
Falling in love with Gemini, fun and arguments are always on a par with the planets falling on Gemini Roundup

author:Ning Xiaoxi

Falling in love is an easy and pleasant thing, but it is inevitable to mix some sadness and distress. Because no matter how sweet love is, it is also accompanied by the bitter taste brought by contradictions and disputes, and even people do not have the courage to continue to fall in love. In the zodiac signs, each sign has a reason to love, let's see what it's like to be in love with Gemini!

Falling in love with Gemini, fun and arguments are always on a par with the planets falling on Gemini Roundup

Any planet that falls on Gemini will be endowed with a relaxed and pleasant quality. Gemini can make the falling planets active and elusive, or not serious enough. As a result, Gemini often symbolizes youth and vitality. If Venus or Mars falls into Gemini, such people will fall in love earlier than their peers, and there is a big gap between the age of their lovers and their lovers.

When you fall in love with Gemini, on the one hand, you can feel their jumpy and lively personality, on the other hand, you will feel that their attention is more distracted. So, what is the daily relationship with Gemini like?

Falling in love with Gemini, fun and arguments are always on a par with the planets falling on Gemini Roundup

Communication was fun

People with strong Gemini tendencies usually have a quick mind and are full of curiosity. They are good at collecting and processing information, and they are good at disseminating information in their own way. If this ability is used in feelings, you will find that Gemini is good at communication and communication, and can use limited information to connect a stable atmosphere.

As for Gemini's curiosity, they never lack whimsical ideas, and boring things can be choreographed by Gemini. So falling in love with Gemini, daily getting along will be fun, at least it will not make people feel bored and bored.

Falling in love with Gemini, fun and arguments are always on a par with the planets falling on Gemini Roundup

Can flex and stretch

In the love field, Gemini, dominated by Mercury, is highly elastic and adaptable. They can quickly complete the tasks given to them by their lovers, and they will do them in a variety of ways. Don't look at Gemini cynicism, but they have a lot of ideas, and they belong to the type that is very good at coaxing during love.

For example, if you provoke a lover to be angry, you will have a lot of eyesight, know when to be soft, and know when you can continue to be tough. This kind of love routine with high emotional intelligence as the core can be said to exert the ability to bend to the extreme.

Falling in love with Gemini, fun and arguments are always on a par with the planets falling on Gemini Roundup

Moods are fickle

Falling in love with Gemini is bound to feel the emotions of changing zodiac signs. Don't look at Gemini's often hippie smiles in love, it seems that they have always been happy. But once they are working against each other on what they are passionate about, Gemini will be more domineering than anyone else, even if you are his lover, he will not save face for you. The most intuitive manifestation of conflict is the change of emotion.

In Gemini in love, emotional fickleness is the most obvious trait. They will not only change their emotional state according to their own mood, but also cause emotional ups and downs because of the state of their lovers. The point is that gemini's emotional changes do not represent real joy and anger, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false is the special feature of their emotions, and it is also a place that makes it difficult for lovers to grasp.

Falling in love with Gemini, fun and arguments are always on a par with the planets falling on Gemini Roundup

Lots of noise

From the worst of things, geminis in the love scene are prone to boredom. Because their curiosity will pursue new things, they can't guarantee that they can stay for a long time, and they have always been open to the end result of their feelings. Therefore, for lovers, this frustration of not being able to bind Gemini will undoubtedly brew more and more uneasiness, and contradictions and disputes will increase.

The lively personality of humor and humor cannot hide gemini's firmness in personal stance. Although he is very good at making his lover happy, once they are unhappy, it is also a good hand to make the lover angry. In the face of quarrel, whether to try to reconcile or break up, Gemini can usually take the initiative and then follow their own choices, rather than being dominated by their lovers.

Falling in love with Gemini, fun and arguments are always on a par with the planets falling on Gemini Roundup

Falling in love with Gemini is a lot of fun, but it's not that easy. Because not everyone can read gemini fun, and not everyone can afford their fickleness and strength. It's easy to fall in love with Gemini, but it's hard to stay together all the time, after all, fun and arguments go hand in hand in relationships, so not everyone can control it.