
Chunnuan Guizhou: We will definitely redouble our efforts

author:Bright Net

Li Chun; Little Year.

Small villages along the Wu River;

A community that celebrates the Spring Festival with lights;

A variety of Huimin supermarkets...

On the eve of the Spring Festival, following the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping going to Guizhou to visit and comfort the cadres and masses of all nationalities,

Those warm moments,

Affectionate words,

It stays in people's hearts for a long time.

Chunnuan Guizhou: We will definitely redouble our efforts

Huawu Village is a centralized resettlement site for poverty alleviation and relocation. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ou Dongqu

Risshun, February 3.

In Xinren Miao Township Village, Qianxi County, Bijie City, the rape flowers on the side of the road are quietly blooming, and the cherry trees behind the houses in front of the house are waiting to be released.

"When the general secretary came to my house, we were particularly excited." Zhao Yuxue, a Miao villager, said that the general secretary had read all the way upstairs and downstairs, and also asked in detail about the household's electricity, draft, and economic income.

Zhao Yuxue's family is in a resettlement site for poverty alleviation in the village. The two-story Qianbei folk house, white-walled pavilion windows are very ethnic. On the living room wall, two photographs of the old and new houses are striking. His family used to be in the MawoZhai villagers' group, where there was no road, no water, no electricity for many years.

In 2017, more than 30 poor households, including Zhao Yuxue's family, moved into new houses through poverty alleviation. In May last year, he and his wife went to Fujian to work and earned 48,000 yuan.

"The general secretary wishes us a happier and sweeter life in the future." We will definitely redouble our efforts! He said.

Chunnuan Guizhou: We will definitely redouble our efforts

Miao women make batik in a poverty alleviation workshop in Huawu Village on February 3. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ou Dongqu

In the poverty alleviation workshop of Huawu Village, General Secretary Xi Jinping praised Miao embroidery, which made Yang Wenli, the "embroidery lady" of the Miao ethnic group, excited.

"The general secretary's encouragement is the greatest encouragement for the inheritance of ethnic minority culture." She said.

In order to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, the village organized more than 30 "embroidery girls" to make national costumes, and the monthly guaranteed minimum wage was 1800 yuan.

Yang Wenli said that embroidery and batik are the traditional crafts of the Miao family, and more villagers will be allowed to "find employment at the doorstep" in the future.

Huawu Village was once a deeply impoverished village in the local area, with a poverty incidence rate of more than 60% in 2014.

In recent years, Huawu Village has embarked on a path that combines planting and breeding with eco-tourism, and created a tourist area of "Wujiangyuan Baili Gallery", planting 1400 acres of various fruit forests such as agate red cherries and bee sugar plums.

In 2020, the per capita disposable income of villagers will reach 11,500 yuan.

"Everyone will definitely bear in mind the general secretary's entrustment, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and plan well for rural revitalization." Xu Lei, deputy mayor of Xinren Township, said.

Chunnuan Guizhou: We will definitely redouble our efforts

Guizhou Wujiangyuan Baili Gallery style. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tao Liang

Huawu Village is located at the source of the Wujiang River, an important tributary of the Yangtze River, and the Liuchong River, which flows through it, is the main tributary of the Wujiang River.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the ecological and environmental protection of the Wujiang River, and walked along the river bank to inspect the ecological environment and water quality here, emphasizing the need to keep the two bottom lines of development and ecology." Tu Zhijiang, director of the Guizhou Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center Station, said.

Wujiang is the "mother river" of Guizhou. In recent years, Guizhou has strengthened the prevention and control of phosphorus pollution, comprehensively banned fish farming in cages, implemented the ten-year ban on fishing in the Yangtze River, and promoted the ecological restoration of the Wujiang River. At present, the water quality of the main stream of the Wujiang River has reached the class II standard.

"We will study the ecological environment monitoring work more intensively and provide 'true and complete' monitoring data support for high-quality development." Tu Zhijiang said.

Chunnuan Guizhou: We will definitely redouble our efforts

On February 4, citizens purchased goods at the Guiyang Heli Huimin Fresh Supermarket. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tao Liang

Grain and oil, meat and eggs, fruits and vegetables and other commodities are dazzling, located in Guiyang City, Guanshan Lake District, Heli Huimin Fresh Supermarket ushered in the peak period of purchasing New Year goods.

"On the afternoon of the 4th, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to our supermarket. The price of vegetables is not expensive, whether the price of pork has risen, the general secretary is particularly concerned about the price issue every time he looks at it. Li Dexiang, chairman of Heli Supermarket Group, said, "Our supermarket has 'three whites', Chinese cabbage, white radish, lotus white, and has been implementing the price of 9 cents and 9 cents per kilogram." ”

"Benefiting the People's Fresh" is connected to the dining table at one end and the base at the other, providing the masses with a large number of high-quality and low-cost agricultural products. Up to now, Guiyang Has built a total of 154 Huimin fresh supermarkets, basically achieving full coverage of administrative communities.

Li Dexiang said that he will continue to do a good job in ensuring supply and stable prices during the Spring Festival, and pass the quality and safety of good commodities.

Chunnuan Guizhou: We will definitely redouble our efforts

Guiyang City Guanshanhu District Jinyang Street Jinyuan Community Party Group Service Station. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xu photographed

Jinyang Street Jinyuan Community, which is close to Guanshanhu Park, has a quiet environment, surrounded by green trees and birdsong.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the residents of the community to understand the situation of the community strengthening grass-roots party building and carrying out convenient services." Yuan Qin, general secretary of the Jinyuan Community Party Branch and director of the Residents' Committee, said.

"The general secretary asked me if I was tired or not at work." Recalling the scene at that time, Yuan Qin was deeply impressed, "The general secretary is like a family, caring for us and loving us. ”

If the grassroots is strong, the country is strong, and if the grassroots is safe, the world is safe.

There are 86 party members in jinyuan community, 8 party member volunteer service teams have been set up, and party and mass service stations have been set up. In recent years, the community has built a governance model of "community + property + co-construction unit + volunteer", and created a happy home with "harmony" between the party and the masses, "harmony" in the neighborhood, "harmony" in love, "harmony and beauty" in ecology, and "harmony and shun" in public security.

Yuan Qin reported to the general secretary on how the party member volunteer service team carried out its work in the prevention and control of the epidemic. "Our team will do a better job of serving residents, so that the masses can think of the party organization if they have any difficulties, and feel that living in the community is full of happiness."

Chunnuan Guizhou: We will definitely redouble our efforts

"China's Sky Eye" taken on August 27, 2019. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ou Dongqu

Located in Guizhou Province, the 500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope is currently the world's largest single-aperture radio telescope, known as the "Chinese Sky Eye".

"On the morning of the 5th, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to us and encouraged us to bravely climb the world's scientific and technological peak." Jiang Peng, chief engineer of the "China Tianyan" and researcher of the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that we will take Nan Rendong and other outstanding scientists as an example, do a good job in the long-term planning of the "China Tianyan" post-planning and array telescopes, and strive to make China's astronomical equipment always maintain the world's leading position.

When General Secretary Xi Jinping connected with the representatives of scientific and technological workers in the General Control Office, the "China Sky Eye" was observing the pulsar timing project.

Sun Chun, a measurement and control engineer of "China Tianyan", who introduced the functions of the general control room to the general secretary, said: "The general secretary's concern for scientific and technological workers makes us more motivated, and we must continue to work hard to operate and maintain the 'China Tianyan' and strive for more results." ”

Producers: Zhao Cheng, Li Ziliang

Planners: Huo Xiaoguang, Zhang Xudong

Coordinator: Zhang Xiaosong, Hu Xing, Wang Xuan, Bai Jie

Reporters: Li Ziliang, Hu Xing, Luo Fei, Li Fan, Xiang Dingjie, Qi Jian, Li Qianyu

Visual | Editor: Wang Qiuyun

It is jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency and Guizhou Branch of Xinhua News Agency

Source: Xinhua News Agency