
The Five German Tigers of World War II: Tactical genius abounds, and Manstein is solely supporting the strategic situation

author:Desktop War WarGame
The Five German Tigers of World War II: Tactical genius abounds, and Manstein is solely supporting the strategic situation

(German Troops)

(This article was originally written by Desktop WarGames, and the picture comes from the Internet.) "Desktop War WarGame" focuses on the cultivation of the military field, adheres to originality, and adheres to the original intention. Your guidance is welcome. )

Text: Tabletop War Wargames | Severn

The "Five Tiger Generals" of the Three Kingdoms are always the talk of discussion, always comparing the stronger and weaker, passing through five levels and cutting six generals; Zhang Fei, the enemy of changsakapo who drank back millions of Cao's army; Zhao Yun, who rode the savior seven in and seven out; Huang Zhong, who was brave and brave in the world; and Jin Machao, who was known as the general of the divine mighty heavens. In addition to the most famous Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Han Dynasty, there were also five sons of Cao Wei, namely Zhang Liao, Le Jin, Yu Ban, Zhang Gao, Xu Huang, and the five generals of the Sun clan, Tai Shi Ci, Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, Cheng Pu, and Huang Gai. Of course, these generals of the three countries are very familiar with everyone, from ancient times they like to name the five most powerful generals of a certain country, and of course in modern times, this is also the case, and today Severn will introduce you to the Second World War, Germany's "Five Tiger Generals".

The Five German Tigers of World War II: Tactical genius abounds, and Manstein is solely supporting the strategic situation

("Desert Fox" Erwin Rommel)

Erwin Rommel was a German Field Marshal nicknamed "Desert Fox" and was one of Germany's most outstanding generals. He once recently said: In all offensive battles, psychological factors must be used to create panic among the enemy. Whenever possible, smoke screens must be used to cover the movements of the day, and the troops must move quietly and silently.

The Five German Tigers of World War II: Tactical genius abounds, and Manstein is solely supporting the strategic situation

(Rommel, who was most affirmed and trusted by Hitler)

This way of fighting made Rommel's troops as cunning as foxes, hiding their tracks and attacking the enemy always by surprise. In the battle against France, the Seventh Panzer Division led in the Blitzkrieg was caught off guard by the enemy with a rapid mobile offensive, and after the war, the division was called "Ghost Division".

The Five German Tigers of World War II: Tactical genius abounds, and Manstein is solely supporting the strategic situation

("Armored Monster" Guderian)

Heinz Wilhelm Guderian, a German Army general, the founder of german "blitzkrieg" and known as the "father of blitzkrieg", has said one of his most famous words: Leave our flanks alone, let the enemy worry about their flanks. The first thing we have to do is move forward, forward, and forward! Why are our attacking troops fast rebels? And not a heavy army! The Quick Rebels were lightly armed units with relatively limited firepower. Armored units are also dominated by light armor, and everything is based on speed.

In 1939, Germany began to attack Poland, Guderian began to implement his tactical concept, only took more than 1 month and 1 day to end the Polish campaign, in adapting to the terrain of armored breakthrough, with armored clusters as the fire point, concentrated on attacking a certain point of the enemy's defense line to break through, immediately after the breakthrough to the depth of the enemy rapid attack, continuous strikes make it impossible for the enemy to reorganize and assemble.

The Five German Tigers of World War II: Tactical genius abounds, and Manstein is solely supporting the strategic situation

("Blitzkrieg" Manstein)

German Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, known as the most strategic military strategist after the war, General Guderian once praised him as "the most strategic of us is Manstein". After his defeat in Africa, Rommel also said he would be able to work under Manstein. Almost every battle he planned was a masterpiece, always making the enemy fearful, and as long as he made a little mistake, he would seize the opportunity and plunge into the abyss.

One of Manstein's most famous battles was the famous Manstein Plan, which placed the main German army in the central Ardennes Forest mountains, caused a surprise attack on the French army, passed through southern Belgium and Luxembourg, broke through the Maginot's extended defense line, pointed at the Atlantic coast, divided the whole of France in two, divided the combined Anglo-French forces, and defeated France, the king of the Continent, in only one and a half months.

The Five German Tigers of World War II: Tactical genius abounds, and Manstein is solely supporting the strategic situation

("Undersea Devil" Carl Dönitz)

Karl Dönitz, a German Admiral, former Commander-in-Chief of the Navy and President and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, devoted himself to the study of submarine tactics, vigorously developed the military power under the sea, revived the German submarine force, and when he became the commander of the German submarine force, invented the famous "wolf pack tactic" (that is, the formation of multiple submarines in various detachments, like a wolf pack to launch underwater attacks on local logistics supply lines and heavy ships). Using this tactic, Dönitz succeeded in disrupting allied sea lines of transport and a large number of sea ships.

The Five German Tigers of World War II: Tactical genius abounds, and Manstein is solely supporting the strategic situation

("Lion of Defense" Walter Modell)

Walter Modell, Germany's Field Marshal, was Germany's most low-scorn general in World War II, and was a rising star among all German field marshals, because of his brilliance lies in his strong campaign defense ability, and he was also known as a defense master. Walter Modell once said that if a commander loses his autonomy and is tied to orders, he can only fight a smooth war at best, but he can never win a hard and vicious war. He was called the "savior of the Eastern Front" by the German Fuehrer.

The 9th Panzer Division, which he had commanded, blocked the fierce offensive of the four Soviet armies and prevented the Soviets from cutting off the German lifeline, the Lezhev-Vyazma railway, and after 25 days of fighting, the Germans stopped the Soviets at the cost of only 40,000 casualties, and left the Soviets with 100,000 dead and 235,000 wounded. Since then, Walter Modell's fame has shocked the soviet union.

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