
Gone are those days of innocence

author:Mengjia's story

"Hey, tell you, I miss him a little bit."

"Huh? Ex-boyfriend"


Girlfriend Xiaomei is my high school classmate, college we are not in the same city, every day on WeChat to chat with her about life to talk about ideals, talk about some of the topics that girls in their twenties will talk about, and as soon as she calls me, the opening statement is almost the above paragraph. Xiaomei's ex-boyfriend Ah Zhe is her junior high school classmate and high school classmate, we are seniors this year, they have been separated for almost two years.

They used to be in our school, called "model couples", almost the entire grade of students know that they are a couple. Her boyfriend Ah Zhe is the president of our school student union, although the study is not good, but it is very moralistic, widely communicated, there is no shortage of fox friends, at that time was the school's "big brother", known as "Zhe Brother". And Xiaomei is recognized as a good student, good at learning, good in character, and is a typical well-behaved girl in the eyes of parents and teachers. It didn't sound like a good match, but they were together in the third year of junior high school.

I asked Xiaomei, junior high school, only fifteen or sixteen years old, why would she like a boy like that?

She said she couldn't understand it either, probably because everyone was too young to understand anything at the time, and liked to see him smile happily at her, and smile with white teeth. He spoke softly to himself, not at all the same as to others. And the clear look in his eyes when he looked at himself. Anyway, it feels like he's just different from others. He will not consider whether he is a good student so called by the teacher, and will not consider whether the gap between him and himself will be too large. In short, I like him from the bottom of my heart.

Because I am still young, I don't understand anything, so I don't think about anything, just simply like someone.

Gone are those days of innocence

Shoot it yourself

Like for a long time, it may become love, Xiaomei said, to high school, we slowly grew up, men and women know more about things, and then feel that he should be love.

Recalling the past, the corners of Xiaomei's mouth will still have a faint smile,

"I still remember that summer, it was very hot, after eating at noon, I went back to my bedroom to prepare for rest, and the classmate next door brought me a piece of watermelon and two ice creams, saying that he gave it to me and let me cool down."

I said, "Well, it sounds like Azzy was pretty good back then." ”

"Yeah, we were really happy at that time, stupid, not thinking about anything, just thinking about how we could be with each other forever."

How far is it forever? Xiaomei and Ah Zhe's forever, stopped in their sixth year.

Gone are those days of innocence

When they broke up, it was a sophomore year, and that day Xiaomei called me and cried for a long time, hysterical, and cried until there was no sound. A few hours later I got a call from her roommate saying she was in the ICU and had alcohol poisoning. I bought a train ticket for the night and rushed to the hospital, looked out the window, looked at her with a tube in her nose, and wanted to curse. At that time, I did not dare to ask them the reason for the breakup, and sent a text message to Ah Zhe to let him hide away in the future. He replied that he would take good care of Xiaomei for me.

It was a long time before I dared to ask her why she broke up. She said that long-distance relationships eventually lost to distance. In the year of college, they were still in touch intermittently, but many times, probably because she had an event tonight, and tomorrow night he had a liquor store and didn't have time to chat with each other. Maybe the school is different, she is a key university, and he is just a general specialty, and they gradually have a distance between them. I still like it in my heart, but I don't have the heat of middle school. The problems discussed during the chat become more and more realistic, the feeling that the future is out of reach, the quarrels have become frequent, and the image in the other person's mind is becoming more and more unbearable. Both of them felt tired together. Therefore, after dividing and merging, I finally decided to break up.

Do you still like him, I asked.

I should still like it, Xiaomei said. We were together as children, and we experienced each other's first two years of junior high school, high school, and college, which should be the best time of our youth. From ignorance to clarity, we've really been through a lot. But why break up? I don't understand.

Gone are those days of innocence

Many breakups don't actually want to understand in the end, and many goodbyes are actually in love. I was just too tired to scar my once simple and beautiful memories, so I could only say goodbye.

At the end of the day, it's not as much love as it was.

When I was young, I only thought about his good, his handsomeness, and his bad smile, and then when I grew up, I had to think about his family, his education, his money, and whether he could give himself a happy and happy life.

Xiaomei said that he and I were not as simple and kind as we were at the beginning, and we couldn't simply like it. Our love has a lot of attachments, it becomes very heavy and heavy, very tired and tired.

Love is simple, very simple, and cannot withstand the pollution of the world. Not so much love, perhaps because love is mixed with a lot of impurities, no longer hot, not enough for two people to hug each other tightly.

Then love it here, leave a fairly innocent memory, and cook wine and tea.

Gone are those days of innocence

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