-making variety shows are popular.

The means of capital harvesting the fan economy are clearly put on the table.

Choose 100 trainees and let the audience and fans play the list to decide who will debut.

If you want to brush more tickets, you must buy members, or give your own love beans to the people around you to expand the influence of love beans.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

In the past, when we chased the stars, we just bought peripheral products and went to listen to concerts.

Today's idols, from production to debut, are carried out under the eyes of fans.

Idol data pitching, comment control, and brush sales have become the basic qualities of fans in the rice circle.

Idols have also become the products of the increasingly mature star industry.

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

The so-called personality, the so-called appearance and the so-called personality can be created according to the preferences of fans.

Whether it is Yu Shuxin or Xiao Zhan, they are not only an independent individual, but also a cultural symbol, a banner that unites a group of people with the same aesthetics.

So when their own fans are demonized, they are also powerless to restrain them.

How can a commodity constrain consumers?

It's really not a paragraph, Yu Shuxin fans besieged 985 colleges and universities, schools: a group of rabble-rousers

The market is determined by the buyer, which is the basic principle of the market economy.

Most people's antipathy to the rice circle stems from their childish behavior.

At every turn, they will harass others on the Internet and interfere with other people's freedom of speech at every turn.

I agree with Wang Hailin's advocacy of bringing the assistance organization into the formal management system, of course, star chasing is OK, but please do it under the premise of mutual respect.

Once, when the reporter interviewed Zhang Yixing, he asked: "How do you think of your own songs, and get the first place in the foreign pop music charts." ”

Zhang Yixing smiled and said: "If the data is not brushed, then I am really happy." ”

The national icon of this era.

There are no idols in this era.

Author Li Kan

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