
10 cars were smashed by car windows and stolen The police quickly solved the case in 5 hours

author:Beiqing Net

At about 7:00 a.m. on February 24, the police of Chongqing Road Police Station in Changchun City received reports from 10 residents that the windows of vehicles parked on the side of the road were smashed, and the contents of the vehicles were overturned, with different degrees of losses; Subsequently, a noodle shop reported that the door lock of its noodle shop was broken and the property in the house was stolen.

10 cars were smashed by car windows and stolen The police quickly solved the case in 5 hours

Due to the large number of victims in this case, the means of committing the crime are simple and crude, and it is during the Lunar New Year, the social impact is bad. Bai Xinyu, director of the Chongqing Road police station, and Zhao Xueli, an instructor, attached great importance to it and immediately set up a special case team to investigate the case. Li Yongqing, deputy director in charge of investigating the case, led police chief Wang Ziyun and police officers Cui Chaobin and Qin Jiawei to quickly carry out the investigation work.

10 cars were smashed by car windows and stolen The police quickly solved the case in 5 hours

The police collected the surveillance video of the scene of the crime, viewed and compared it in detail, and determined the physical characteristics of the criminal suspect at the first time. Subsequently, through visits and information research, the police concluded that the person had started committing the crime since about 00:00 on the 24th, and it was very likely that he had not left.

10 cars were smashed by car windows and stolen The police quickly solved the case in 5 hours

After more than 5 hours of continuous work, the police arrested the suspect at about 12 o'clock on the same day in an Internet café in the jurisdiction. After interrogation, the criminal suspect Wang Mou confessed to the illegal and criminal acts of smashing the windows of 10 cars in a row in the early morning of February 24, 2021 to commit theft and destroy the door lock to steal the noodle shop.

From receiving the alarm to the arrest of the suspect, it took only 5 hours, and the police of the Chongqing Road Police Station responded quickly and timely to solve the case, effectively protected the vital interests of the people and the safety of their property, and made due contributions to maintaining public order and stability in the jurisdiction.

The public security organs remind:

1. To prevent the occurrence of theft of items in the car, the driver and the owner's own sense of prevention is crucial. Only by always tightening the strings of safety precautions can criminals have no way to do anything and no opportunity to take advantage of them. The majority of car owners should improve their awareness of safety precautions and strengthen precautions.

2. The owner of the vehicle should park the vehicle in a parking lot with special supervision and strict security measures, and avoid random parking. After leaving the car, the valuables in the car such as mobile phones, video cameras, cameras, handbags, laptops, etc. should be carried around, and the larger valuables should be transferred or hidden, and should not be exposed to the line of sight, so as to avoid criminals seeing the "money" and causing losses to your property and vehicles. When it is not possible or inconvenient to carry, it is best to leave a person in the car to supervise.

3. If you encounter suspicious situations, please call 110 to call the police immediately.

China Jilin Network Jike APP reporter Cao Yiqun The picture was provided by the police