
Huangshi Party History Figure | Dong Chuncai: Painstakingly and diligently teach the education of everyone editor 丨 Hu Yingyuan | Huangshi release review 丨Long Feng producer 丨 Lv Xuhui produced 丨 Huangshi Daily Rong Media Center

author:Yellowstone release
Huangshi Party History Figure | Dong Chuncai: Painstakingly and diligently teach the education of everyone editor 丨 Hu Yingyuan | Huangshi release review 丨Long Feng producer 丨 Lv Xuhui produced 丨 Huangshi Daily Rong Media Center

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Yellowstone released in conjunction with the Yellowstone City Archives

Specially launched the "Huangshi Party History Figures" column

Let's relive the past 100 years of the Communist Party of China

Tell the story of the yellowstone party history characters

The sixty-seventh issue is available today

Dong Chuncai: Educate everyone diligently and diligently

Huangshi Party History Figure | Dong Chuncai: Painstakingly and diligently teach the education of everyone editor 丨 Hu Yingyuan | Huangshi release review 丨Long Feng producer 丨 Lv Xuhui produced 丨 Huangshi Daily Rong Media Center

Dong Chuncai is a proletarian revolutionary and people's educator in our country. Born in 1905 in the town of Daoshi in the Xisai Mountains. In 1927, after graduating from the Department of Education of Shanghai Guanghua University, he went to The Xiaozhuang Normal School founded by Tao Xingzhi in Nanjing to be responsible for teaching affairs, and actively participated in the educational reform experimental activities proposed by Tao Xingzhi that "life is education, society is school, and teaching is one". Since then, it has formed an indissoluble relationship with the cause of education.

Dong Chuncai studied, explored and experimented with the laws of education science, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of education in New China for sixty years, going through hardships, selfless dedication, and hard work in order to create an education system and system that conforms to China's actual conditions.

In the early days of the founding of New China, a poor and backward China was in ruins waiting to be rebuilt. At that time, the same was true of the country's educational undertakings, with no conditions for running schools, no standardized and systematic teaching materials, and three shortages of teachers.

In 1953, after Dong Chuncai became executive vice minister of the Central Ministry of Education, he felt that the backward educational situation and the problem of not being able to catch up with the development of socialist construction were very serious. Therefore, he quickly studied measures, adopted countermeasures, carried out educational work, and poured a lot of effort and wisdom into the general education and teacher education cause of creating and developing New China.

In August 1954, he published an article entitled "Striving to Cultivate Members of the All-round Development of Socialist Society" in "People's Education", which clearly put forward the educational idea of adhering to the socialist direction of running schools and cultivating students' moral, intellectual and physical all-round development.

Dong Chuncai attaches great importance to the two basic construction of primary and secondary school textbooks and teachers, and he does not attach general importance to education and scientific research work, and attaches importance to the investigation and experiment of linking theory with practice, which is his consistent work style.

In May 1986, Dong Chuncai was entrusted by the former State Education Commission to lead a joint education investigation team to Huangshi to investigate the structural reform of secondary education. Huangshi is the hometown of Dong Chuncai, who has not set foot in the hot land of his hometown for more than 60 years because he was busy with his work since he left Xisaishan at the age of 15 to study in Shanghai. This time, when he saw the great change in his hometown's "old appearance for a new look", he was excited, and immediately wrote a poem "Xisai Mountain": "Xisai Mountain Head Show, Peach Blossom Cave Bottom." Peonies flutter in pastel, and bamboo thickens. Thousands of sails cross the river, and the white willows on the embankment are soft. The vicissitudes have changed dramatically, and Huangshi has been in the middle of the stream. ”

He fully expresses his pure feelings for his hometown. During the investigation work in Huangshi, due to old age and infirmity, overwork caused a recurrence of heart disease. After his condition improved slightly, he still thought about work and thought of "not causing trouble to his hometown." He asked the staff around him to continue to conduct education reform research and not to distract him, and at the same time refused to be cared for by the Huangshi Municipal Government, the Education Commission and other relevant personnel.

When the investigation work was over and he was about to leave Huangshi, the Huangshi Marble Factory, in order to thank him for his concern for the educational inspection of the factory and mining enterprises, gave him a marble tabletop, and he immediately said very seriously: "I did not receive a single gift along the way from Sichuan to Wuhan. ”

In 1990, Dong Chuncai died of illness in Beijing.

Dong Chuncai left a will: do not hold a memorial service, do not say goodbye to the body, and donate the body to Union Hospital and the Antidote of China Medical University as the last dedication to the motherland.

Huangshi Party History Figure | Dong Chuncai: Painstakingly and diligently teach the education of everyone editor 丨 Hu Yingyuan | Huangshi release review 丨Long Feng producer 丨 Lv Xuhui produced 丨 Huangshi Daily Rong Media Center

Yellowstone release was launched simultaneously

"Please Answer 1921" series of questions and answers

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Huangshi Party History Figure | Dong Chuncai: Painstakingly and diligently teach the education of everyone editor 丨 Hu Yingyuan | Huangshi release review 丨Long Feng producer 丨 Lv Xuhui produced 丨 Huangshi Daily Rong Media Center

Please Answer 1921 (67)

67.From the outset, the Five-Year Plan was transformed into a plan for national economic and social development.

A.“ Four-Five-Year Plan

B.“ Fifth Five-Year Plan

C. The Sixth Five-Year Plan

D. The Seventh Five-Year Plan

Planner: Liu Yuanyuan Lv Xuhui

Executive: Hu Ying Long Feng

Anchor: Dongchu anchor group Chen Jingyu

Audio clip: Bingjie Peng

Huangshi Party History Figure | Dong Chuncai: Painstakingly and diligently teach the education of everyone editor 丨 Hu Yingyuan | Huangshi release review 丨Long Feng producer 丨 Lv Xuhui produced 丨 Huangshi Daily Rong Media Center
Huangshi Party History Figure | Dong Chuncai: Painstakingly and diligently teach the education of everyone editor 丨 Hu Yingyuan | Huangshi release review 丨Long Feng producer 丨 Lv Xuhui produced 丨 Huangshi Daily Rong Media Center