
New formats bring new opportunities

author:Yiqu Wuxi

This "May Day" small long holiday, some people are busy traveling, some people are busy making money. It is understood that with the advent of the digital economy and the Internet era, many small interests or small skills in life, or become the needs of others, can be monetized by finding the right platform. However, in the interview, it was also learned that part-time work also needs to pay attention to authenticity and safety issues, pay attention to rational judgment, and do not lose the wife and fold the army.

Increase energy and generate income, and some people find fun in part-time jobs

New formats bring new opportunities

Gu Shan is an employee of a small company in Liangxi District, working from nine to five, looking safe and decent, in fact, the salary is not high, coupled with the general family situation, it is difficult to make any changes in life by relying only on a fixed salary. As a post-95, Gu Shan's mind is active, and she also has momentum and tenacity in her bones, in order to earn more income every month, she will work in the dessert shop introduced by her friends every week, and at the beginning she only cleaned up the plates to do some basic work. After a year, she has learned a variety of dessert methods and drinking methods, and her salary is also rising. "I want to make more money in my spare time, although I am not highly educated, I am capable." Now when she is busy, she can get about 1500 a month", Gu Shan also said that she now sells some small desserts in the circle of friends and has an additional income, making money makes her feel more motivated to work.

New formats bring new opportunities

Alice, a sophomore at Jiangnan University, studied finance and accounting, but she loves photography very much and often teaches herself on online tutorials. She often finds something to do on the part-time platform, such as taking a half-day photo of others for 200 yuan. Sometimes, she would go to other people's homes to take family portraits or take a group of life documentaries for the elderly, as a gift for birthday, which was very happy. Although the level can not be compared with the photo studio, but there are also retouchings, but also provide on-site service, the cost is relatively low, often have a single can be picked up. To this end, she is equipped with nearly 10,000 yuan of cameras and lenses. In her opinion, many college students have more time, instead of playing mobile phones in the dormitory, it is better to go out to do some part-time work, improve their photography level in practice, but also reduce some of the burdens at home, live a self-sufficient life, a sense of accomplishment.

The digital economy brings new formats, and you can make money with skills

New formats bring new opportunities

Citizen Xiao Liu did several bridal makeup and single jobs during the "May Day" holiday, topping her salary for most of the month, which is one of her small skills. She is a management organization in a non-profit organization, and her income is not high, but she loves this job very much and feels that she can help the vulnerable groups and have a meaningful life. "Bread also needs to have ah," Xiao Liu said, she does some part-time work outside, but also can earn a part of the money, so that the family will not be in her ear every day to change jobs.

New formats bring new opportunities

Now many young people like to play script killing, and Alice also likes it. She has also done script killing companion players and hosts, and the income of three or four hours is about one hundred yuan. These are generally when the group is short of manpower, the shopkeeper will find someone to accompany the game, and after the success of the group, Alice will be given a fee. Sometimes some shopkeepers are too busy to come and invite people who are proficient in the game to be the host and help complete the game. For young people like Alice, there is still money to earn from spending happy hours in the game, which can be said to be a good part-time job.

New formats bring new opportunities

In fact, not only college students, sometimes some middle-aged and elderly people will also have opportunities. Some time ago, there was a well-known voice recording company doing projects in Wuxi. At that time, it was required to find some Wuxi people with authentic dialects to read the same sentence and conduct big data analysis and identification. Sometimes people are asked to translate into Mandarin for a certain dialect, and they can get about 120 yuan in ten minutes. At that time, some elderly people in Wuxi were also involved in such projects.

In recent years, as the state has encouraged flexible employment, it has effectively stimulated market demand. According to the person in charge of Wuxi City, more than 80% of the flexible employment practitioners in the country are young people under the age of 35, and they are expanding from blue-collar to white-collar groups. Flexible employment positions are also more abundant and interesting due to market demand, and there are not only basic service-oriented positions such as shopping guides, pushes, clerks, and waiters on the platform, but also fancy part-time jobs such as APP trial play, homestay experience division, and dialect dubbing division. Positions such as AI robot after-sales, mobile phone software testing, and video editors have no work location requirements and can be completed online.

The market demand is strong, authenticity and safety are important

The increase in some flexible jobs will not only increase the income of young people outside of full-time, but also allow many unemployed and purely flexible workers to find job opportunities. Some disabled people with limited mobility can also increase their income if they can do online mapping work. The part-time person in charge of Doudou said that the current scale of flexible employment in the country is about 200 million people. In just one year, their platform has more than 2 million registered users, more than 20,000 settled enterprises, and more than 800,000 jobs, which shows that both supply and demand sides have demand for such flexible employment.

New formats bring new opportunities

But there are many doorways in part-time jobs. Some netizens broke the news, such as the part-time job of handing out leaflets, and some companies will say that the work is not up to standard, and finally pay the bill. "I haven't had a problem so far," Alice says, and generally needs to judge the sincerity of the other party on your own. Some job seekers also said that there are some creative design positions, and some part-time platforms will steal ideas by means of trial drafts. When encountering this, you can first negotiate to give a little deposit, or feel that it is not right to give up this kind of position.

In addition to the loss of time and creativity, part-time work has to face unfamiliar people and companies, and personal safety is also very important. Alice navigates to see where she is before going to a part-time location. When she arrives at her destination, she will also send a location to her roommate or parent to let others know where they are. Some part-time jobs are to go to the unit to do customer service, help answer the phone, etc., relatively safe. She sometimes talks to the person who placed the order first, whether the other party is reliable, and will reveal some information in the conversation.

The person in charge of Doudou part-time Wuxi City introduced that if it is a regular platform, the settled enterprises have undergone qualification review to ensure the authenticity and safety of the post. Compared with blindly looking for a job through an intermediary, a job search platform with operational qualifications, rich jobs and a wide range of regions is more trusted by today's young people.