
Writing materials with the code: folding plums feng yi envoy, sent to Longtou people

author:Pen pole home

【Example Text】 From "folding plums to meet envoys, sending them to longtou people" to "giving goose feathers to thousands of miles, and valuing them as people", the Chinese nation has had the tradition of "gentlemen's friendship is as light as water" since ancient times. From the very beginning of the founding of the Party, the Chinese Communists, who are determined to achieve the great cause of the Chinese nation, have attached importance to drawing strength from China's excellent traditional culture and advocated a clean and refreshing comradely relationship. In 1921, in the "great" Party program of the Party, it was stipulated: "Anyone who recognizes the Party's program and policies and wishes to become a loyal Party member may be accepted as a Party member and become our comrade after being introduced by a Party member, regardless of gender or nationality." (People's Liberation Army Daily, "Advocating Refreshing Comradely Relations")

【Allusions】 From the Southern and Northern Dynasties Lu Kai's "Gift fan ye poems", folded flowers and sent to longtou people. Gangnam has nothing, talk about giving a branch of spring.

[Interpretation] This means that when you meet an emissary who is going north, you will fold plum blossoms and ask him to bring flowers to you who are in Longtou. Gangnam has no good things to express my feelings, so I will give you a plum blossom of primrose to express the blessings of spring.

【Appreciation】Folding plums to send friends, gifts light and righteous, such an ice-clear jade and pure friendship, has achieved a good story of human exchanges, and "goose feathers give thousands of miles, the weight of their people" can be described as the same work, mirroring each other. In the Middle Chinese dialect, "Qing" originally meant that the water was pure and free of impurities. It is precisely from the "purity" of water that the "purity" of many other things is derived, and the humanistic and socio-political significance of "purity" is derived from the "purity" of natural things. As a result, there are many words that judge personality character and social atmosphere with the word "Qing" as the core, such as poverty, innocence, freshness, purity, purity, etc., which have influenced people's values from ancient times to the present and have become the most precious treasure in the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Communists also have seven passions and six desires, and there are also courtesy exchanges between comrades, but this exchange must be based on a strong party spirit and must be a clean and refreshing comradely relationship. Only by truly taking party spirit as the criterion and party discipline as the rule, and abandoning the utilitarian exchanges of "choosing profits and handing over", the pragmatic exchanges of "choosing power and handing over", and the vulgar exchanges of "choosing the rich and handing over", can we make the cause a long-term success.

【Usage】It is mainly applicable to party class reports and class speech materials, focusing on establishing a correct concept of friendship, educating and guiding party members and cadres to vigorously promote clean and refreshing comradely relations, and creating a good political ecology.