
Vegetarian flavor Chrysanthemum vegetarian sea cucumber


〔Main ingredients and accessories〕

Shiitake mushrooms... 100 g

Soy sauce... 25 g......

Vegetarian ham ... 150 g

Flour... 25 g... flour...⋯ ⋯

Soybean oil skin... 2 pieces of soybean oil skin...

Wet starch...⋯⋯⋯⋯25 g

Ginger powder...⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯5 grams

Sugar... 15 g...⋯ ⋯ ⋯

Green onion... 25 g......

MSG... 1 g of MSG...⋯ ⋯⋯

Pepper...⋯⋯⋯0.5 g

Sesame oil... 500 g sesame oil (approx. 100 g)

Refined salt... 1.5 g...⋯

Cooking method

1. Cut the soybean oil skin into 6 cm long and 3 cm wide strips. Shiitake mushrooms are destemmed and cut into 0.6 cm thick pieces

strip. Vegetarian ham cut into strips 1.5 cm long and 0.6 cm wide. Put the shiitake mushrooms and vegetarian ham in a bowl,

Add sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate 0.5 g, green onion, ginger powder, wet starch 15 g, mix well and sizing.

2. Spread the soybean oil skin on the board, and then place the sizing mushrooms and vegetarian ham evenly on each

On top of the strips of soybean oil, wrap them into sea cucumber-shaped pieces one by one, make a paste with diluted flour, and sort them out one by one

Pinch tightly.

3. Put the wok on high heat, add sesame oil, burn until 70% hot, and put the wrapped vegetarian sea cucumber under the pot piece by piece,

Fry for 2 minutes, remove when golden brown, neatly stack in a bowl, basket and steam for 1 minute on high heat, take out,

Flip into the plate.

4. Pour off the remaining oil in the original wok, put it on high heat, pour 100 grams of water and bring soy sauce to a boil. Use the remainder

Dilute the wet starch, pour 15 grams of sesame oil and push well, pour over a plate and sprinkle with pepper.

Process critical

Fried vegetarian sea cucumber, to be under the pan one by one, high heat frying set, medium heat frying until cooked thoroughly, and then fried to color.

Flavor characteristics

This dish is a Hubei-style vegetarian dish. It is made with shiitake mushrooms as the main ingredient, accompanied by vegetarian ham and soybean oil skin imitation

Sea cucumber-like, first fried and then steamed, and then thinned, into vegetable sea cucumber yellow through brown, god-like real sea cucumber, the shape is forced

Really, refreshing and refreshing.