
7 magical animals, such as swans with infinite power, can break people's bones!

author:Cosmic Encyclopedia

Magical animal world

The goat's pupils are rectangular

7 magical animals, such as swans with infinite power, can break people's bones!

The pupil refers to the opening in the middle of the iris, which is the portal through which light enters the eye, also known as the "pupil". It shrinks in bright light and zooms in in low light. The shape of an animal's pupil is determined by the optical properties of the vitreous, the shape and sensitivity of the retina, and the living environment and needs of the species. Most animal pupils are round, but goats' pupils are nearly rectangular in shape when they are enlarged, and most webbed animals have pupils that are approximately rectangular.

The rectangular pupils allow the goats to have a field of vision between 320 and 340 degrees (the human field of vision is between 160 degrees and 210 degrees), which means that they can see almost everything around them without turning their heads. Therefore, animals with rectangular eyes can see more clearly at night because of their larger pupils. During the day, I can better avoid light because my eyes are closed more tightly. Interestingly, octopuses also have rectangular pupils.

The wings of a swan are immense

7 magical animals, such as swans with infinite power, can break people's bones!

If you go to the zoo and see beautiful swans, don't get up to them or pet them out of the blue. Because swans have a particularly strong sense of prevention, they often use their powerful wings to defend themselves in order to protect the cygnets.

The wings of the swan are about 2.75 meters long when they are spread, and the force of flapping the wings is so great that some visitors have had their arms broken. In 2008, a 9-year-old boy in Hangzhou provoked a swan while driving a swan, and one leg was fanned off by the swan's wings.

Fragile hairy poisonous spider

7 magical animals, such as swans with infinite power, can break people's bones!

There is a kind of spider that shatters when touched. This is a hairy poisonous spider, its bones are grown on the outside, like crayfish and crabs, the exoskeleton will regularly fall off and grow new. When the bones fall off, they are in a fragile state, and the foreign objects will shatter when they are touched, and even if they fall from a very low place, they will fall to pieces.

Frogs breathing with skin

7 magical animals, such as swans with infinite power, can break people's bones!

It has a strong camouflage ability and is difficult to spot when lying on a rock. This small frog with big eyes actually has no lungs, and all oxygen is obtained by the skin.

This mysterious frog is the first lungless frog known to science and one of the few lungless amphibian species previously known as salamanders and salamanders.

This frog lives in the cold rapids of the rainforest region of Indonesia's Borneo, which is rich in oxygen. The researchers speculate that the absence of lungs in its body is the result of evolutionary choices to better adapt to its environment — not to float on the surface of the water, but to better sink into the water.

A crawling fish

7 magical animals, such as swans with infinite power, can break people's bones!

Researchers have discovered a new species of fish that "crawls" into cracks in underwater rocks instead of swimming, with movements very similar to those of humans. This fish has also been found by divers in the waters near Indonesia and taken photos. It has brown and peach-colored stripes, a flattened face, eyes looking forward, and leg-like pectoral fins moving between crevices in the seabed, step by step. Because the body is so soft and easy to bend, it can easily navigate through the narrow crevices of coral reefs, which is part of the reason why they have not been noticed in the past.

A sea snail that uses solar energy

7 magical animals, such as swans with infinite power, can break people's bones!

There is an unusual creature off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the United States— the bright green gel-leafed sea snail that photosynthesizes like plants for energy. This sea snail feeds on seaweed in the early stages of its life, but does not fully digest the seaweed, but absorbs the green pigment in it into its own cells. Once they eat seaweed and turn green, they can survive on the energy produced by photosynthesis by water and green pigments in their bodies alone, and survive for months without any food.

The beetles spew out high-temperature venom

7 magical animals, such as swans with infinite power, can break people's bones!

The Bombardier beetle takes its name from its ability to protect itself against predators. It spews out toxic liquids at temperatures of up to 100°C and can enter the surfaces of birds, frogs, rodents or other insects to expel them. The liquid is fatal to insects and small animals, and people who are bitten by beetles also feel very painful.

When it is threatened, it rapidly spews boiling explosive liquid from its abdomen, and its frequency has even reached 70 consecutive eruptions for a short period of time. This toxic liquid is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone, two substances that chemically react in the beetle's body. The mixture comes from a combustion chamber function in the abdomen of the Bombardier Beetle, and the in and out valves of this combustion chamber accurately control the degree of mixing of the mixture.